dominic appearance notes
episode 001
• dominic objects to firing on ZERO because it is unauthorized. he is then talked down to/ignored/objection overruled by the commander.
• "didn't you learn that at the academy?"
• "what a snob…" haha you tell him dominic.
episode 002
• dominic is trying to be cautious/smart, wanting to retreat in the face of new info. gets told off for trying to give orders when he's "just an information officer."
• so he uses the law to take control. STRONG MORALS AND CONVICTIONS.
episode 004
• dominic is shown reporting to dewey in prison. seems excited that dewey will be returning to power, and well informed in general.
episode 006
• just a brief appearance, investigating missing/destroyed LFOs with dewey.
episode 010
• gives a report to dewey. at first just lists things by the book, only gives his own thoughts/conclusions after being asked. gets excited when THE END is mentioned!!
episode 011
• hey there anemone. dominic is very formal with her. "time to go" in a serious voice.
• is high ranking enough to appear in meetings with the government leaders if not speak
• "it's true that you technically outrank me but i outrank you here so obey my orders" hahahahaha way to be petty dominic.
• okay yeah he's definitely enjoying being a jerk to the commander hahahaha "give anemone your room, too!"
• "didn't you learn that in officer's school?" hahahahahaha
• he's very gentle with anemone when he injects her, and gives in pretty fast to her complaining for medicine. almost smiles when talking to her.
episode 012
• he's been promoted to second ltd. top priority is sticking to them mission/save anemone
• "but the objective is••!" REALLY LIKES STICKING TO PLAN
• "w• what are you doing??" in reply to the pervert stuff
• he makes a formal/humble apology to the captain, asking him to please just save anemone
episode 013
• just takes off on his own to rescue anemone fffff
• he's rather strict and sounds unreasonable, but he's quick to lower his gun with renton obeys.
• still keeps his gentle voice with anemone
• FREAKS OUT when renton takes his parts he's not very observant is he…
• doesn't get intimidated, gives orders, yells a lot…
• and then gets distracted WHERE IS MY GUN he's not observant at all
• and then they work together again, dominic gets very yell-y when he wants something WITH DETERMINATION
• "up? backwards? where's that?" HAHAHAHA
• and then he forgets he doesn't have a gun again…
• very good at official answers. has good reflexes/physical strength, is able to fend off attacks.
• "i said go west!" "Sorry, but is west the direction you hold your fork in?" AFTER TURNING RIGHT. very nice.
• he doesn't hesitate or act shy.
• he does swear sometimes. "hell," "damn," etc. he's usually polite-ish but can go "oy" and be kind of… abrupt in a rude way. has a fairly straight-forward way of talking really, kind of blunt.
• is very gentle when he gives anemone her medicine. strokes her cheek.
• "it looks like we both fell for troublesome ladies!" oh and then he smiles and introduces himself, oh you're a nice guy dominic… he is the one who opens up (sort of) to renton, not the other way around.
• and then he reverts to DAMN IT when they get attacked.
• oh, also, he knows renton's name already. WELL INFORMED.
• "it looks like we may have met our true enemies…"
• dominic reads ray=out??
episode fourteen
• FLASHBACKS. he writes up a report about the events. nothing really new there. then flashes back to episode 2. Nothing really new here either, but again, shows he is super well informed.
• decides on his own to investigate. intelligence officer training? he is very used to being able to do what he wants/give orders, but he also doesn't use this to slack off. everything is work!!
episode sixteen
• PUNCHED IN THE FACE and bitten that's kind of gross. and dominic's reaction is just "calm down please?"
• "please sleep. sleep is the one thing that gives you peace." he eventually gives in and gives anemone medicine, but not sure how long after? it seems like a few hours if going by the renton scenes and assuming the same amount of time has passed…
• sits by her bed and watches her sleep, then apologizes to her because in the future he might but her in "difficult situations."
• = is kind-hearted but will still do his duty/not overly coddle anemone by letting her get what she wants (drugs and no crazy).
episode seventeen
• he really is dewey's number two huh. he seems to have authority over the other members of the squad, too, which seems to be about 20 total.
episode twenty-one
• PUNCHED AGAIN. and kicked about a dozen times. he tries to keep anemone informed?
episode twenty-two
• very briefly arrives at renton's old house!!
episode twenty-nine
• IT'S BEEN A WHILE, DOMINIC. he lays flowers on ardroc's grave. (so it took him this long to find gramps?)
• wrecks his bike trying to not hit a kid.
• "his taste is all wrong for being a member of gekkostate" so i'm just going to take that to mean he has no sense of fashion.
• gets flustered when questioned by gramps, but manages a pretty good/realistic cover story and delivers… DOMINIC ARE YOU WEARING A CARVAT.
• he gets a bit annoyed/frustrated? when helping gramps but tries to hide it! he is very quick to get awkward. his moods are annoyed and awkward.
• starts crying when gramps is like "welcome to the family!" and then gets really angry with himself when he's alone, both at the kindness he was given and that he can't make a report to dewey about any of it. and also because he hates the way thurstons tune up bikes!!!
episode thirty-one
• dominic has apparently been spending a lot of time "babysitting" the ahega squad, probably since returning from his mission.
• anemone wonders if he's been kicking off the bridge; dominic doesn't confirm or deny. he doesn't seem angry- he's half-smiling- but that might just be because he's with anemone?
• he drags anemone to the bridge with him and is clearly worried about her reaction to the coralian attack!! (so he will do things she doesn't want him to when it's needed.)
episode thirty-two
• shows obvious concern for the casualties but doesn't hesitate to do his duty!!
• for the first time he shows disagreement with the military!! by… narrowing his eyes at some comments. whatev.
• he has to be restrained when they drug anemone, but seems to relax very slightly when told it's an order from dewey. also he is called "mr. advisor" by the ahega kids.
episode thirty-four
• dominic is mentioned in passing, trying to get in contact with dewey about something 'urgent' (dewey is like pff whatever /ignores).