I'm pumping these out pretty fast now, huh?
Much like how quickly a founder pumps out babies OHHHHHH. ;D
Yep, resorting to legacy jokes now. How sad. :P
Bad jokes aside, on to the shenanigans!
I just saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night, and oh holy lord almighty.
I swear, it was like someone took a giant boiling pot and threw in all my favorite video games, people, and music and made a delicious stew of AWESOME. TLOZ & Pokémon references left and right. My favorite things<3
I could almost hear Shiloh, all the way back home in my computer screen, having a geeky little party in her pants.
I'm buying it as soon as it comes out. And I never buy movies. Go see it.
Okay, enough unpaid advertisement. Read. :D
Hello all! Last time we left Shiloh, she was laying the moves on (or at least trying to) Goodwin Goode, the town’s most renowned criminal.
Goodwin: *GASP “I am no such thing!”
No kidding.
Shiloh: “Butt out, Sarah! Anyway, as I was saying... Your eyes are like RUUUUBIEESSS!<3” *swoooooon*
Goodwin: “Aw, really? Wait, don’t you mean sapphires? My eyes are blue.”
Shiloh: “Whatever you want, baby.”
Shiloh: “Wanna know what else? You’re number one in myyyy heart.”
Holy crap. He’s actually falling for this garbage. Ahem, no offense Shiloh.
Shiloh: “Ahhhhhh I’ve never been this close to a person of the opposite sex before!”
I’m about ready to start calling you Mclovin’, Shi. ‘Cause he would totally say that. -_-
AWH. (‘;
AHAHAHHAHA. I suppose I should explain my abrupt laughter. Right after Shiloh kissed Goodwin, she rolled the want to brush her teeth three times. XD
OH. Oh God. Should... should I leave..?
Yeahhhhh, I’m thinking I should leave. Wait!
I gots something for youuu. (; You know what to do.
Shiloh: “Hey Goodwin... I know we only met a little over a day ago, but will you be my boyfriend and stuff?”
Shiloh: “Sooo... can I take that as a yes?”
Goodwin: “Yes.”
Goodwin: “Definitely.”
Shiloh: “Yep!”
Are you... decent?
Goodwin: “Yes, but that can be changed!”
OH GOD NO, hearing you guys seckz it up once is enough for me. Sadly I’ll hear it much, much more than that. ):
Aww (: Cuddles.
I guess Goodwin needed to get out fast, ‘cause he left right away in the morning.
Goodwin: “I do have a job.”
Delicious. Is that autumn salad I smell?
Since Shiloh has virtually no social life (outside of Goodwin, now) she continues to paint.
Shiloh: “Lookit. These two look familiar to you?”
Uhh. No?
Shiloh: “It’s me and Goodwin, duh.”
Oh, duh.
Hey, I never said she was particularly good at it. :P
My goodness Shiloh, again? And... through your entire face? That takes remarkable skill.
I borrowed some bleeps from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (WHICH RULED BTW) and thought I’d try them out. Sorry Shi. ^_^
Whatcha painting now?
Shiloh: “MAN. I suck at painting. It’s Goodwin, for cripes sake.”
Oh wow Shiloh, I’m sorry. /: Maybe you should spend a little less time seckzing Goodwin-
Shiloh: “IT WAS ONE TIME.”
-and a little more time on that painting skill. Just sayin’.
We are so low on money it isn’t even funny. LOL RHYME. Anyway. Gems just magically show up on Shiloh’s lawn. It’s nice.
Goodwin came back over as soon as his shift ended. Like I said Shiloh, less time seckzing-
Shiloh: “Goodwin, I’ve really enjoyed our two days together. More than I’ve enjoyed my entire life-”
I just made you in CAS two days ago.
Shiloh: “WTF EVER, I love you. And I wanted to ask you a question.”
Shiloh: “Will you marry me? And become Mr. La Force? And help me make little La Force babies?”
That was like, three questions.
Shiloh: “Ignore the obnoxious voice from above, that’s what I do.”
Goodwin: “SQUEEEEE! Yes, yes I will! Teehee!”
You are so very strange.
N’aww. (: Even with their weirdness, they’re still super cute.
While Shiloh and Goodwin sleep, this thing lurks in the dark corners of the house. Watching. Waiting. Ready to devour the first thing it sees.
That thing seriously scares the shit outta me. O_O
In the middle of the night, Shiloh woke up to change into her sexay sexay lingerie (who wouldn’t?) only to discover that she’s pregnant! W00t, second generation is officially on the way.
Shiloh: “Wait! All the unicorns are present for this momentous occasion, right? Let’s see, one, two, three...”
Shiloh: “Yep, that’s all of ‘em!”
Sometimes I wonder if I gave Shiloh the insane trait by mistake.
Shiloh: “So Goodwin... I think we’re gonna need to buy some baby blocks soon.”
