Title: Piano Teacher Pairing: Inoo/OC Raiting: G.. Summary: Miyuki likes Inoo and he becomes her piano teacher. but what happens when she gets too good? Requested by: isay14
ne, ne, ne~ you just had to put Chii in there, right? good! haha!
and Inoo-chaaan~ I didnt expect him to be with another other than Yabu, but it turned out cool for him! *squeeeal* I'd love to have Inoo-chan's beautiful hands on my ugly hands~ haha
AhhH~~~ You know I really like this story already so I probably shouldn't be commenting but AHHH IT'S SO CUTE ><><><><>< INOOOO~~~ <3<3<3<3<3 But seriously like.. why is Chinen there??? LOOOL It's almost creepy~~~ Ahahaha just kidding~ He's cute too soo~~~ ><>
Comments 25
and Inoo-chaaan~ I didnt expect him to be with another other than Yabu, but it turned out cool for him! *squeeeal* I'd love to have Inoo-chan's beautiful hands on my ugly hands~ haha
otsukaaaareee imouto~
I'm sure you have beautiful hands, neechan~
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oh, no! i swear i do not have hands like whatever you imagine! haha! i abuse my hands like hell in drawing hahaha so it's not pretty at all
could you make a chii fanfic???
Ehh~~~ Well, at least you can draw~!! XDD
Of course~~!! There will be one.... After I do my 238237520384 requests.. XDD
But seriously like.. why is Chinen there??? LOOOL It's almost creepy~~~ Ahahaha just kidding~ He's cute too soo~~~ ><>
Just comment cheeeeeeeeeese~ XD
Because Chinen's amazing and he can't be left out. ;D
Thanks for reading and commenting!
this was cute <3
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Chii popping out of nowhere is funny. XD
And to have pretty Inoo as your tutor . . . /squeals
Chinen's a ninja yo~ XD
With his pretty hands~! >///<;
Thanks for reading and commenting!
gee. Inoo's puripuripretty hands ~
i wish i have one, too. >////<
you're welcome~! (o^^o)
Aahhaha~ I'm sure you doooooooooo~
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