OK, I'm a Battlestar Galactica nut (this should surprise no one) but sometimes the show makes no sense to me. What exactly happened this week? This is the destiny of Starbuck we've been hearing about, to kill herself because it's her destiny to die and she's ready for it?
I don't buy the idea that Starbuck just lost it and her death was meaningless. We've heard too much about her special destiny, and anyway it's all wrong dramatically. But if her death wasn't meaningless, what was it for? In her hallucinations there was a reference to "the place between life and death." That's the same idea D'Anna was exploring, and it contained "the faces of the final five cylons," which I also don't understand. They built 12 cylon models, but they don't know what 5 of them look like? And why won't they talk about them?
So here we have two things that don't make sense but may be connected. There's no way to avoid asking "is Starbuck one of the final five?" But even if that were true (and I hope it's not because it sounds corny on the surface) it doesn't explain what the final five are or what Starbuck's sudden lemming instinct is all about.