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Comments 154

action; usedkunai December 1 2011, 04:41:03 UTC
[It can't be helped -- Yosuke is looking seriously wary right now. He folds his arms, eyes averting as he lets out a quiet sigh.]

So you're really ready to head out of here, huh.


action; isthisourchance December 1 2011, 04:52:03 UTC
[She knows this's probably uncomfortably close to how things went with Souji. But this is something she has to do. If she keeps putting it off, when is she ever going to stop?]

Yeah... I gotta get myself out of this rut. It's seriously been half a year since I did any work on those badges...


action; actually 1/2 usedkunai December 3 2011, 04:42:54 UTC
[He gives his head a reluctant nod. He knows it is, but he also learned his lesson from last time - not to mention it's a plethora of different feelings that stir up in him than with Souji.]

Just -- you better not disappear when you're gone. I mean, from Johto - oh, you know what I mean! [Yes, he's exasperating himself now. He rubs his eyes a little, giving her a stern look.]


action; usedkunai December 3 2011, 04:44:10 UTC
[But then smiles a little and winks.]

If you do, then you'll owe me 10 lunches at Aiya when we're both back in Inaba, hehehe.


video; ofmywill December 1 2011, 06:45:25 UTC
[ It's scary how much that mirrored his own train of thought. Minato had been halfway through stuffing a bag as well, head still full of teenage-boy stupidity fueled in no small part by sadness, and the feed flicks on to a spinning world.

Of course he has to twirl the 'gear before bringing it to his face. Of course. ]

Good idea.


video; isthisourchance December 2 2011, 02:15:44 UTC
[Chie can certainly appreciate a good dramatic gesture.]

I thought so! I've been cooped up in Goldenrod for too long. There's sights to see, and badges to earn!


video; ofmywill December 2 2011, 20:54:46 UTC
Mm. A whole world.

[ God. Now he thinks of it, why had he cooped himself up in Goldenrod so long?

...oh right. Laziness. ]

Need a travelling partner?


video; isthisourchance December 4 2011, 04:59:55 UTC
Sure, the more the merrier! I'm planning on heading to Cianwood for the Fly HM the gym gives out. And then Johto's ours to explore! You interested?


action; usedrawr December 1 2011, 06:56:14 UTC
[ squeak. squeak. squeak. that's the sound of familiar footsteps as teddie walks into the room, looking a little sad but also. you know, normal. ]

You're leaving, Chie-chan? [ carefully. ]


action; isthisourchance December 2 2011, 02:18:07 UTC
[Aww, Teddie. Chie gives him a brief smile, walking over to stand with him.]

Yeah, I think it's the best thing for me to do. I need to get myself moving again. I've been standing still for too long.


action; usedrawr December 4 2011, 04:45:21 UTC
[ glancing up at her and trying to return that, though he is a little apprehensive. people leaving just felt weird, even if.. he could still talk to her. ]

I get it. [ a nod. ] Gotta get those muscles working, huh!


action; isthisourchance December 4 2011, 05:33:26 UTC
Yeah, something like that! I've heard getting exercise can help your mood, too.

[After a second's thought, she reaches out to ruffle Teddie's fur.] Don't worry, I'll be coming back before too long! The Breeding Center's my home away from home now.


can_do_idol December 1 2011, 14:47:24 UTC
That sounds great! Don't let the cold weather slow ya down!


isthisourchance December 2 2011, 02:20:07 UTC
I won't! I'm pretty good at handling the cold, and worse comes to worst I can always have Rinty melt a path for me.


can_do_idol December 3 2011, 05:19:02 UTC
A fire type? I didn't think about that! If I need to get somewhere, I have two I can use! Do winters here usually get that bad?


isthisourchance December 4 2011, 05:16:46 UTC
The snow can get pretty bad, yeah. I came to Johto right before December, and I ended up trapped in Cherrygrove for a while because it piled up so high. All I had back then was my Fighting-type, Bruce.


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video; isthisourchance December 2 2011, 02:25:45 UTC
Yeah, but if I wait until the spring I'll just go crazy with frustration. The cold doesn't bother me much, and I've got a Fire-type who's super strong.


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video; isthisourchance December 4 2011, 05:09:38 UTC
That, and... Let's just say last month wasn't much fun. But it's not like me to be depressed for so long! I gotta get myself back to normal!


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