A Literary Treat, From Me To You :)

Apr 06, 2004 01:50

This is something I wrote tonight out of sexual frustration. The theme will be prevalent upon completion, though none of you will know of whom I speak... as this desire is perfectly concealed. Comments are most certainly welcome. :)

Our Symbolic Sun
A pale breeze wisps through an impeccably overcast sky cluttered by reality, sheltered in the revealing nature of me. Tired eyes turn to the still latent but blinding sun in desperation. Desperate not to know the truth, but to be shooed away from it, because in being here has put scars that I’d like to forget… no matter how visible they are.
Love and pain, and every other truthful cliché is hidden in this sun. But here in my cloudy day, I live with what is there. With a little effort I come close to forgetting, to unraveling my revelations and unlearning my silent lessons that endurance can only teach. I walk quietly behind my sheepish smile and untended appearance with gears at full speed. Only my quirks reveal the rapidity of my mental meanderings.
And deep within this cloudy day, this inability to ignore, lies obsession. The ancient feelings of jealousy and longing to make Cane blush.
In each step is each memory of a time when my attractive qualities were negated in order to pursue more realistic goals: to not allow yourself to feel what comes naturally. It’s not what has been placed as ‘normal’.
You may be attracted to every part of me, to every little idiosyncratic aspect, and still you would be repulsed. Not that I am not attractive, on the contrary, you find me epitomical to your attraction, but that the symbiosis of you and me presented in a practical application is simply impossible.
I accept you for all that you are, for every self-dubbed flaw, I hardly notice. I have no major disability nor dissuasive quality-lest unconditional support is cause for derailment.
The sun filled world you live in mocks my overcast… and of the nights; we both know whose is more abysmal. Yet you choose this, this ignorance of the sun that burns me so. That I shun in order to appreciate, in order to accept you in a real world. The shadiness of the blocked sun leaves no shadow for materialism to hide. Clear vision… as the sun is denied my sidetrack… But these beautiful words cannot shield your beautiful eyes.
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