The good. Got a promotion to full time here at the hospital with security!
Yes, with benefits, and all that fun stuffs. This is my official notice, certain family and friends found out about it sooner.
The bad. I work Tues 3rd shift - Sat 3rd shift. Well, that's good because that's 40 hours. But does anyone see the issue? Like, for instance, the fact that I won't be able to work security at Resurrections any more? Yea. This is the bad.
The good. I will be at Resurrections next week, and we are looking for another female bouncer to take my place as we already have two, count'em TWO very capable and hard working loyal, tough, and completely HAWT and TEH SEXEY male bouncers on staff.
The bad. Resurrections next week will be my LAST Resurrections unless a special benefit or concert comes up that they need me at and I can get the time off to do. (this of course may be considered as GOOD news to certain other people, after all, I don't always make friends where I work. Professional, yes. Friendly? Eh, not so much. I believe that
whitestagg has used the description 'cold hearted bitch' in regards to yours truly on more than one working occasion. And more than a few non-working ones.
The good. I am training for the next three weeks to learn all the new alarms, codes, procedures that go along with my job - still security, taking over the night shift switchboard position as well as actually performing other security duties.
The bad. It normally takes one 3 months to get trained, and I have until March, so my training schedule is - bizarre to say the least.
The bad. I can't train in jeans either! Which is all I own, really. So I had to buy some slacks yesterday, for the first time in years.
The good. Found some decent sales, and the slacks apparently look good on me.
The bad. On my way home after shopping and picking up
whitestagg and I got into an accident - a fender bender because the other guy blew a stopsign and nearly side-swiped me. As it was, my front driver's corner and his front passenger corner got real close and personal like. To the tune of going BANG.
The good. No one was killed, both cars could drive away. I was going slow enough, my airbags didn't even blow.
The bad.
whitestagg put out his arm to brace his hit, and apparently wrenched his shoulder, pulling or spraining/straining? muscles. He was out of work last night, and will be again tonight.
The good. The police informed me that the accident was not my fault! But I knew this, and so did several people that actually witnessed the accident. Including my two passengers.
The bad. Spent a few hours in the ER last night with
Whitestagg feeling all kinds of guilt-shakey-and then where. has. my. adrenaline. gone. oh. my. god. I'm. tired. feelings.
The good. Car isn't too messed up, fender is pushed in on the driver's side, hood is slightly buckled, she has some scratches, etc. She's healthier than his car. (and yes, my car is a female!)
The bad. I don't have the money to get it professionally looked at right now to make certain that nothing is wrong under the hood.
PS - oh look, dragon eggs! Where oh where did these come from?