Goodwin: “Hmmmm, I miss PreggoLez. I wonder what she’s up to these days...”
Face --------------------------------> palm. -_-
Shiloh: “Seriously Goodwin, I’m pregnant.”
Goodwin: “........”
Goodwin: “.....Maybe if I just close my eyes, it’ll go away.
|:< Immakillyou.
Goodwin: “JK I’M STOKED.”
Goodwin: “Good team effort.”
Goodwin: “Now let’s make out.”
Dear God, a whole generation of Goodwin’s spawn... A whole generation who won’t be able to keep it in their pants. :P
Shiloh: “HAYLOOK, I finished it!”
GREAT! Now let’s sell that god-awful thing.
I decided to actually throw Shiloh and Goodwin a wedding party, which I hardly ever do for my other sims. I’m lazy. Anyway. Nice wedding gown, Shi. It matches your tube socks wonderfully.
Shiloh: “Shut it. This is Goodwin’s fault.”
Well... it takes two to tango. And to have secks.
Shiloh: “Hey, it’s PreggoLez! Looks like she lost some weight recently.”
Yeah, it’s like she shed off a whole kid or something! -_-
Shiloh: “Come to think of it, yeah!”
Stoopid, stoopid founder.
Soooo yeah. This is the place Shi & Goodwin are getting married. Pretty, isn’t it? (:
Aaaand Goodwin finally arrives, after waiting for hours!
Goodwin: “I had... a prior engagement.”
I bet you did. I know all about your secret, Goodwin. I checked your family tree.
Goodwin: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You know damn well what I’m talking about. You have another kid, Goodwin. With PreggoLez. IT’S WRITTEN ALL OVER YOUR THOUGHT BUBBLE FOR GOD SAKES.
Goodwin: “Jenni. Her name is Jenni.”
I’m sorry, I think you assumed I care! I don’t. I just wanna know why you didn’t tell Shiloh.
Goodwin: “..Please don’t tell her.”
I won’t. You will. The sooner the better, too.
Goodwin: “I’ll tell her when the time is right.”
Goodwin: “With this ring, I promise to love you forever and stuff.”
How very romantic.
Baha, Shiloh thinks so.
I now pronounce you man and wife and stuff. I CAN BE ROMANTIC TOO.
When the newlyweds got home, I surprised them with a wedding gift. A mirror and a kiddie dresser. We’re broke, okay?
Goodwin stepped right up for his makeover... and managed to fall right down.
Goodwin: “HI-larious! Do you plan on staying around much longer?”
Yes! Much longer than you ever will. (:<
Welp, with Goodwin officially becoming a La Force and joining the legacy, I present you with his personal information. He’s a hopelessly romantic, brave, good, family-oriented great kisser. His favorites are pop music, sushi, and the color white.
Shiloh: “Oh how I wish we could keep this. The giant moon creatures who inhabit my bed would love it.”
I agree. Sadly, we’re very short on money so we must sell it.
Shiloh: *sigh* “Okaaaaay..”
I had Goodwin go to the bookstore and buy a couple books with Shiloh’s painting money. The couple decided to study books on parenting together.
...Which got kind of creepy after a while.
Shiloh: “Pfffft. Don’t tell Goodwin I told you, but I think he’s kinda slow.”
Lol, Goodwin started reading his book way before Shiloh even started hers. She beat him. (x
Shiloh: “Heheheh... He’ll never see me coming.”
Goodwin: “Let’s make out.”
That’s Goodwin’s answer to EVERYTHING. I’m beginning to understand how he managed to get two different women knocked up.
Shiloh: “Oh God. Something’s... something’s moving in there. Either I’ve got an alien planted inside my stomach and is about to rip me to shreds from the inside out, or... I’m about to give birth.”
I’m thinking it’s the second one... though they’re generally the same thing. (:
Goodwin: “Ladidadida, ho hum...”
-_- For reals? Gtfo, go find some blocks. You are zero help.
Aaaand it’s a boy!
Meet twitchy little Anakin Skywalker 'Darth Vader' La Force, the first to be born in generation two. By the by, the name theme this generation is Star Wars, obviously. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting for Shiloh. (: Anyway, Anakin rolled Perceptive and Evil (OH THE IRONY) as his first two traits, and his favorites are Custom music, Grilled Cheese, and Green.
And I’ll leave you with that, the birth of the first born. Fairly pointless and stupid questions to mull over in your head? YOU CAN HAZ.
-Will Shiloh and Goodwin have any more kids? (Well duh, if they didn’t this wouldn’t be a legacy)
-In a related sense, will Goodwin ever learn to fix things any other way then making out with the nearest person to him?
-Will he ever tell Shiloh the truth about Jenni PreggoLez?
No. No he cannot. Comments are very much loved, and see you next time. <3