I won't grow up, I don't wanna wear a tie...

Feb 24, 2010 00:02

You know, when I was in writing class in my senior year of college, my professor had a theory. She said that she thought most people fell into two categories as children: Narnia kids or Neverland kids. You could love both, but there was one you wanted to find more than other. You either dug in the back of every closet looking for snow, or you ( Read more... )

forgive the seriousness, fail, random personal info, city life

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*claps!!!* use_theforce_em February 24 2010, 21:59:10 UTC
*hugs* Me too. See, all we need to do is take more frequent road trips. Which actually sounds like it would be lots of fun, now that I think of it.


vulgarweed February 24 2010, 08:03:08 UTC
That's...a really great way of thinking about it.

I was a Narnia kid. I thought the ending of 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," where the kids fell back through the wardrobe and virtually no time had passed--and they were stuck being just normal, powerless, mundane war-refugee children again after having gotten to grow up and have great adventures and be kings and queens--was cruel and horrible.

I don't necessarily think that now, but I sure did at the time. (Although I must admit, if I fell through a wall and found myself a child again, I wouldn't like it one bit. Childhood is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there!)


use_theforce_em February 24 2010, 23:01:27 UTC
See, that was exactly the reason why I wasn't a Narnia kid. My dad read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to me when I was six or so, and I remember being so upset at the end. I just couldn't comprehend why everything had to go back to the way it was. That opinion changed over time, but I think part of me could never quite get over it; I felt sort of betrayed. Luckily, my dad was smart enough to let me know that it they'd get back, so we continued the series.

(Nevermind how confusing it would be to still have all your memories of being an adult while you're stuck as a kid. That's just plain annoying.)


hangingfire February 24 2010, 14:11:27 UTC
Man, I'm sorry you couldn't make it to Kirk's Birthday Party. I'd have gone.

Definitely a Narnia kid, by the way. It's funny, I liked Peter Pan, but it was Narnia that got its hooks into me first, and I really did hide in the back of closets and stuff. I actually moved a whole bunch of old blankets and toys into one that my parents didn't use much and would happily hang out back there for hours.


use_theforce_em February 24 2010, 23:20:56 UTC
This is why we should live less far away from each other. XD Also, the guys who did "Shatner Of The Mount" were performing there. If you haven't seen the vid, you must watch. It is mesmerizing. (That icon. It has never been more appropriate.)

See, that was what our professor said! She was always hanging out in closets and pounding on the back wall. :D I think I might have done the same once or twice, but I gave up when it didn't seem to be working. I was trying to think back to how early Peter Pan got me and realized that my second Halloween costume was Tinkerbell. I even refused to speak in words and made little 'bell' noises all day instead. I think I was about three? And then in the Halloween parade, I found a boy my age who was dressed as Peter and we walked together, holding hands. XD


hangingfire February 24 2010, 23:28:32 UTC
Also why if I could have one superpower, it'd totally be teleportation. That vid made my afternoon! I haven't been so amused by an electropop remix of anything since "They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard".

That is so cute. Both stories. ^_^

I wonder if there's a link between introversion and extraversion in the Narnia-Peter Pan scheme? Or what other factors might come into play.


use_theforce_em February 25 2010, 00:03:56 UTC
Yes! Teleporation. The answer to all of life's problems. Then, instead of struggling to meet in some over-crowded American city, we could all just meet on the French countryside for coffee and croissants. I think my favorite thing about that vid is that Shatner never fails to be the most convincing person in the world. Even when he's bullshitting. Even when his bullshitting is remixed. Also, it had been way too long since I'd seen the "Hobbits" video, so I went back to YouTube for it, and that made my afternoon. XD I need to rewatch that trilogy. (I keep remembering Avatar and then looking at Gollum and going "...no, these effects are still much better.")

That's a very interesting thought. Though, in the end, I wonder if that can pair down even more to the character who you identify with in either of those universes. Like youngcurmudgeon, she was a Neverland kid and she was more quiet, like she said down below. I got the impression that she might have related more to Wendy when we used to talk about it. I was always very firmly identifying with ( ... )


youngcurmudgeon February 24 2010, 15:51:10 UTC
~biiiiiiiiiig huuuuuugs~

I have been thinking about Peter Pan SO MUCH lately. Clearly, this is another instance of you stealing my brain and not giving it back until I've Learned Something. ~shakes fist~ I was totally the quietest Peter Pan kid ever.

In any case, I miss you tons. I'm going to try to come up to visit you once the weather gets better, hopefully -- I'm taking one trip in March already (to see mah sister), so hopefully in April or May?

And since your internets was not working, I give you the two Trek fanvids I sent you a while back that you may have missed, because they are made of SO MUCH ADORABLE OMG. 1. Kirk and Bones do Wicked. 2. The Enterprise is made of so much awesome WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO.


use_theforce_em February 24 2010, 23:37:07 UTC
*massive huuuuuuuugs of ginormousness*

Haha, it's true. I hold your brain on another plane of existence that only I can access, and I only give it back when you earned it. Although, to be fair, I think you were the first person to properly discuss philosophy and Peter Pan with me, so in the end it sort of all cycles back?

I miss you moar. And I still need to come out and see you too! Dueling weekends of visitingness! I'm assuming most of your weekends are the same, so I should just pick one? Unless you get a Monday off at some point, or something. And April or May would be awesome, provided it's not the same point in April that my mom is coming out (which she has nicely been very unspecific about so far). >.< Since no one wants to sleep on a couch with my mom. Ever ( ... )


youngcurmudgeon February 25 2010, 00:03:59 UTC
We get Memorial Day off, so if your mom isn't coming then I should go there/you should come here/something like this should happen!

1. I mostly love that video for a) the awesome bit going into "so if you care to find me, look to the western sky;" b) the AU where Bones is a short chick who terrifies everyone; c) inspiring the crack!vid idea I have where Bones and Spock do "Loathing" about their feelings toward Kirk and each other. 2. I GET SO TEARY AT THAT VIDEO THROUGH LIKE ALL OF IT. The succession of captains and Kirk diving after Sulu and SPOCK LIVING JUST TO FIND EMOTION.

Also, this.


use_theforce_em February 25 2010, 02:09:19 UTC
Right, Memorial Day! One or both must go with.... wait, not a good Shakespeare line to quote just there. >.< Okay, so Memorial for definites. Either me to you or you to me.

1. a) Yes, the end from there is just kind of full of ridiculous win. c) And you MUST get that vid made. Somehow. It would be glorious and it makes perfect sense. 2. YES. With the Uhura cuddling. *cry*

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME. AAAHHHH FLUFFU PINK EOMER. At least there is lots of eye candy afterwards to make up for it, but DAMN YOU, WOMAN.


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