
Mar 23, 2020 13:07

Currently - Violet City
Traveling With - N/A
Current Job - N/A
Last Held Job - Pokemart stock clerk
Current Funds - 8,150P

As A Johto HumanoidName:  410
Alias:  Yonichimaru (in cases where a digit is not an acceptable form or name)
Height: 5'8
Build:  kind of lithe.  She looks like she's fairly flexible and has been through her share of drills/battle
Apparent Age:   She looks about 17-18 years
Hair:  Jaw-length and aqua-blue
Eyes: Red

Personality:  410 comes off as pushy and overly-enthusiastic about almost any topic.   It's hard to tell who she truly likes and dislikes as she greets most everybody with an unsettlingly-wide grin and peppers her statements with her trademark laughter.    If you come across as someone who takes themselves entirely too seriously, she's more apt to get in your face and try to unsettle you further...overall, though, she comes off as an overgrown child with poor social skills.

Without her sisters to complete her sequence in Johto, she's become a bit of a loose cannon and tends to "misfire" (ie - troll Johto at large over the pokegear with silly, childish antics).   She seems to treat Johto like it's some sort of game, with breeding set before her as her primary objective.    This is why she comes off as somewhat fixated on the idea of pokemon genealogy and reproduction....because that's her "orders".  
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