[[The Labeling Survey]]
Do you wear black eyeliner? Yep
how much black clothing do you own? some.. not alot..
Do you think about death often? only when i feel really shitty
Do you want to die? actually no.. i like my life.. well at this point..
Are you a social outcast? depends.. but most likely no.
Are you pale? i think? not too tan.. not too light
Do you cut? nadda
Do you like Hot topic? yeah.
[Skater Punk]
Can you skateboard? use to. till i broke the ankle.. never really tried again
how often do you go into Vans? a lot!
What's your sneaker's brand? too many to name
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends alot? When dont i?
Are the long skater hair cuts hot? AHH YEAH
How much do you get in trouble? mostly.. everday
How many piercings do you have? none.. well for right now at least.. maybe going to get the belly button?
How often do you say "like"? not often ne more
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch? not really.. mostly hollister..
Are the A & F models hot? yeah
How many purses do you have? none.. not a purse kinda girl
How often do you wear makeup? everyday
Ever had a manicure? not that i can think of..
Rock music is bad, right? NO!
Are you ever ditzy? yeap
Do you own high heels/stillettos? on occasion
Have you ever said "oh my gawsh"? no.
Are you a cheerleader? hell no. ( sorry to my cheerleading friends )
Are you a vegetarian? no
Do you own a tye dye shirt? yeah
Do you want peace? Yeah
Do you want to save the animals? surely?
Do you wear sunglasses? in the summer
What do you think about war? Stupid!
Have you ever made a peace sign with your fingers? haha sometimes
Are you from the ghetto? no
Do you own any bling bling? i think so
What do you think about dew rags? ahhhh ___________________.. yeah thats all i can say.
Do you like Rap? Yeah....
How about HipHop? Yeapp
Was Tupac really the greatest rapper ever? not in my eyes.. god bless his soul tho.
What do you think about afros? not into them..
Have you ever said "Fo shizzle"? of course.. who hasnt?
How about "Oh snap son"? i say oh snap.. sometimes
Is life a party? yeah
How often do you get drunk? alot.. hah. but im not an alcoholic
Do you care about your grades? yeah.. when i get good grades
Do you need an attitude adjustment? i was told i do
What kind of alcoholic drinks have you ever drank? too many to name
How often do you cry? when i can?
Do you have an ex? yes
Do you have an acoustic guitar? no.. my sister owns an electric tho.
Are you emotional? yeah.
Do you like soft music? yeah
Do people understand you? sadly only a few..
Do you write your own songs?use to.. is that silly?
Is your hair dyed dark? yes.. red
Do you play any sports? yep
How important are they to you? important.. its my way to college.. if i dont have good grades
Do you pick on the geeky kids? nope..maybe one or two?
What do you think about football? Absolutely love it
Are you considered a bully by anyone? most likely
Do you wear glasses? yeah i have a fetish for them
Are you smart? i guess so
Do you use an inhaler? use to..
Do you stick pens and calculators in your shirt pockets? only when i have pockets
Does your mom buy your clothes? chep.
NO one should be labeled ne thing.. because everyone is unique. i jsut did this cuz i was bored. and i stole it from alexa! ahah love ya lex.