I'm back sooner than expected, and with an update!
Let's go find out who won the Gen. 3 poll. :D
We witnessed the long-awaited return of Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker La Force!
A funeral was held for Shiloh La Force, our beloved foundress.
The triplets had a birthday, we learned a little more about them, and a choice had to be made. WHO’S THE GENERATION 3 HEIR/HEIRESS?
You’ll find out very soon (as if the cover page doesn’t totally give it away). (; But first, Goodwin actually doing something in his afterlife that doesn’t have to do with the computer! No, it has to do with the stereo.
Goodwin: “I’ll have you know that working out and staying in shape is a very important in this phase of my life right now.”
You mean.. death?
Goodwin: “Yes! The cream puffs stay with you like you wouldn’t believe.”
Alrighty. Anyway, on to the results of the poll!
GATEON! I almost wish you would’ve won. ‘Cause one, I love you a ton, and two, I was kinda hoping for male heir. x3 OH WELL. How do you feel, Gate?
Gateon: “Relieved, actually. It’s kinda nice knowing there won’t be cameras in my house at all times, judging me and my wife and her bastard child. So this is nice.”
I suppose you’re right. Well, Gateon came in second with 12 votes. This won’t be the last we see of Gateon or the rest of the spares, though. ;D Now, onto the REAL heiress...
TEAK! You better be sitting down, because I have some pretty bangin’ news.
Ecruteak: “I am.. sitting down? You can clearly see that. Or-OH MY GOD. Did the gnomes steal your irises too?!”
Um, no.. and you still have your irises. ANYWAY, you’re our Generation 3 heiress! *confetti & trumpets*
Ecruteak: *chokes on food* “HUH?”
Yep, that’s right. Ecruteak won the poll with 15 votes. You gonna be okay, Teak?
Ecruteak: “Y’know, now that I think about it, it won’t be so bad. I’ll just raise my children with the same belief system I grew up with: always sleep with your left eye opened ever so slightly, for every third step you take, hop on your right foot, and never, NEVER disobey the gnomes. They have ways of knowing things you will never understand.”
Upstairs in Gateon’s room, Gateon decided his mother could use a little workout.
O_____O Shouldn’t.. Bryce.. be doing this!?
Getting back to the results of the poll, Olivine finished in third with 11 votes, right behind Gateon.
Olivine: “I’m okay with this. The next chapter of my life is outside of this house, and I’m confident I’ll find what I’m looking for. It’s almost like there’s a voice, beckoning me to leave...”
Anakin: “LEEEAAAVE! Getcher ass outta the bathroom, I NEED TO PISS.”
In fourth place was Vermilion with 2 votes. She was surprisingly chipper about the news as well.
Vermilion: “I’m really okay with not being forced to push out six kids at the most. Also, I’m okay with having to move out. You know me- houses scare the crap outta me.”
Then where will you..? Never mind.
Eterna got last with one vote. Ah well, at least you got-
Eterna: “One... vote!? I FEEL SO LOVED!”
Eterna: “Gotta keep up my appearance for my adoring fan.”
Somehow I think Ettie’ll be okay.
When Anakin moved out and got old, he retired from the criminal career really early. He never even made it past thug! So I’m having him reapply for his job. I want to see him become Emperor of Evil. (;<
Anakin: “Fuck yeah, I’m already a cutpurse! I’MMA CUTPURSE, BITCH.”
= Anakin’s catch phrase.
Ecruteak drove Goodwin’s old fire truck to the park to scope out for potential spouses- starting bright and early with this one. :D
So.. I didn’t realize Teak was dressed in her formal wear until we got there. This’ll be interesting.
Ecruteak: “Well, when I heard you say we were going spouse hunting, I figured I’d better dazzle them with my best dress.”
Uh, yeah. Well, one, you’ll be dazzling them with your BREASTS, and two, showing up in a full-on dress on your first meeting is probably gonna scare any guy away.
Ecruteak: “Well, what? Would you rather me not wear the dress at all?” *reaches for dress straps*
OKAY NO, keep your clothes on. You’d get some guy attention all right, but not the kind we’re looking for. >_<
A fully-clothed Ecruteak plopped down across from this guy for a game of chess.
Ecruteak: “Do you believe this guy? Who does he think he is, Indiana Jones?”
Ecruteak: “That hat isn’t fooling anyone, buddy. I KNOW YOU’RE NOT INDIE.”
We didn’t have much luck at the park, so off to the library we went.
Teak still seemed annoyed when we got there.
Ecruteak: “I grew up with the Indiana Jones movies, and that guy is NOT Indiana Jones.”
Maybe her Uncle Han copping a feel was the source of all her anger.
Han: “Oh, heellloooooo..”
Ecruteak: “Lovely. A pervy uncle I had no idea existed until this very uncomfortable moment.”
Ecruteak: “He’s staying, SOOOO, I’m leaving. See ya.”
WAIT! I’ve got one more place in mind..
Ecruteak: “The pool? Who comes to the pool this late at night?”
Apparently this cutie does. (;
CutieWithTheHat: “Is that crazy woman calling for me? *chuckles* What a loon.”
CutieWithTheHat: “Oh god, here she comes..”
Ecruteak: “Hi. I’m Ecruteak. Who are you?”
CutieWithTheHat: *Taken aback by Teak’s beauty* “Wha- But you’re- I’m... Nolan?”
Ecruteak: “Nice to meet you, Nolan.”
Nolan: “You too, Ecru-Ecruteak? What a unique name.”
Ecruteak: “Yep. Just call me Teak.”
Ecruteak: “So Nolan, are you one of those boring guys who sits at his desk all day, er what?”
Nolan: “Nope, just the opposite! I’m unemployed.”
