I'M GOING TO CHICAGO!:D my aunts are taking me for my 16th birthday. wooooo! i'm so excited. the only bad thing is, is i'll be missing 4 midterms, so i have to somehow make them up..
so, HERES THE PLAN. i have an oath not to like a certain someone. andddddddd another someone that i aalawys end up liking is starting to talk to me agian, so there's gonna be another oath! buttt, there are 2 cute boys i have my eye on;)
: andi cant talk to you anymore becccaa b: whyyyy : cause ur friensd with natalie becccaa b: mikey` becccaa b: !* : im sorry becccaa b: ..are you serious : yes becccaa b: :-( come onn : bye becca signed off at 4:16:15 PM.
..too bad i really care about him, and can't just stop talking to him like he's nothing.
: im getting emancipateted soon becccaa b: what is that : emancipated* becccaa b: what is that stillll : i go to coart for it and i dont live with my mom becccaa b: who do you live iwth becccaa b: then : anyone i want : all i need to do is be able to support myself financially becccaa b: ooh