(no subject)

Aug 30, 2009 19:26

Your Name/what you go by: Francy
AIM: sunny revision
Your character's name (last, first): Katara
Series your character's from: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Background info on your character: There are four elements: Earth, air, fire, water and heart. And certain people are benders, which means they can control these four elements! So there's the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Water Tribes, and Air Nomads-- and all these groups of people lived peacefully. THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED. ONLY THE AVATAR, MASTER OF ALL FOUR ELEMENTS, COULD STOP THEM. BUT WHEN THE WORLD NEEDED HIM MOST, HE VANISHED. A HUN-- okay I'll stop. But yeah, the Fire Nation basically wiped out the entire Air peepz and the Avatar disappeared for a hundred years. And then--

IN THE SOUTH POLE BORN AND RAISED THE ICE CAPS IS WHERE KATARA SPENT MOST OF HER DAYS CHILLIN' OUT MAXIN' OUT RELAXIN' ALL COOL AND ALL WATERBENDING WITH SOKKA THE FOOL WHEN AN AVATAR WAS STUCK IN SOME ICE. But seriously. Katara and her brother Sokka found the Avatar, a little 12 year old bald kid named Aang, stuck in an iceberg along with Appa, the flying bison. He breaks out and Katara is all :D and Aang is all :D while Sokka is just :| sigh. But then Zuko, banished prince of the Fire Nation, came to capture Aang in order to restore his honor!!1 He loses, and Aang, Katara, and Sokka leave on a journey to help Aang save the world. They meet all sorts of people and have adventures and blah. The Kyoshi Warriors (primarily Suki) for one. So they then go to the city of Omashu, where they meet King Bumi. But uh, he makes Aang goes through a bunch of trials in order to save Katara and Sokka. But then surpraiz, it's really one of Aang's old friends from before his being stuck in an iceberg time. Katara even steals a water scroll in order to improve on her kinda failget waterbending. Then there's Jet, who became Katara's boyfriend sort of. Except Jet hated the Fire Nation so much he was willing to kill an entire village just to get the Fire Nations soldiers in it to be gone. Katara then froze him to a tree after being betrayed by her asshole of a hubby. But most importantly, they found out that at the end of summer, a comet would come that'd make Firebenders over 9000, and that they had to have Aang master all four elements before then. And throughout the entire time, they're stalked by Zuko and his uncle Iroh, and later on General Zhao.

So, they make it to the North Pole in order to find a Waterbending teacher for Aang. Which they do!! But apparently the traditions there are sexist and Katara wasn't allowed to learn with Aang. So what do they do? Obviously have Aang secretly teach Katara, except they get caught oooh nooo. Katara and the teacher then do battle, and he ends up agreeing to teach her. GOOD END except then Zhao's forces attack the North Pole. Aang ends up being kidnapped by Zuko, but Katara later kicks his ass and they go back. But Zhao kills a fish which destroys the moon, and Princess Yue (Sokka's love interest) sacrifices herself and turns into the moon to make everything cool again. Oh, and Aang goes into the Avatar State and beats people senseless, and Zhao gets killed. Also Katara becomes Aang's Waterbending teacher yay.

WATER DOWN, and the trio then moved onto the Earth Kingdom! Of course trouble starts right away when they meet someone who is all MUST CONTROL AVATAR STATE!!!1 That backfires greatly when they "kill" Katara and Aang goes berserk. Katara then gave him a hug and made everything better, but yeah the Avatar State is fucking serious business. They return to Omashu, only to find out that its been taken over by the Fire Nation, and that Bumi was captured. Aang rescues him, but Bumi decides to stay. He denies Aang's request to teach him Earthbending, and say that he needs to find a teacher who listens to the earth. So they continue on their journey, and end up in a swamp that showed them all visions. They then travel to Gaoling, where they all go to watch an Earthbending batteru event in order to find a teacher for Aang. And they do-- a little 12 year old blind girl named Toph. She agrees to travel with them, and runs away from home. THUS THE TRIO BECOMES A FOURSOME.

