Sorry for the wait! I had to play ahead a bit in order to have enough pictures for a chapter, which is rare. Not much else to say, go on and read. (:
Rogue and Puck officially became an item. Rogue became a Young Adult (and so did Puck, of course) and the two of them graduated high school. Bowser asked Adrienne to be his first actual girlfriend and she said yes. Ecruteak passed away.
Okay, now I know the La Forces JUST moved into a newer, bigger house, but unfortunately that house made my game lag so I just moved them into another pre-made house.
Another minor change I’ve made is the remains of former members of the La Force household will now be kept inside on shelves. Slightly creepy? Yes. More space for other outdoor activities? Yes.
I’m not exactly sure why I took this but hey have a picture of Stark being cute?
Stark: *is being cute*
That’s actually what I imagine runs through his head when he makes faces like that. Anyway, on with the results of the heir poll! You thought I’d forgotten, hadn’t you?
/I actually did almost forget lol whoops~ ANYWAY, without any further ado...
Rogue is our Generation 5 heiress! Gurlfran won by a landslide, gaining nearly 70% of the votes with 16 votes. Stark came in second with 4, and Thor last with 3. Now, I know she looks miserable, but I’m sure Rogue is pumped to be the face of Gen. 5... she just misses her grandma, is all.
It’s quite sad. :/ I think Ecruteak and Padmé meant so much to Rogue because she never had her mother around growing up. She seemed the saddest out of everyone when those two passed on.
I decided Stark needed something to do rather than sit around all day and be cute, so I had him call up Eva McCarter, the family’s maid.
Stark: “So... you like, clean stuff.. and stuff?”
Eva: “...Yup.”
Unfortunately it seems he isn’t very verbose when it comes to women.
Back inside, Bowser and Adrienne were doing what most couples do...
...And with that, Bowser finally completed his LTW of Master Romancer in the best possible way he could have. OR AT LEAST HE WOULD HAVE IF MY GAME HADN’T MESSED UP. D:< He woohoo’d 5 different sims in 5 different places and it still says he hasn’t completed his LTW! The fuck.
Oh my goodness you have NO IDEA how happy I am to see Thor become a Young Adult. I’m gonna miss him, really, but he was late for school every single day and ended up getting grounded every single day for “skipping school” (apparently being late is just as bad as skipping according to Bowser) and the whole thing was just very, very exhausting. So yes, that’s my little rant about Thor’s birthday, let’s get on with it then, shall we?
D’aww, this kid just keeps getting cuter. Thor is now a Clumsy, Friendly, Absent-Minded yet Brave Technophobe. His LTW is World Renowned Surgeon.
Sadly Thor had to move out right away to make room for Gen. six (holy shit Gen. six, where is the time going!?!?) kids. Bye Thor, I’ll miss you and your adorably geeky face. <3
Speaking of Gen. six (?!) kids, Puck has just moved in with the La Forces. Ignore his pointless (quite literally) ears, I momentarily uninstalled my pointed ear sliders and forgot to put them back. >.< They’ll be back in later updates. Anyway his traits are Shy, Dramatic, Perfectionist, Neat, and Friendly, and his favorites are French music, Grilled Cheese, and the color Blue. His LTW is Leader of the Free World.
The next day, Stark found Eva while she was working her shift and gathered the courage to talk to her about something other than cleaning.
Stark: “I may have failed to mention this the other day, but I’m from the past.”
Eva: “Really? You MUST tell me more! My break starts in just a few minutes, you know..”
It’s the armor. Bitches love armor.
Anyway, back to Rogue and Puck. Now that he’s moved in, the two of them are even more obnoxiously adorable (if that was even possible) and are often seen hugging as pictured here.
Rogue: “Puck, you’ve been my best friend since high school and I love you so much. Let’s get married. Right now.”
Puck: “Right now?! Rogue, you can’t be serious!”
Rogue: “Alright I’m not serious. But still. Marry me. At a later date, that is.”
Puck: *super excited super manly man-jump* “Of course! I love you too, by the way, and as soon as I’m done with the obligatory engagement skip I’ll hug you to prove it.”
Yeah, or do that, whatever, same general idea.
Looks like somebody’s eggo is indeed preggo~
OHSHIT two engagements in one chapter?!? WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING.
Bowser: “Never thought these words would ever leave my mouth, but..”
Bowser: “Please do me the honor of becoming my wife, Adrienne.”
Adrienne: *obligatory engagement skip* “Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!”
As these two aren’t getting any younger, they opted for a private wedding and got married right there in the foyer.
Yup, pregnancy confirmed. You’ll notice the heart hovering above Puck’s head in the background. That’s just what happens when a sim loves another sim very very much.
Rogue: “So.. Puck! We’re pregnant! And unmarried! Isn’t that fun! Doesn’t your mother hate me enough already?”
Puck: “Well, yeah... Yeah, she does.”
I’m so very sad to report that Stark has moved out. I have a plan (heh heh~) and unfortunately for it to happen the household needs more space. I thought I’d have more time to get him together with someone and have a better goodbye story, but sadly that didn’t happen and I’m sorry it didn’t. I’m gonna miss the hell out of this kid. And I’m going to invite him to every family gathering ever until he dies ‘cause that’s how awesome he is. <3 STARK YOU BETTER GO OUT THERE AND HAVE ADORABLE BABIES FOR ME TO CHECK IN ON EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE OK? OK.
