[[When the feed flips on, there's a momentary view of Rose, and she looks as though she's about to say something, but that ends pretty quick. Why? Because her gear is snatched and hopped - yes, hopped - away with. There's an excited "Lo!!!" in the background as the culprit speeds off, giving all who are watching the feed a lovely view of Saffron as
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Having a little trouble there?
A little, perhaps.
It's a good thing Cameron's not that bad or--
[Unfortunately Vriska spoke too soon. 'Cause a certain Buneary just happens to be nearby and listening, and on top of hearing a Lopunny, he hears his name. And well, that just sounds like an invitation, so he bounces his Buneary self right over there to take the 'gear from her.]
[Unfortunately for Vriska, Cameron Poe does not feel like listening. There is something interesting going on here, so it's their turn for a chase scene as he hops away from her.]
Seriously you brat, get back here!
Come on Cameron. It's not very nice to keep that away from her, you know.
Especially evident by Mia snatching the gear again to talk to him. Gosh, Rose. Rude to not let siblings talk!!!]]
Lo! Lo lopunny pun!
Mia provides a good distraction though, because Cameron has stopped running from his trainer to talk. And eventually Vriska catches him around the middle and snatches the gear.]
Gotcha! Little sneak.
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