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Jun 17, 2010 02:23

Другие записи: День 2010.10.23, Точное время 22:13:00 | Introduction to MIOR | o women | Кризис. Как сегодня найти работу?

I didn't want the other post to go on forever, people can only read so much at one time, but I do want to finish...

Anyway, my main thing is that I am having trouble with people understanding me and why I can't do stuff or why I am doing things the way that I do. I can't control, how loud I speak sometime, I talk to much sometimes and I have a LOT of trouble with interupting people all the time. I can't help it I just do. I don't mean too and sometimes I have no clue that I did it at all. I have problem with my memory and I need to say sertain thing right then or else is it gone forever. That pisses a lot of people off. I aploigize a lot and explain myself, but some people just don't uderstand it. It's upsetting to get lectured at or yelled at for something that you can't help or that you are controling to the best of my ability.  There is the accademic stuff like spelling as you can see, math, and reading. They are all connected basically. I try to explain to teachers why I can't do something , some still give me crap about it, and some are  ok. Thank God for The DRC- disability resorce center. The give me accomidations, and help me with teachers an other school related stuff. If It wasn't for that I wouldn't be in college.  People think that I am just lazy, negitive  or that I am exagerating. Well I am none of those things. I can be lazy like I don't want to walk somewhere, but when I say that can't do it anymore or at all I can't. I hate when people think crap like that. That makes me mad and it hurts. People can be mean even when they aren't trying to be. I know that because I am guilty of doing it myself sadly. Well I think that is it for now. Bye guys!
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