Details, details

Jul 15, 2005 08:53

Thanks all for your kind words! In response to all of you (OK, both of you) who asked, here are all the details:

How did you propose? Went for a long walk on the beach (no, really), helped "our relationship" come up naturally, said some mushy stuff, produced box containing ring, got down on one knee, and said "cavedwellers, will you marry me?" (Well I didn't actually say cavedwellers. That would be weird.)

Was it a surprise? Let me put it this way: her first answer was "Are you serious?" (Her second answer was yes.)

Did people say stuff? These two southern women came up to us and asked us if they'd seen what they thought they'd seen, congratulated us, demanded to see the ring (and then ooh'ed politely) and told us that a little girl watching us had been clapping.

How did the folks take it? Her mom was thrilled. Her dad is kind of inscrutable but we think he was happy. My dad was happy and, as is his custom, celebrated with us by taking us to a stuffy brunch.
There's kind of a funny story about telling her parents, but I've tried to write it down and I can't get it to work... so now you have something to ask us about, I guess.

Have you set a date? Yes, inasmuch as "next fall" is a date.
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