Anyway, they then continue on their journey!!1 They get stalked by the Ozai's Angels aka Azula (Zuko's sister) and her friends, Ty Lee and Mai, Katara and Toph bitch fight, etc. etc. They meet a professor who tells them that there's a library with all knowledge of the world. Thinking that it could help them against the Fire Nation, they go with him to search for it. They find out that a solar eclipse would be happening soon, and that during that time all Firebenders would be completely powerless. But oops Appa gets stolen while they're in there. So they're all lost in a desert with no flying bison, Sokka gets drunk off cactus, and Aang is having a bitch fit because he lost his bff. And Katara is the one who tried making everyone stick together! They find the thieves, but they already sold Appa-- bad idea, since that triggered Aang's Avatar State. But never fear, Katara's hugging powers saves the day. Anyway, they head for the grand city of Ba Sing Se-- only to discover that a Fire Nation drill is about to pierces its outer wall's heavens. They defeat it and Ozai's Angels, and then continue into the city to warn the Earth King/find Appa. Except surpraiz the city is HUGE. Thus begins their wacky adventures of being creeped out by a Ba Sing Se official named Joo Dee, searching for Appa, and trying to get the Earth King's attention.

So Appa is still missing-- so they decide to be cool and make MISSING posters. And then... Katara runs into Jet. So she uh, attacks him and he's all BUT I'VE CHAAAANGED and she's all MOTHERFUCKER I'LL TURN YOUR BALLS INTO A PUNCHING BAG. It then turns out that he was recently brainwashed by the bad guys in the Earth Kingdom!! But because of that, he knew where Appa was since he was taken to the same place as him. So they go there to free him and um. Jet gets... hit by a giant rock, and kinda got his... insides crushed. Katara tried to heal him, but he told them all to leave him and that he'd be okay. Which they did. And then he dies. O-oops? But they get Appa back so it's not a total loss?!?!?! And then they manage to convince the Earth King to join their side?! Cue start of a plan to hold a huge invasion against the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse.

But nothing can go as planned, and the Ozai's Angels manage to get into Ba Sing Se while disguised as the Kyoshi Warriors. So Aang goes to meet a guru that'd help him master the Avatar State, Sokka goes to see his daddy, Toph gets kidnapped, and Katara stays behind to chill. But not for long since lol she finds out that Zuko is also there (although he is living peacefully with his uncle!!!) and runs to tell the Kyoshi Warrior. But it's... Azula. So. Both she and Zuko get captured, and are locked away together. Katara, of course, doesn't trust him at all. But after he tells her about his mother, she feels sorry for him and offers to heal his scar with her magical healing super spirit water. Except that's when Aang and the others burst in on the scene. Anyway, the group goes to do battle with Azula and everyone is ready to take her on!!1 Until she manages to convince Zuko to join HER side. Which he did, which shattered the little trust Katara had in him. Thus begun Katara and Aang vs Zuko and Azula!! But right when Aang is about to go into the Avatar State to kick some ass, Azula hits him with lightning which... quite honestly kills him. BAD END. ... jk jk. Katara becomes completely horrified, and with Iroh's help, escapes with Aang. She then uses her magical healing water of magic to heal Aang and stuff.

The next time we see Team Avatard, they're on a Fire Nation ship!! Apparently they met up with Katara and Sokka's dad, stole a Fire Nation ship, and was waiting for Aang to wake up for a weeks. But when he does wake up, surpraiz news that the entire world thinks he's dead fuck yes. So he throws a hissy fit, and Katara is all WE MUST DO IT TOGETHER and he's just all FUCK FRIENDS. But then he gets better and everyone is all yay. Except now they must prepare for a smaller invasion at the Fire Nation palace, and they disguise themselves to blend in at enemy territory!!1 Anyway, lots of stuff happens! Like Aang throws a dance party and Katara disguises herself as the Painted Lady in order to save a town. Katara even bonds with Toph more, too, and they get arrested together. And then SHIT GETS REAL. The group reach a village where people have been disappearing during full moons. A Waterbender from the Southern Water Tribes, Hama, lets them stay with her in her inn. Katara instantly feels connected with her since yeah, never met another Waterbender from her tribe before. Hama tells them that she was captured during the Fire Nation raids, and managed to escape. She then tells Katara that she'd teach her all that she knows about Waterbending. And everything is good!!

Except um, surpaiz Hama is the one who is really kidnapping everyone. In order to excape from the Fire Nation prison, she invented Bloodbending-- a type of bending that allows Waterbenders to control the water in a person's blood, thus making them able to completely control a person (it can only work during the full moon though). She and Katara fight, but Katara refuses to learn Bloodbending in order to stop her, even when Hama forces Aang and Sokka to fight against her. But it's when Hama is about to kill the two guys that Katara finally snaps and uses Bloodbending in order to stop her. And... she bursts into tears because of what she did. And soon after that THE DAY OF BLACK SUN FINALLY ARRIVES. They all reunite with friends they met all over the place, and get ready for batteru!! But before they go Aang surpraiz kisses Katara then flies away all heroically.

