now that all the tests,quizzes, and projects are over things are a lot calmer. i actually feel sane. too bad the bags under my eyes have yet to disappear :-/
anyway, i registered for classes last monday, a day before everyone else (yay for priority registration!):
FIN 357 Business Finance
MW 2:00- 3:30P UTC 1.102
MAN 337 17-Supply Chain Model/Optimization
MW 3:30- 5:00P CBA 4.330
MIS 333K Computer System Utilization In Business
TTH 9:30-11:00 UTC 1.146
MIS 365 Data Communications & Networking
TTH 11:00-12:30P CBA 4.330
EDP 363 3-Human Sexuality
TTH 12:30- 2:00P SZB 104
yes, i am taking a class about sex. and unlike the sociology class i registered for last spring, this is the real deal. should be fun and i heard it's an easy A. boo for MIS classes.
there is this girl that always comes into the the place where i work and tries to pretend like i'm not there. it doesn't really bother me but i'm writing it in this journal b/c she is the friend of an ex-friend that i know still reads this damn journal. so to the friend of the ex-friend: i don't need to be your best friend to be civil to you. it seems silly and petty for you to come into the office and stand around for anyone besides me to help you. i don't hate you and i think it's sad you would waste your time and energy hating me. so if you ever decide to grow up and act your age, i will be more than ready to smile at you and help you like i help anyone else. i'll even nod your way if i ever see you around campus. i hope you come to your senses soon so i won't waste my time pitying you.
anyway, i met this REALLY handsome guy today. everyone is always talking about him but i was always like whatever b/c i'd never met him in person. but damn he is hot. like really really hot. man-- just sexy. anyway, just goes to show how simple things can make your day.