[When Envy sees the video, he pretty much has to sneak past Nurse Joy out of the Pokemon Center--although he does leave a note for Tulio saying that he'll be back--, but he's recovered enough to make the walk to the inn with some support from Chimera and Lucky. He asks the front desk where to find Nanao's room and gets himself on up there, opening the door without knocking. At least he doesn't burst in.]
{You won't see her right away. In fact, you'd be lucky to see anything at all, because in the time it takes for him to escape from the Pokemon Center, the room has been plunged into seeming darkness.}
{But with the light from the hallway, he'll be able to make out a very rumpled bed, and tangled sheets spread all over the floor, making a kind of path that leads to Nanao's crumpled form in the open doorway to the bathroom.}
E-envy? 'sthat you? {Yeah. That slurring speech doesn't sound good. At all.}
Yeah, it's me, I--[Oh. Ohhh that doesn't sound good. Or look good.]
[Why does this always happen to him? More importantly, why hasn't he taught himself how to first-aid yet? He goes over to her quickly, crouching down to see if he can get a better look at her.] What happened?
{When the video clicks back on, Nanao looks very much not okay. The bandages around her head are heavily stained with dried and fresh blood, and she generally looks like death warmed over.}
[ Oh dears. He knows this, all that time in Tartarus when they just couldn't summon another Dia. His voice turns firm, but concerned- the sort of thing to keep someone's attention. ]
{Squeezing her eyes shut, she then forces them open, and stares down at the screen again, and while her voice is wobbly and quiet, she does seem to be responding better.}
Comments 271
[Concerned Ken is concerned. She didn't seem this off in the dream wor...
...oh great, if he remembered it, she probably did too.]
You sound like you've had better days.
Y-yeah, j-just a bit... 's noisy.
{But with the light from the hallway, he'll be able to make out a very rumpled bed, and tangled sheets spread all over the floor, making a kind of path that leads to Nanao's crumpled form in the open doorway to the bathroom.}
E-envy? 'sthat you? {Yeah. That slurring speech doesn't sound good. At all.}
[Why does this always happen to him? More importantly, why hasn't he taught himself how to first-aid yet? He goes over to her quickly, crouching down to see if he can get a better look at her.] What happened?
Nnnngh... I d-don' 'member....
My head hurts, though....
[Doesn't think sound vaguely familiar?]
O-oh. Uhm, I thin' so, 'scept I can' remember... things.
'nd I know tha' they're important, bu' I can'.... {Her slurred speech should indicate that something bad has happened to her, at the very least.}
I feel horrible... {I'd take that as a no.}
Nnnno... E-envy isn't hereee right nowwww... {Yeah, that's right, Envy was the one who saved her/}
You okay?
I don' thin' so....
Alright...stay with me. What's your name?
'm Lieut-tenant Ise Nnnanao.
'nd my head hurts.
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