So anyway, they invade the place only to find out that... all the citizens and the people they wanted to defeat aren't there. Azula found out about the plan while she was in Ba Sing Se, so the entire operation was completely ruined. And when it seems like nothing could get worse, the eclipse ends!! So yaaay Fire Nation gets their power back. Team Avatar + other kids who were in the invasion are forced to leave the adults behind in order to escape. So once again they... fail miserably. They cheez it to one of the Air Temples to come up with a new strategy in order to defeat the Fire Lord. But the new strategy is... basically the old one: master all four elements before the comet comes. Although, gasp! They have no one to teach Aang Firebending!! ... Until Zuko strolls in. He basically realized all his wrongs and figured out that his destiny was to teach Aang, not capture him. Except absolutely no one but Toph believes him. Sadly, majority wins so they kicked Zuko out. But he later saves them and Aang agrees to let him become his teacher. HOWEVER, Katara does not trust him at all and threatens to rip his cock off if Zuko makes one little mistake.

Later on, both Aang and Sokka go on little field trips with Zuko where they did Firebending stuff/rescue Suki and their father. And then it's Katara's turn!! In order to get on her good side, Zuko tells Katara that he knows where the person who killed her mother is. The two of them set off on Appa to avenge her. Katara tells Zuko the story of how their mother was killed in a Fire Nation raid. They arrive at the place where the soldier was supposed to be and attack. Katara even goes as far as to use Bloodbending against him. But she then realizes that it's the wrong guy, and they find out the real killer retired already. They track down the guy, and he tells her that the reason he killed her mother was because she lied and said she was the last Waterbender there in order to protect Katara (who was really the last one). But right when Katara was about to take revenge she realizes that she can't do it. But thanks to all that, she was able to forgive Zuko and she no longer wanted to harm his cock.

NOW ONTO STUFF THAT ISN'T PLOT. Katara is basically the group's mom. She gets all fussy when people do things that are wrong and always worries about others. Every now and then she does do reckless things, but that's usually because of someone else's influence. And she's really big on motivational speeches and NOT GIVING UP ON FRIENDS and believing in hope!! Unless you uh, betray her. She holds grudges forever and it's extremely hard to earn her forgiveness (re: Jet and Zuko). But even though she's the part of the group who tries to remain rational, she does get jealous and pissed off really easily, and tends to say mean things that she doesn't really mean. And it usually takes her awhile to realize that she's wrong about some things. But whenever something goes wrong, you can always count on her to be there to give you a hug and help make everything all better.

And like stated before, she's a Waterbender. Sooo she can do things like make huge waves, attack using whips made out of water, make icicles, etc. etc. She can even make water appear out of nowhere by taking moisture from the air or taking water from plants and trees. Annnd of course she's also a Bloodbender, but lol yeah like I already said she can only do that during the full moon. But that's because Waterbenders are strongest at night (while Firebenders are more powerful during the day).

Sample post:
Men, women, children-- all people of the island. Please listen to what I'm about to say! Who are we to just stay captured here against our own wills? Yes, I've heard the stories of the island being living, and that there's a barrier surrounding it that blocks our escape. I've heard that it's unbreakable, and that a lot of people have almost stopped believing that they'd ever return home. This island has powers that are extraordinary-- but we have something much greater. Hope. Our will to live. So let us gather all of our strength and free ourselves from this cage! Each and every one of us has a unique gift, whether you're a powerful warrior or just a regular person. With these gifts, we can be able to go through any hardship. Let's rise against this!

... W-what do you mean someone already gave a motivational speech last week? I'm not doing this just to kill time, you know! If people are suffering here, we shouldn't just stand idly by and do nothing. You just complain about all the evil things the island done and then forget all about it when someone tries to change it? I'm sorry, but I just can't do something like that. I'm not going to quit until I help free all these peo--

--ple. Where did they all go? The island's hosting a party?! Wait, let me get this straight. This is an evil island that kidnaps people, makes them do things they'd never do, and it throws parties? You'd think that someone would have told me that. Y-you want me to go too? But after I said all that it would be kind of awkward and...

I guess it'll be alright to just take a peek. But only for a few minutes though.

A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
- Extra Fire Nation outfit
- Random supplies
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