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Jul 01, 2010 17:21

| Kiss Pokemon | Ice/Psychic | Bold Nature | Highly curious
Level: 6 | EXP: 12 | Lv-Ups This Week: 0
Ability: Forewarn (Determines what moves the foe has.)
Moves: Pound, Lick
Description: Uzume is extremely affectionate towards nearly everyone. She's more than willing to start feeling out anyone she meets with kisses, and though she should know Issei pretty well by now, she hasn't stopped doing it to him...

LEDYBA (Hiruko)
| Five Star Pokemon | Bug/Flying | Lonely Nature | Good perseverance
Level: 6 | EXP: 9 | Lv-Ups This Week: 2
Ability: Early Bird (The Pokémon awakens quickly from sleep.)
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic
Description: Hiruko tends to go off by himself. He reacts with a bit of confusion when Issei gives him berries or things like that, but he warms up fairly quickly. He's fiercely loyal and can't stand being charmed into aiding and abetting the enemy.

MAGIKARP (Suitengu)
| Fish Pokemon | Water | Docile Nature | Likes to relax
Level: 7 | EXP: 21 | Lv-Ups This Week: 2
Ability: Swift Swim (Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in rain.)
Moves: Splash
Description: Suitengu will go along with whatever Issei suggests. Left to his own devices, he's content floating about in the nearest body of water, occasionally splashing for kicks. He's okay with battling, though.

Location: Route 30
Day: 6 (Wednesday, July 14)

Extremely close friend
Good friend
Someone disliked

But are you capable of fending off weird mutated monsters who attack you out of nowhere by yourself?

Kaito, Kaito, Kaito. When it's pouring rain and you're being molested by your own Pokemon, the last thing you want is someone to try and cheer you up by being lighthearted about everything. Issei wishes he would take things way more seriously, and worries about his safety like he would any friend.


Dr. Hal Emmerich "Otacon"
Yeah. You seem like a smart, resourceful kid. I'm sure you can manage as long as you're careful.

Aaaaah an adult complimented him aaaaaaah! *A* Issei is absolutely thrilled to meet Otacon. He's an adult, he's a doctor, and he's kind and caring and eeeee. They have different moral codes, with Issei's more focused on his loved ones, but he worries over the doctor and wishes him all the best.


Uh - yeah, sure. It's kinda boring in here, but it's dry, so there's that.

Awkward friends~ Neku seems to appreciate Issei's occasional jokes. He's a veteran of waking up in strange places, and he's trying to be nice. (He told him not to drown. It's certainly a start.) Issei enjoyed seeing him in person, even if their conversation was somewhat stilted and... well, awkward.


Trunks Briefs
Probably will lead us to whoever 'they' are. If you look at it in a different perspective, it's not such a bad place.

Trunks seems a bit awkward too, which is endearing. He's never met a monk before, apparently combat is his thing. He offered to come along with Issei on his journey - definitely a plus, and Issei appreciates the offer. It would have been nice to have someone there to talk to... Still, it's better that he stays dry.


Oh, no... It's alright. I shouldn't have been such a bother. I'm sorry.

Melfina confuses him to no end. For one thing, she is ridiculously concerned for his welfare and the welfare of his Pokemonn even when he had demonstrated that he really did not like her very much. Issei is naturally disposed against her, but it's becoming apparent that there really isn't much to hate in her so far.


Dr. Franken Stein
I teach all sorts of things. About souls, resonating, general martial arts if they need it... That sort of thing.

Issei's first instinct it to look to Stein for guidance. He's an adult, he's a doctor, and he's a teacher. Issei is used to taking orders from all three of those. On the other hand, he doesn't seem to be very worried about Issei's welfare. Issei isn't even sure he wants that to change, what with how weird Stein is. (Bolt through his head, anyone?)


Akira Iyuin
Oh no! I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. How rude of me!

Finally, someone he can like wholeheartedly. Akira is polite, kind, concerned for others... Pretty much what Issei wants to be like, although he doesn't want to look that girly. They chatted in Issei's introduction on the finer points of cruelty to Pokemon and storage spaces, then discussed Johto in general and the (ridiculously poor) weather.


Kirsten Larson
I'm not sure who's behind all this, but they seem at least to be organized. It's a little scary, but the only thing to do is not lose heart, right?

Um, well. Kirsten is a young girl, first of all, which means Issei's feelings are mixed. He likes kids, but she's a girl. So he thinks that maybe she's not too bad. She seems to be mature and reasonable, from their conversation. She's... nice.


Johan Andersen
Well, they gave me a reason when I accidentally got this but my friends are back in Violet and I wanted to get back to them. That's... going to have to be put on hold for a little though.

Johan seems energetic, enthusiastic, and upbeat. Issei can appreciate all of those qualities in a friend, even if it means he's going to be worried sick about him in the future. He seems kind of kidlike - climbing up trees, :O-ing at Issei being a monk...


Kay Faraday
Thanks! But I'm not going to need luck!

Issei first met Kay when she was wearing nothing but a towel. Needless to say this caused an internal keyboard smash, and he'll probably remember it at inappropriate times and need to calm himself. Kay herself is an odd one. She willingly admitted to being a thief, which Issei does not approve of. Whatsoever. He's willing to help her out if it means helping those he does like, though.


Last Update: July 10

-- 1 change of clothes.
-- 3 changes of undergarments
-- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap
-- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
-- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
-- clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves
-- bento lunch from mom + trail mix (eaten)
-- Trainer Handbook
-- 1 sleeping bag
-- 1 PokéGear
-- 5 Potions
-- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
-- 1 Escape Rope
-- 5 PokéBalls 4 PokéBalls (used one on Ledyba)
-- Food worth P1000
-- P3000 P2000 (bought P1000 of food in Cherrygrove)


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