Ecruteak: “Nice! Me too.”
Ecruteak: “So I have a brother, and his name’s Gateon-”
Nolan: “Oh, you’re Gateon’s sister, huh? I think I know you!”
Nolan: “Don’t you have a sister with giant bazungas?”
Ecruteak: “Yeah! Vermilion?”
Nolan: “The very same!”
While Teak and Nolan conversed (and conversed and conversed and conversed) I took a look around town and saw this guy, who happens to be Lawrence. The very same Lawrence who dated Leah and knocked her up! Eeesh. She must have been intoxicated or something when they hooked up. Dx
Back to Nolan and Teak. Looks like they already have something in common. (:
Nolan: “I really like you, Teak. You’re.. different.”
Ecruteak: “You’re different, too. I like different.”
Ecruteak: “So, Nolan..”
*Romantic music stops abruptly* OUCH.
Nolan: “I think... I’d like to get to know you a little better first.”
Ecruteak: “Aww.” ):
Ecruteak: “OH NOLAN, I’M SO *sniff* DISTRAUGHT.”
Nolan: “There, there. Let it all out.”
Ecruteak: “Th-there’s this guy I like.. *sniff* He’s got a hat and a lip ring and he’s really cute. I.. I don’t think he likes me back.”
Nolan: “I’m sure he’ll come around. I bet he likes you, he.. just wants to take it slow.”
Ecruteak: “He doesn’t..”
Nolan: “Sure he does-”
Ecruteak: “HE DOESN’T.”
Nolan: “What am I getting myself into?” O_O
Ecruteak: “JK, it’s cool. We can take it slow.”
Nolan: “Sounds good, Teak.”
Back home, Padmé was heading to the future.
*Waits and waits and waits*
Padmé: “OH GOD.”
Padmé: “OH GOD.”
Padmé: “OH GOD.”
Padmé: “Horrible things... I have seen horrible things!”
Well hey, at least you got a sweet outfit out of it.
Finally, it’s time for the spares to leave. Bye Eterna, Olivine, & Vermi!
Gateon is staying for a tad longer for personal reasons... (:
This little cutie is Leah’s bastard daughter, Regan! Thankfully she looks just like Leah, save her dark hair. Gate loves her already.
Srsly, he’ll make such a good daddy. <3
The Leah situation seemed to be getting better, too. It seemed now she only had eyes for Gateon.
So Gateon proposed! Say no to that face, I dare ya. ;D
Leah lost that dare.
They had their own little private wedding, right there in Shiloh’s old bedroom.
Another addition to the family. <3
And, possibly ANOTHER? (;
Just another picture of Regan for your enjoyment. c:
Soon after exchanging vows and consummating their marriage, Leah, Regan, and Gate had to leave.
Bye Gate, I LOVE YOUUUU. *squishes*
Lolz, even Regan waved goodbye. cx
After they left, I decided the house could use a little revamp. Firstly, Padmé received that kickass classic car over there, and Ecruteak got the scooter. Oh, and I made the family a nice, spacious garage for their newfound vehicles.
Padmé and Bryce took over Shiloh and Goodwin’s old room, and decorated it to their tastes.
I made the family a patio, complete with a chess table, a telescope, and a regular, boring garden gnome just because I want a magical one sososo bad. D:
I redecorated the family/living room as well, giving it more of a “Teak” spin. Note the two posters in the background: the Darth Vader one is to commemorate the late Shiloh La Force, and the Mario one could be hinting toward a possible name theme this generation.. (;
Ecruteak moved into Padmé and Bryce’s old room and decorated it to her taste.
This is just to show that nowadays Padmé and Bryce to just about everything together. They’re still best friends. (:
Bryce: “How come Pad gets a cool costume?”
It’s not a costume Bryce, this is what people will wear in the future!
Bryce: “I want a cool costume...”
Alright Bryce, I’ll play along. Who are you supposed to be?
Bryce: “Hugh Hefner, duuuh.”
Nice. Now all you’re missing is the pipe and da skanky ho next to ya. ;D
Padmé: “I’ll be your skanky ho!” *eats off the floor*
Bryce: “Shouldn’t my skanky ho be.. skanky? And not totally disgusting?”
This coming from a slob. Whatever Padmé’s eating must be completely putrid.
Teak was missing Nolan, so she proceeded to invite him over.
But Padmé jumped him as soon as he got there.
Padmé: “Who the hell are you?! Some robot with gears in your brain!?”
Nolan: “Uh, no? I’m here to see Ecruteak.”
Padmé: “That’s not helping your case, buddy.”
But then they found out they had a trait in common and everything was once again right in the world.
Ecruteak: “Well, better go make sure Mom retracts her claws from Nolan’s skin.”
But Anakin stopped her with his accusations.
Anakin: “YOU. You’re crazy, ain’tcha?”
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle insane.
Ecruteak: “I suppose? You are too, Uncle Anakin..”
Anakin: “How DARE you accuse ME of being insane! YOU’RE the loon, sweetheart! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to scare your mother.”
Aw, looks like he really hurt her feelings. ):
Anakin: “This is gonna be HILARIOUS.”
Padmé: “So Nolan, just what are your intentions with my daughter-”
Padmé: “OH DEAR GOD.”
Chapter ends here, guys. This is the last chapter of Generation 2! Generation 3 coming soon. I leave you with the totally annoying questions to ponder:
-How will the spares fair on their own?
-Will Nolan and Ecruteak hook up in the next chapter..? (;
-More importantly, will Ecruteak ever make it past Anakin and Padmé to even say hello to Nolan?!?
Gotta hope so. As always, comments are appreciated and adored. Thanks for reading, see yaaaaah! <3