010 | Goldenrod City | Text

Oct 23, 2011 20:55

When posed the question, "which contributes more to personality - nature or nurture?", a psychologist once replied, "which contributes more to the area of a rectangle - its length or its width?" The simplistic answer, therefore, is that neither one contributes more to a creature's personality; rather, that it's some interdependent combination of ( Read more... )

mad pokemon breeding science, always glorious always victorious, shut up hannibal no one cares, charming disarming and quite alarming, trying to catch me writing nerdy, let's get philosophical, there's an ulterior motive actually, i am fifteen and what is this, no really i'm the responsible one, ▶ goldenrod city, evolution revolution, oh look he found a psychology textbook, that boy is threat level red, my pokeymans let me show you them

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text from god knows how many feet away futariniousama October 27 2011, 21:56:10 UTC
two things:

did you just call kirihara a wise philosopher

and you have way too many thoughts.


action; futariniousama October 28 2011, 03:51:41 UTC
[ He lifts his face from the pillow to rest his chin atop it, instead. ]

Only if I keep my Ditto in its ball. He won't fly if Sugar's out.


action; usedlaserbeam October 28 2011, 05:08:30 UTC
Discord among the ranks?

[He tips his head lightly to one side, the beginnings of a smile creeping at the corners of his lips.]

We could take a vacation, before the weather gets too cold. A real one this time. New surroundings, a change of pace.

[Miles of distance between them and all the problems and concerns of Goldenrod.]


action; futariniousama October 28 2011, 21:29:32 UTC
[ The prospect of anything new piques Niou's attention, as always, but the domesticity of the suggestion is almost embarrassing. He averts his eyes, trying to work back a smile. ]

Up north, maybe. Olivine, or some other place with a beach.


action; usedlaserbeam October 28 2011, 22:33:59 UTC
[He's doing his best to keep his mind firmly away from those possible implications; after all, they're a pair, they've always done things together. Nothing strange about that.

It's not, however, working quite as well as he and his poker face might've hoped.]

I'd thought of Olivine, too. Great minds.


action; futariniousama October 28 2011, 23:16:52 UTC
We could just ditch tonight, y'know. A straight flight from here to Olivine's just a few hours.

[ He's watching Yagyuu, analytical and hopeful, his own face half-hidden by his arms. ]


action; usedlaserbeam October 29 2011, 00:00:07 UTC
Pack our bags and run off into the sunset? It's certainly poetic, if a bit impractical. It's not easy to get a good night's sleep en route on the Charizard Express.

[Which admittedly, isn't precisely a no, even if it's not really a yes, either. The thought is appealing, at least, no matter how troublesome the logistics may be.]


action; futariniousama October 29 2011, 21:05:40 UTC
[ He crinkles his nose at the word 'poetic,' which comes across as a lighthearted accusation to him, since he's feeling a little hypersensitive about the possible connotations of this conversation. ]

Well, if we leave tonight, we can crash when we get there and sleep through the mornin'.

[ It's a generous offer, seeing as how Niou rarely stays in bed past eight o'clock. ]


action; usedlaserbeam October 29 2011, 21:54:14 UTC
[In a way, it almost is an accusation, albeit one devoid of negativity; he's used to domesticity as a facet of their games, but meaning it seriously is still new and unfamiliar territory, and adding a flippant edge to things is one way of trying to keep things on safe grounds as they navigate it.]

Would we leave a note, or just alert everyone else once we'd already arrived?

[Keeping it hypothetical also works.]


action; futariniousama November 6 2011, 01:36:53 UTC
We'd be better off leavin' a note. You know how Dad worries.

[ Hypothetical is much safer. ]


action; usedlaserbeam November 6 2011, 03:17:09 UTC
He does, and usually for good reason. To say nothing of the fact that I'd like to avoid painting the entire house again, if at all possible.


action; futariniousama November 6 2011, 18:12:05 UTC
But you did such a good job!

[ He sits up on the floor, finally, all solemn eyes and unassuming body language. ]


action; usedlaserbeam November 6 2011, 18:45:13 UTC
And once was enough.

[There's a moment of visible hesitation here, as Niou sitting up also has the side effect of putting him within arm's reach, and Yagyuu finds himself teetering on the brink of another dilemma-tempted to see what might happen if he risks reaching out to touch him, but uncertain of the consequences that might come if he does.

Quite possibly, he hesitates too long, and the point becomes moot anyway.]

I can think of better ways of spending a week than serving punishment.


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