Previously in The Bifrost Family Awesomesauce Challenge:
Cornflower fell pregnant with her first child and soon gave birth to September Bifrost. Billy had a secret Twilight obsession. Cornflower found herself pregnant a second time and gave birth to November Bifrost. September aged from baby, to toddler, to child. Oh yes, and both kids have imaginary friends: Jelly Bean and Pumpkin (forgot to mention November’s IF’s name last chapter, whoops). Cornflower composed more songs for her debut album. Some old lady died in a park. Billy became an adult, November became a toddler, and the Bifrost parents did the nasty in September’s clubhouse. Onward~
Seems it’s becoming a trend to start chapters with Cornflower spinning into maternity clothes. She is indeed pregnant a third time. I hope nobody minds that I’m not following the “two children per generation” rule.
I think having an imaginary friend is going to take some getting used to for September.
September: “SERIOUSLY. Jelly Bean follows me everywhere! Walk into the kitchen to do some homework? There’s Jelly Bean. Head off to my bedroom to go to sleep? There’s Jelly Bean. Go to the bathroom so I can take a freaking poop? THERE’S JELLY BEAN.”
That afternoon, September hatched an idea.
September: “The science lab called my mom this morning about a rainbow gem or something, and then I heard the words ‘imaginary friend’ and ‘real life’... Maybe if Jelly Bean was real, he wouldn’t annoy me so much! I’m gonna find that rainbow gem.”
And so September’s hunt for the elusive rainbow gem began. Unfortunately all he found this time was silver. Apparently dressing like a king doesn’t heighten your gem finding abilities, despite what Billy told him.
September: “Dammit dad!”
Time for Cornflower to give birth already! Goodness, where does the time go.
Thankfully, Billy was able to get Twilight off his mind long enough for them to make it to the hospital. Meet Autumn Bifrost, who is Insane and Loves the Outdoors. Her favorites are Hip Hop, Mac & Cheese, and Aqua.
At least September isn’t so annoyed with Jelly Bean that he’d turn down a pillow fight.
September: “You kidding me? This is the only time I can hit Jelly Bean with it being okay! Also pillow fights rule, duh.”
Birthday time for the oldest Bifrost child! I’m so excited~ :D
Jelly Bean: “I am so very confused.”
Inappropriate sims are the best.
September aged up with Hopeless Romantic as his fourth trait. Good lord he’s adorable!
Jelly Bean grew a little too.. and got a little creepier. September better get going on that rainbow gem hunt of his.
Jelly Bean: “September! My lifelong playmate! What ever are you doing? What is that look on your face for?”
September: “Uh... nothing. Go play with November, will you Jelly Bean?”
Jelly Bean: “Oh, I would love to! Alas, she cannot see me. She has a playmate of her own. So once again I must inquire about what it is you are doing.”
September: “Alright, alright, I’m just setting a little prank. This is gonna be hilarious. But don’t tell anyone- wait, what am I saying? Nobody can see you but me. Which is starting to get a little weird. But whatever.”
Cornflower: “I saw that, young man! Do you know how dangerous whoopee cushions are?! MILLIONS OF FAMILIES SUFFER EVERY YEAR.”
Jelly Bean: “I didn’t tell her September, you have my word!”
September: “I KNOW JELLY BEAN. I know.”
Cornflower stopped yelling at September long enough to have her birthday.
Cornflower: “I wish for good children who understand the consequences and seriousness of using whoopee cushions...”
Unfortunately I don’t think Cornflower will get her wish with September still in the house. But hey, at least she’s still pretty.
Cornflower: “True.”
Looks like it’s November’s birthday as well!
She aged up with Over-Emotional as her third trait.
And it’s Autumn’s birthday too! Now it’s starting to look like a legacy around here.
Blue hair! Yes. Autumn has very unique genetics, it’ll be interesting to see how she looks when she gets a bit older.
Oh yeah, and November’s IF doll Pumpkin is now a full-fledged imaginary friend.
September: (to November) “Good luck.”
It may not always seem like it, but September and Jelly Bean really are best friends. They hug a lot which is somehow both cute and just a little creepy at the same time.
Cornflower’s even written a song about Jelly Bean and Pumpkin.
Cornflower: ♪♫ “My kids keep a’huggin’ the air! My kids keep a’huggin’ the air! Some may say they’re not all there! But they are my kids so I care!” ♪♫
Don’t mind me, just dropping some cuteness in here~ September really is a great big brother, even if Autumn’s face says otherwise.
Now that September’s a teenager, November has taken over his clubhouse.
November: “He wasn’t even using it right before! All I found up here is some comic books and a couple of sleeping bags. Boooooring. I transformed it into a pirate ship.”
She’s really quite adorable. :3
Oh goodness, she wasn’t kidding. When there’s smoke coming from your child’s treehouse, that’s the time to worry.
November: “Oh no, a rival pirate ship! Bring out the cannons!”
Pumpkin: “November! It is me, Pumpkin, your lifelong playmate! Want to come out and plaaay?”
November: “FIRE!”
Pumpkin: “This is not playing! This is the opposite of playing!”
November: “Sorry Pumpkin, you know we’re best friends forever.”
Pumpkin: “Foreeeever!”
