trainer stats

Aug 30, 2010 13:47

Takeru Takaishi
Age 11. Trainer.


Meganium ♂ 100

abilities: tackle, growl, razor leaf, sweet scent, poison powder, vine whip, sleep powder, magical leaf, solarbeam, petal dance, synthesis, natural gift

Rapidash ♂ 92

abilities: tackle, tail whip, ember, stomp, agility, fire spin, fire blast, flamethrower, take down, horn attack, flare blitz, fury attack, inferno

Jolteon ♂ 90

abilities: tackle, sand attack, tail whip, scratch, quick attack, growl, double kick, pin missile, thundershock, thunderbolt, thunder wave, thunder, thunder fang

Gallade ♂ 67

abilities: growl, confusion, double team, teleport, lucky chant, magical leaf, fury cutter, slash, heal pulse, swords dance

Fearow ♂ 89

abilities: peck, growl, leer, fury attack, pursuit, aerial ace, gust, whirlwind, steel wing, drill peck, wing attack

Froslass ♀ 64

abilities: leer, powder snow, double team, bite, icy wind, ominous wind, confuse ray, astonish, ice shard, hail, wake-up slap

Yanmega ♂ 73

abilities: tackle, foresight, quick attack, double team, sonicboom, detect, supersonic, pursuit, ancient power, feint, slash

Aerodactyl ♂ 55

abilities: ice fang, fire fang, thunder fang, wing attack, supersonic, bite, scary face, roar, agility, ancient power

Lapras ♀ 58

abilities: sing, growl, water gun, mist, confuse ray, ice shard, body slam, ice beam, brine, safeguard, rain dance, perish song

Kingdra ♀ 65

abilities: bubble, smokescreen, leer, water gun, bubblebeam, twister, focus energy, agility, brine, hydro pump, dragon rage

Poliwhirl ♀ 86

abilities: bubble, water sport, hypnosis, water gun, double slap, rain dance, body slam, bubblebeam, mud shot, belly drum, hydro pump, mud bomb, hydro pump

Ninetales ♀ 72

abilities: ember, tail whip, roar, quick attack, fire spin, flamethrower, flame burst, confuse ray, imprison, safeguard, will-o-wisp

Flygon ♂ 60

abilities: bite, sand attack, faint attack, earth power, bulldoze, mud slide, screech, sand tomb, bide, mud-slap, dragon tail, sandstorm

Serperior ♀ 58

abilities: tackle, leer, vine whip, wrap, leaf tornado, growth, leech seed, mega drain, slam, leaf blade, coil

Zebstrika ♂ 52

abilities: quick attack, tail whip, charge, thunder wave, shock wave, stomp, discharge, spark, flame charge

Samurott ♂ 50

abilities: tackle, tail whip, water gun, slash, aqua jet, water sport, focus energy, water pulse, fury cutter, razor shell, revenge

Emolga ♂ 28

abilities: thundershock, quick attack, tail whip, charge, spark, shock wave, electro ball, pursuit, double team

Espeon ♀ 35

abilities: helping hand, tail whip, tackle, sand attack, growl, confusion, psybeam, swift, future sight

Escavalier ♂ 48

abilities: peck, leer, quick guard, twineedle, fury attack, headbutt, false swipe, bug buzz, slash

Teddiursa ♂ 23

abilities: covet, scratch, leer, lick, fake tears, fury swipes, faint attack, sweet scent

Cleffa ♀ 9

abilities: pound, charm, encore, sing

Feraligatr (Noodle | noodlegoggles) ♀ 100

abilities: scratch, water gun, rage, bite, scary face, ice fang, flail, agility, crunch, chip away, slash, thrash, aqua tail, superpower, hydro pump

Scraggy (Sentai | noodlegoggles) ♀ 23

abilities: leer, low kick, ember, sand attack, faint attack, headbutt, swagger, brick break, payback

Gloom (Mimi | noodlegoggles) ♀ 100

abilities: absorb, sweet scent, acid, poisonpowder, stun spore, sleep powder, mega drain, lucky chant, natural gift, moonlight, giga drain, petal dance

Tauros (Pretz | noodlegoggles) ♂ 40

abilities: tackle, tail whip, rage, horn attack, scary face, pursuit, rest

» outfit upon arrival
» 1 change of clothes
» 3 changes of undergarments
» 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap
» 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
» 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
» clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves
» Trainer Handbook
» 1 sleeping bag
» 1 PokéGear
» Money: 3600

last updated: 11/7/2012

ooc, pokemon party, route_29

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