Name: Trouble
Livejournal Username:
AIM/MSN: Trouble fire cat
Timezone: Pacific
Current Characters in Route: N/A
Name: Kudo Shinichi
Series: Detective Conan
Timeline: After Chapter 752
Canon Resource Links: Trainer (DP Gambler/PI Costume)
Personality: Shinichi has always been highly intelligent, inquisitive and observant, even at a young age. It really is no surprise that he’s such an avid mystery otaku, and not just because his father happens to be a mystery writer, as he’s always enjoyed a good puzzle. He’s also pretty arrogant, being very much aware of his intelligence and natural skill in no small part thanks to the fame he’d already accumulated as a teenage detective. This arrogance was shaken rather thoroughly by the incident that turned him into Conan, but he still seems to look down on people who don’t move as quickly as he does mentally sometimes and gets annoyed when the police don’t seem to be able to put together the clues Conan leads them to. This is part of the reason he invented “Sleeping Kogoro” aside from the fact that he just can’t keep his nose out of a mystery to begin with even when he should be lying low. He used to not think much about the risks of the job, but coming dangerously close to getting killed and only surviving through sheer luck has fixed this problem.
He’s very analytical and a quick thinker, which are necessary for his work, he’s also very calm and collected most of the time, especially in a crisis. He rarely if ever panics unless the situation is really dire. Even then he’s pretty good at keeping on task to solve the crisis. However, he also has a tendency to over think things at times and is a bit of a perfectionist. Part of the reason why he keeps missing opportunities to confess his feelings to Ran during the rare times he’s able to return to normal in canon is because he’s always looking for the “perfect moment” to tell her, and goes to great lengths to set that moment up (a prime example would be the time he took her to the restaurant where his father purposed to his mother and getting the exact same table they were sitting at that day), only for something to happen before he can spit it out (that one was interrupted because yet another murder decided to happen and he ran off to solve it, then the antidote wore off before he could go back).
While Shinichi is a lot like his dad, he takes after his mom a bit too. He has a flair for the dramatic that can clearly be seen in the way he goes about unveiling the killer and explaining how and why they committed the crime in front of the police and all the suspects. He's not a very good actor though, or at least he doesn't know how to act like a normal small child and tends to lay the cute act on a little too thick. This hasn’t stopped him from fooling most people, but it’s mainly because the people around him tend to take his apparent age at face value, which is why most people who see him behaving more like his real self tend to think he’s just a really smart and mature kid and don’t suspect his real age.
Most of all, aside from the fact that he found solving murders exciting and still does on some level, he also has developed a certain sense of duty about it. Being a detective is a job he takes very seriously and no matter what the case is or how dangerous the situation may be he will go to any lengths to solve it and put the right person behind bars. He has a strong sense of justice, which doesn’t necessarily coincide with the law, as he’s well aware that laws aren’t always just, and also doesn’t see anything wrong with breaking minor laws, such as breaking and entering, to achieve the required results. However he can be a little black and white when it comes to killing people. All the death he’s encountered over the years has pretty much made it so there is no excuse in his mind for purposely taking someone else’s life. This does not mean he can’t feel bad about the circumstances if it’s particularly tragic but he’ll never really sympathize with them and it won’t stop him from putting them in jail. He really just doesn’t understand why anyone would think someone should deserve to die or why the killer couldn’t have found a different way to deal with the problem.
Oh yeah, He also has soft spot for animals, which should be interesting in this sort of setting.
Genius Level Intellect
Finely honed observational skills
Higher than average reflexes due to years playing soccer
Strong sense of justice
Not afraid to bend laws when necessary
Black and white morality when it comes to killing
Almost no sense of self preservation (Going after dangerous criminals on his own, particularly when he was knee high to an ant)
Lousy acting skills
Control issues
Starter: a Growlithe he'll probably end up naming Doyle. Doyle is earnest and eager and highly intelligent with a very good sense of smell. He will love all over his trainer, but he'll be attentive when Shinichi needs him to track things for him.
Password: French Toast
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample:
[The Pokegear turns on just as Shinichi is being assaulted by his new Growlithe.] Oi! Stop that will you! I'm busy right now!
[The camera wobbles around for a few seconds before Shinichi finally manages to push the dog pokemon off of him. He wipes the doggy drool off of his face and grins sheepishly at the camera.]
Ah, hello out there! I don't know if anyone here has heard of me, but I'm Kudo Shinichi, a detective. I... have the basics of what's going on from this manual I was given, but I could use a bit more information on this situation if anyone doesn't mind sharing. If anyone's been trying to find a way home, that would be nice.
Third Person Sample: Shinichi... yes it was definitely Shinichi right now, not Conan, was a bit confused as to what exactly was going on. He tried to go over the last thing he remembered before waking up here to figure out if anything had been odd about it. The last thing he remembered was going to bed last night in his room at the Mouri Detective Agency. Did that mean he'd been kidnapped again? That would make sense except... why was he in his real body?
It wasn't like he minded being his real age again. In fact it was great. He just wished he knew the how and why. Haibara had been working on the cure for the apotoxin, but she hadn't had much luck other than temporary cures that last a few hours or so. He couldn't imagine how it was possible for someone else to have done it. He'd think it was the Black Org, but this didn't seem like their style at all. This was all too outlandish and nonsensical. He was already beginning to suspect some form of VR simulation, though other than the music he swore he could hear in the background, the odd behavior of some of the natives, like Professor Oak, and the fact that pokemon were apparently real here, it felt a lot more realistic than the last time he found himself in a VR.
Speaking of outlandish and nonsensical, it was about that point that he was reminded of his current companion by the sound of barking. Shinichi looked up from where he was sitting but was too late to stop himself from being jumped on by an overenthusiastic Growlithe, who started licking his face again.
“Oi! Stop that!” Shinichi complained, trying to shove the dog pokemon off of him. “Now what do you want? I'm trying to think here!”
It took a little persuading, but he did manage to push him off successfully. After that, having successfully gotten his trainer's attention, the dog pokemon stared up at him, whinning. Shinichi recognized that particular whine.
He sighed. “Alright. Let's go get you something to eat.” Maybe he could use a break. Now that he thought about it, he was a bit hungry too.