In other news, Bowser is loving the married life. He’s constantly thinking about his marriage and looking at his ring and doing that super girly swaying thingy that sims do and it’s awesome.
Besides preparing for his little one, Puck spends most of his days upping his charisma skill. He is a campaign intern, after all. So if you don’t see him as much the rest of this chapter, that’s why.
grim!Anakin: “OKAY SERIOUSLY GUYS WHAT THE FUCK. I WAS LITERALLY JUST HERE A COUPLE DAYS AGO. FUCK. AND REALLY you couldn’t have made this kitchen any less cramped? My scythe doesn’t even fit. The fuck.”
Nolan was, as you can imagine, happy (aside from apparently being very hungry) to join his late wife. The rest of the family was not.
Adrienne: “This is a bad memory. I will be sure to take note of this.”
R.I.P Nolan La Force, age 102.
What more can I say other than Nolan was a good spouse and a great dad and granddad. He also had freckles, and freckles are wonderful. I’m actually not quite sure what else there is to say other than he will be missed. <3
And then this happened. Because you know my game has a flair for the dramatic.
Rogue: “Weren’t you just in the foyer in grim form?”
Rogue: “Nah. I’m thinking home birth. That sounds nice.”
Home birth it was. I present to you the first child of Gen. 6, Link La Force! That’s right, we’re doing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time names this time around. I couldn’t be any more excited. Anyway! Link is a Clumsy Genius with the favorites of R&B, Fruit Parfait, and Black.
And out pops another! Here we have Zelda La Force, who is an Excitable Slob and favors Country music, Stu Surprise, and the color Purple.
And yet another! This is Saria La Force, born with the Slob and Grumpy traits. Her favorites include Country music, Key Lime Pie, and the color Red. I actually can’t believe she had multi-gender triplets. I was trying for triplets, true, but I was trying for all girls so I could name them after the three Golden Goddesses (Din, Nayru, and Farore). I didn’t even have Rogue go see a doctor or anything about the gender of the baby and I thought that was the only way you could get multi-gender multiples! Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy about the way everything turned out, just a little confused, haha.
After childbirth Rogue is back to banging on her drum set. Because that’s what every woman does right after giving birth to triplets.
Seriously. Shiloh was so close. Padmé’s LTW was hard and I just kind of gave up after a while. Bryce completed his but he’s just a spouse (sorry Bryce). Ecruteak.. similar to Padmé plus the family was so large and I didn’t really have time to help a sim with a profession rather than a career. My game decided Bowser didn’t deserve to complete his LTW even though he met all the requirements. And so here we are. Master all those instruments, Rogue!
The next morning was the triplets’ birthday. First Link...
Then Zelda...
Then Saria. Whew. I forgot that triplet birthdays tend to be tiresome.
Here’s Link! Looks like he’s inherited the La Force pouty lip- what did I tell ya, every generation so far. ;D He’s a cutie.
And here we have Zelda! adfglafga;dfj yay Puck’s red hair<3 It’s hard to tell from this picture but I think she’s got the La Force lips as well.
And then lastly we have Saria. She looks so much like Puck, and I’m actually very excited to see how she turns out! She’s so different-looking compared to her brother and sister.
Also, the La Forces have just adopted their first family pet! As you can see, Pets is finally working for me! Updating to Snow Leopard worked like a charm. Now the only issue I have is the “no fluff” issue (my game isn’t rendering the fur correctly, especially noticeable on extra fluffy animals) so I apologize if my pets look strange or bulky for the time being as I’m not quite sure how to fix this yet. But as soon as I do, you better believe my pets are gonna be fluffy as FUCK. /no more caffeine for me. Anyway, this is Navi, she’s a mixed kitten, and she’s both Destructive and a Piggy. She’s also cute as hell.
Here’s Navi’s little corner. I apologize in advance for any and all future Pets spam. It’s inevitable, I’m sorry.
*scratch scratch scratch*
*nom nom nom*
/she’s small enough to fit in the bowl oh my dear heart<3
In true legacy fashion, I manage to cram yet another birthday in this chapter. Bowser becomes an old man today.
Here we have Rogue laughing at her father as he becomes a shriveled old prune.
Rogue: “Heh heh.. heh. Old people.”
Bowser: “What? It can’t be that bad, can it? I’m still ‘with it’, right? Overalls are always in style, aren’t they? Why’s everyone being so quiet?”
Rogue: “I- What even- Oh my god.”
Adrienne had her birthday too, but nobody laughed because she’s nice and let’s face it, Bowser’s a pretty easy target with that past of his.
Though I have to admit, grandpa Bowser cleans up pretty nicely.
Same with Adrienne.
I think I’ll end this chapter with some Navi-cuteness. Next chapter should be more eventful. Thanks for reading, and a special thanks to all of you who take the time to comment, it really does mean a lot to me. <3 Also! I'll be uploading all Gen. 5 kids pretty soon, so yeah.. thought I'd let you know. Haha. See you lot next time!