*cue violins from Psycho* ![](http://i811.photobucket.com/albums/zz34/uselaforce/TBFAC04/Screenshot-10807.png)
Hark, a rainbow gem! After days upon days of searching, Billy finally found a rainbow gem for his son. Since September started high school he hasn’t had the time to look, and Billy’s self-employed so it kind of worked out perfectly.
Billy: “I’ve got a present for you, son! Go on, open it! No wait, guess what it is! Guess! ..It’s a rainbow gem. I’m sorry. I wanted it to be a surprise but I couldn’t contain my excitement.”
September: “Whoa, thanks dad! I’ve wanted this since... since I was just a boy.”
Billy: “Since the beginning of this chapter. And you’re still just a boy, FYI.”
And so September headed on down to the science lab. Apparently all the cab drivers in Riverview think it’s a good idea to get completely hammered before their shifts.
September: “Hey Jelly Bean! Drink this, will you?”
Jelly Bean: “A strange, fizzy, smoking liquid in a beaker? Okay!”
Jelly Bean: “I’m beginning to regret this. Everything is spinning... and purple. Is this what getting drunk feels like?”
September: “I dunno, possibly. Ask all the cabdrivers around here, they’d know.”
Huzzah! Here we have a fully human Jelly Bean. She’s Good, a Slob, Family-Oriented, and a Kleptomaniac. Her favorites are Pop, Grilled Cheese, and the color Aqua.
September: “Wait a minute... YOU’RE A GIRL?!!?!”
Jelly Bean: “Yup.”
September: “Alright, well despite the fact I thought you were a boy and my entire life up to this point has been a lie, there’s a formal dance at my school tonight. Wanna go with me?”
Jelly Bean: “You betcha. Also, what is a ‘dance’?”
September: “I’ll explain in the limo.”
Jelly Bean: “Ah. And what’s a limo?”
September: “Um. I’ll show you?”
Since the dance was literally a few minutes after Jelly Bean’s transformation, I didn’t have time to give her a makeover but she’ll get one as soon as they return home.
Sep cleans up pretty good, if I do say so myself.
September: “This is a limo.”
Jelly Bean: “Ohhhhh.”
Back at home, it’s time for November’s birthday already.
She looks so much like Cornflower! November gained Clumsy as her fourth trait.
It’s Autumn’s birthday as well. SO MANY BIRTHDAYS THIS CHAP GOODNESS GRACIOUS, I’m so sorry!
Autumn received Hot-Headed as her third trait.
Autumn: “You know, if I cross my eyes hard enough, I think I can see the tip of my brain... did you know it’s the same shade of blue as my hair?”
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of insane sims. (':
Also, here’s Jelly Bean post-makeover. Her hair was this really mucky dark green color and I just didn’t think it suited her at all. So I made it a much prettier shade of green. She’s so cute, I just- ugh. I can’t get over it.
And here’s November after her makeover as well, who is also quite stunning.
Aaaand one more kid after her makeover. Autumn kind of reminds me of a less violent version of Hit Girl from Kick-Ass, but I’m thinking it’s mostly the hair.
In other news, Cornflower has officially mastered the guitar skill! Now she’s moved on to upright bass, and so have her hit songs.
Cornflower: ♪♫ “Movin’ onto bass, oh I’m movin’ onto base. You better stay out of my face, ‘cause I am gonna win this race. Also my babieeeeess are growin’ up and I AM SO SAD SO VERY VERY SAD.” ♪♫
That didn’t rhyme. And was quite depressing. Aw. :/
And Billy mastered the painting skill! Now he’s moved onto guitar, it’s kind of funny. Got any songs for us, Billy?
Billy: “Unless you’d like to hear a nice little rendition of ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’, um... no.”
Oh yeah, these two are a couple now. Apparently they had such a good time at the dance that they decided to start dating. I know some people think it’s weird for sims to date their imaginary friends, and I suppose it is a little strange, but I still think this is cute. <3
Autumn had a field day with this new information.
Autumn: “So wait, lemme get this straight- my brother’s dating his imaginary friend? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH THAT’S RICH. My brother. He just imagined up his girlfriend. Aha. Hahah. HahahhahahaHAHAHHAHAHAH.”
Even though she’s a teen, November is still close to Pumpkin. They literally pillow fight every spare moment they have. Which can get a little weird. Especially when November just wears her underwear. Like moments such as these. Yup.
Billy came home with yet another surprise, this time for his oldest daughter.
Billy: “Here you go November, Happy Birthday!”
November: “Dad. My birthday was months ago. But thanks... I guess.”
Billy: “No problem, sweetheart. Anything to get you to stop talking to yourself. And flinging pillows at the air. In your underwear. Ahem. Anyway. Open it.”
And she did. It turned out to be (you guessed it) another rainbow gem. She brought it to the science lab immediately. Damn drunken Riverview cabdrivers.
November: “Hey Pumpkin! I’m sick of people assuming I have the Insane trait just because it looks like I talk to myself when I’m actually talking to you, so drink this. You’ll become human, like me.”
Pumpkin: “Oooh, yummy! It looks like orange soda!”
November: “...Yeah. It’s orange soda. Drink up, buddy.”
Here we have human Pumpkin, who has the traits Adventurous, Workaholic, Perfectionist, and Heavy Sleeper. His favorites include Soul music, Crepes, and the color Sea Foam.
Ending the chapter here, folks. There may or may not be an heir poll after the next chapter already, I haven’t decided yet. Either way I’m stoked! Anyway, thank you all so very much for reading, until next time! <3