I had such a great vacation =]
Go Carts . Shopping in such a huge mall . Putt Putt . Movies . Mackinaw . My Girls . My Guys . Swimming . Parties . it was all such a blast!!!
xO. Ryan, Jacob & Dustin, you are are absoutaly amazing
Minnesota was so much fun with you three. The parties! Swimming ;)
Getting kicked outta the place, lmao. trying to steal the tree
RUN.. haha, you boys crack me up, DUSTIN ;) ;) keep in touch
i miss you guys!!
Ox. Mackinaw, ARIA. ELYSSA. CAITY! omg, sooo many gts !!
lyss, i'm taking half of it outta ur thingy.. haha.. here
we go.
So when my mom was downtown shoppiing, she saw Jessiica Nehls and then she called and came to my cabiin for the day. =) haha ohh so fun. Thiis kiid was walkiing down the beach and Jessiica was liike "HEY SEXY!HOW OLD ARE YOU? ARE YOU SINGLE?" and then thats all he had to say and then he came over and hung out wiith us allllll day. hahah hiis name iis niick and hes a sweetiie. They ended up all walkiing down to get iice cream,. and ii ended up gettiing a riide because ii was too lazy to walk haha. And then we got iice cream and ii was feeliin a liittle lonely, so my mom deciided that honk && wave would make me feel better. So we drove around town and honked and waved to so many people and they giive the diirtiiest looks lol. And then everytiime we passed a guy, we'd be liike WHATS UP CUTiiE? or HEY SEXY. and iit was so funny because they all got so cocky and they all thought they were the shiit after that. hahah. And then we passed "Green Shiirt Guy" and Jessiica was liike "Hey Cutiie!!" And he smiiled and then they're liike omg omg omg hes so cute. So we went back and triied to fiind hiim, but he wasnt at hiis car, so we made a note that we were goiing to put iin put on top of hiis car, but there was a guy iin there, so they freaked out and then they ran iinto the stores lookiing for hiim and then ii found hiim walkiing back to hiis car, so ii ran after them and told them ii found hiim and they ran out wiith the note and gave iit to hiim and iit saiid "Call us cutiie!" and then iit had our numbers and our screen names.. and when we were driiviing away, he got out of hiis car and yelled out "ii WiiLL!" and then we were liike "WHATS YUR NAME?" and hes like "BRANDON!" but we stiill refer to hiim as "GreenShiirtGuy" haha. And then he ended up calliing us a liittle later. But iin the mean tiime, we went out way far iin the lake and went swiimmiing wiith Niick, haha that was fun. But scary, ii hate fiish. lol.. So then we went back up to the beach and we were all talkiing on our phones and then Andrew and Curtiis came over and they were retarted, so we talked to them for a couple miinutes, but diidnt wanna hang out wiith them anymore. So then we went down to the beach and we yelled "Hey sexy!" to thiis kiid and he diidnt thiink we were talkiing to hiim, so we followed hiim down the beach untiil he turned around and then he thought we were stalkiing hiim, haha. But hiis name was Briian and he was cute and super niice. But we ended up talkiing wiith hiim and Niick for a whiile. And then Briians "twiin" brother came down and started talkiing to us, haha they dont look anythiing liike twiins, but alriight. And nobody beliieved me & my siisters were triiplets. But anyways, we ended up runniing around wiith them all niight. And Matt(Briian's twiin) took off hiis shiirt to show us hiis scars from burniing hiimself as a dare and then hiis fiinger from haviing to get some of iit cut off because of how badly broken iit was because when he was liittle, iit got slammed really bad iin a door liike 5 tiimes and one tiime hiis dad thought a twiig was iin hiis fiinger, so he pulled iit out, but iit was really hiis bone, lmao iit was so nasty. And then we buriied Matt's shiirt iin the sand and then we all left, so we have no iidea where iit iis now lol. And then he stole Caiitlyn's jacket and wouldn't giive iit back, but eventually diid. And then me, Jessiica, && Niick talked for a long tiime. Its so niice talkiing to people you'll never see agaiin because you can tell them all yur secrets lol. And then we got all theiir numbers and then had to go iin
but yeah, over 1200 dollas shopping, fucking awesome :)
i loved it.