ooc; headcanon - last update; 05.26.2011

May 08, 2011 12:47

A C A D E M I C S  ☂
  • Although he's a very intelligent student, he's only rank four out of five on the scale of knowledge as seen over here on his character info page. He isn't the top ranked student in the school in terms of marks and Yukiko outsmarts him much more. However, he's still smart enough to do Naoto's Social Link, but number one in a school? Not possible. He's not even in the top five or ten students, but he's still intelligent to get satisfying marks.
    • The reason for this is that because of his hectic schedule, his studies have suffered. Although he's good at scheduling things, he just can't get all the studying he needs. 
    • Also, half of the time in class, he has slept through it  due to staying up late to finish his homework and studies after a long hard day of work or exploring inside the TV World.
  • Souji has a good knowledge about mythology ever since he has came to Inaba. He has known a bit about it, but it isn't until after he gains a Persona that he has started to research on them. With what Margret has told him and from the extra reading he has done in his spare time, he knows the subject pretty well. One of his hobbies when alone is to read more books on them, so he knows a bit information on the mythological creatures that he has not have as a Persona, though mainly he knows much more for the Personae he has had.
  • His strong points in studies is languages, but he's not hardass about grammar or anything unless it's on a paper. He speaks very casually and normally grammatically incorrect. It's only when he's typing up his work or teaching someone is when he's hard about it.
  • Souji is just rubbish at Chemistry. Completely rubbish. He gets those very basics, but he doesn't really quite know how to do those more advance ones. At the very least, he knows which chemicals not to mix so he will not be exploding or killing someone. For Physics and Biology, he's much better. Just...Chemistry...He's horrible at it.

B I  R T H D A Y ☂ Z O D I A C S
  • His birthday falls upon March 20th, 1994. The reason for this is because it's the first day of Spring and like his trip to Inaba, it means new beginnings. While things regrow in Spring, the same with Souji as he has turned out differently than he has been back in the city.
    • His Zodiac is the Pisces. The description of a Pisces is that they're born with many talents and can be very good listeners, giving excellent advice. They're extremely giving and charitable, always winning to lend a hand to a friend/loved-one. 
    • For the Chinese zodiac, he falls under the year 1994 which is the year of the dog. Dogs are "honest, intelligent, straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amicable, unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, sensitive, easy going. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome." While he fits the positive section, he doesn't fit as much of the negative. He is stubborn (especially about work) and can be a worrier, he doesn't fit the other qualities. However, he has been a huge pessimistic before Inaba, but he has shed away from that.
    • For the Dog's element, he falls under the Wood Dog. Again, this ties in back with Souji's birthday of being the first day of Spring, being the symbol of it. Wood Dogs are also know to be very patient which he is as well.

L I K E S ☂ D I S L I K E S
  • Souji just adores cats and kittens. He has often fed the strays that loitered outside Dojima's house or down by the ravine. He will probably get one when he ever moves out on his own, or continue to feed strays that he finds.
    • Due to feeding those stray cats outside Dojima's house, quite a number of them have gathered. He has actually sneaked about two into the house and has kept them in his room. He has found homes for most of those cats before leaving Inaba, mainly to all those NPCs running around.
  • He adores his maxed out S. Link Personae. His whole rooster is pretty much them because it does remind him of all the times they went through and it's just a good feeling. Needless to say he's down when he doesn't have his Personae with him here, not that he'll use them to fight but always having them is nice. He has started to name most of his Pokemon after them in return, though with the large number of different Pokemon he has, he is starting to name them after other Personae that aren't maxed out ones.
  • His favourite food is fried rice, so he has been somewhat happy to see that his first night at the Dojima's home has had some leftover fried rice in the fridge.
    • He also really enjoys fried tofu and fried tofu noodles.
  • He hasn't really taken a liking to coffee, thinking it's too bitter for him. However, after drinking a bit with Dojima and heavily in Johto, he drinks it regularly.
    • He likes his coffee with milk, but sometime switches it up with drinking it black, with sugar, or milk and sugar.
  • He likes making those gundam model figures if he has the time or money.
  • He...actually kinda enjoys reading Magical Witch Detective. It's not like his favourite thing but it's not also something he hates. He admits, it's pretty girly, but the drawings are nice and it's kinda interesting. He only owns the first volume though and he hides it in the case that has used to belong to his dictionary. He does not need someone finding that and making fun of him for it. Why, Daisuke, why?
  • He doesn't really enjoy books like these.

