LOST - Season Six, Episode 4

Feb 16, 2010 22:07

Alternate Timeline
OMG.... how is John married to Helen, and has enough of a relationship with his father that they would invite him to the wedding, if he's still in a wheelchair?

How did John end up in a wheelchair if his dad didn't push him out of that window?

The temp interview lady is the psychic that Hugo's dad paid to take away his "curse"...

How/Why is Rose the temp supervisor?

So, Rose still has cancer....

More thoughts on previous episode...

Claire... maybe the psychic simply saw that Claire would get to LA and the lady would refuse to take the baby, and Claire would go into labor and decide that she wanted to keep the baby because of all of that. ??


Original Timeline (On Island)

What is a candidate? -- according to MiB, a candidate for "Protector of the island" / "Jacob's Successor"

WTF was that kid????

Is all the "ash" from Jacob or rather from past "protectors"??? Or else why is ilana taking Jacob's ashes??

ROFLMAO.... the crab crawling on John Locke's dead head... ROFLOL

Who is that kid?? Jacob reborn?? and who is the "him" that he's talking about that MiB can't kill?? Jacob?? Sawyer?? Richard?? Dogan?? Jack??

Is Jack a "candidate"???? -- YES, why isn't Kate's name up there??

Why can Sawyer see the kid?... what is the significance of that??

Is MiB lying when he says he was a "man"?? What happened to change him? Why was he imprisoned/trapped?

Why is MiB "stuck this way" looking like Locke?????

Is MiB "Adam"??? Is Eve the person he loved and lost?? What's with the white and black rocks??? And the scale??

How did Jacob come up with the names (and number) in the cave??

television, lost

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