H A B I T S ☂ H O B B I E S
  • He can roll his shoulders or wrists around in habit when he's tired. Those are normally his tension points and where they ache the most on busy days.
  • When he's lying or uncomfortable, he will fiddle with whatever he has in his hands or if he has nothing in his hands, he will fiddle with the belt loops on his pants or just something. If he has a cellphone in his hands, he will run his thumb over the keypad or continue to flip it around. With a cup of coffee, he will twirl it around. He sometimes doesn't make eye contact and pauses before he answers.
  • He can be a bit of a blanket hog at times which makes it a bit hard to sleep with him in the same bed.
    • He also sleeps mainly on his side, facing the edge of the bed.
    • He likes sleeping in the middle of the bed.
  • He reads books that he has bought from the local bookstore in Inaba or read up on mythology.

S T R E N G T H S  ☂ W E A K N E S S E S
    • Is good at listening and offering advice
    • Can stay calm in hectic situations
    • Can work on tight schedules
    • Get the work needed done
    • Always there to back someone up
    • Very patient
    • Kindhearted
    • Good at languages
    • Is stubborn about getting work done
    • Feels as if he needs to take all the burdens on his shoulders
    • Doesn't speak about his problems or expresses himself
    • Feels like he needs to keep up the leader, senpai, sensei, and partner image
    • Worries about what having a million Personas mean
    • Eats lots of weird things with bad side-effects
    • Does some pretty dumb things like eating berries...
    • Sucks at chemistry and art

F A M I L Y ☂ C H I L D H O O D
  • Was born in Shinjiuku, Tokyo of Japan
    • A city where a lot of companies have their offices there and one of them which is where both of his parents have worked at
  • While he's on a good relationship with his parents, he cannot help but hold a sort of resentment towards them for always having him move around and leaving him alone.
  • His father's name is Akira while his mother's is Haruka, both meaning distant* not set in stone
  • Souji's parents has thought they can handle a child and start a family, but in the end, they have really just been the kind of people too busy for one.

F U T U R E ☂ P L A N S
  • He has been thinking about going into the business profession like his parents in the past but after his visit to Inaba, he has decided to go into the teaching profession.
    • This has been influenced when he has been tutoring Shu where he has discovered that he's good at teaching things and by translating different papers that has made him choose to go into teaching English.
  • He is pondering upon the idea of moving back to Inaba after he finishes university in the city and teach at one of the schools there.

M I C S ☂ F A C T S
  • In his left breast pocket of his dress shirt, he carries his glasses from the times inside the TV. He still carries it to this very day, just something he has kept as a memento. He sometime places them on to calm himself down such as during the Halloween event here in Route. He also puts them on when there's a foggy day, but inside his room. He looks out his window with them just to make sure that this is just normal fog.
  • Although he might not admit it, he has attempted to place his hand into a TV while a food advertisement has been playing. He hasn't really been knowing what to expect, like maybe he will grab the burger there, but sadly to say, it hasn't worked.
  • Souji doesn't really own any video games nor plays them. He has always been the one more to read or watch something instead of play. If he is invited to an arcade or if a friend brings over a game to play, he will not turn down the offer since they are fun. However, he never buys a video game for himself thus he has doesn't have a great knowledge of Pokemon. The most he has known is that it exists, kids love it, and a Pikachu is that adorable little yellow thing that he might have had a keychain of it before...
  • Despite moving for most of his life, he has actually never really left Japan. He has just been moving to cities to cities. In some, he stays for longer than a year than others. He does want to visit other countries and hopes to do so one day.
  • He smells like the mountain rain scented shampoo/body washes that he uses.
  • His hands are rough from nearly a year of using a sword with his bare hands and from janitor work. They're getting better slowly, but working at the breeding centre and trying to patch it up is not helping.
  • He's not that flexible. He can just barely touch his toes.
  • He can play the trumpet, though he's not the best with it. He knows the basics and enough to keep up with others, but not good enough for solos.

S E X U A L  ☂ R O M A N C E
  • He doesn't really have much porn nor does he have his little private time a lot. He has maybe about two-three magazines around hidden, but nothing more. Nowadays, he hasn't been really doing anything with it though nor the porn online. In middle school, yeah, a lot more, but now, rarely.
  • Unlike to some belief, Souji's a virgin. He has never really gone on a romantic route with anyone due to his time before Inaba being Mr. Lonely Pants and in Inaba, he has gone friend-route with everyone. So, he has never really dated anyone or anything past that.
  • He isn't too sure if he's straight, gay, bi, etc. While he thinks he likes girls, he can sometimes finding himself thinking about guys just the same way. He doesn't want to focus too much on this and just goes with the flow. If he falls in love with someone, then that's that no matter the race, gender, age, etc.
  •  When he has been younger, he has had this one crush on a girl back in the third grade. The two of them have gotten along very well, but a few months later, Souji has moved away.
  • He's a bit of a helpless romantic...

Last update: 05/26/2011

Ask any questions concerning about my headcanon/want to know more/know something now listed here, and I'll try to answer them the best I can! /o/ ~♥


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