Despite having a super busy weekend, I managed to make time to type up a La Force update! Awyeah~ I'm also in the process of attempting my very first legacy house for the La Forces (as I posted on tumblr) and I've got the ground floor basically mapped out. I've been working on the thing for hours, and I think I have two rooms fully furnished. ._. Let's just say I have a newfound respect for all you builders out there, haha. Let's get on with the chapter then!
The La Forces moved a third time. Rogue was announced to be our Generation 5 heiress. Thor and Stark moved out. Puck moved in, resulting in his and Rogue’s engagement. Bowser and Adrienne also got engaged, but opted for a private wedding in their foyer. Rogue fell pregnant and later gave birth to triplets (Link, Zelda, and Saria). Nolan passed away. The triplets became toddlers. Bowser and Adrienne became elders. And lastly, the family adopted Navi, an adorable mixed kitten. Go!
We begin this chapter with some good ol’ toddler spam. Like seriously THIS KID. Well actually all three of them but seriously they’re my favorite toddlers so far. They’re just so adorable skhdfkjhlsdkjfh *: So exsqueeze me while I picspam for just a sec:
/Okay done. Told ya it was just a sec.
Alright, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “WELL WAIT JUST A GOSH DARN SECOND, THESE KIDS JUST HAD BIRTHDAYS, WHAT’S THE DEAL HERE?” The deal is at this point in my game, things were glitching hardcore. Horses were still making my game freeze, but being my impatient self I played the game anyway and just made sure none of my sims left the house so nobody would run into a wild horse, which was, as you can imagine, a little boring but I managed. Long story short, although my game still worked with horses, it lagged way more than usual which made it difficult and tiresome to take as many screenshots as I would have liked. So that’s the deal, but not to worry. Pretty soon after this point, I fixed my problem with horses and my game was working much better, so I was able to take loads of screenshots. /end novel on why the kids aged up so fast, let’s get on with the damn birthdays already. Link!
Link received Hydrophobic as his third trait, along with the most adorable hat I have EVER SEEN.
SMILE. This is as close as we’re going to get. Anyway, her third trait is Technophobe.
Zelda aged up with Couch Potato as her third trait. As you can see, I didn’t do the best with toddler skilling this time around. *kanye shrug*
Now that they’re a little older, the girls have their own room and share a bunk bed...
...While Link gets his own room and sleeps in a sleeping bag next to his bed. Yeah, I don’t understand it either.
Even though the kids didn’t get any imaginary friends this gen, I bought Link a chemistry set. He looks so super serious in his little lab coat and dino/lizard hat. :3
Link: “Don’t belittle me, woman. You’ll regret having said that when I force this down your throat and you wake up the next morning as a ghost.”
Aw he’s just the cutest little genius~
Strange crowd of sims including members of the La Force family, the Summerdream family, near strangers, and a simbot loitering around the house? Must be a wedding. Also: why has everyone got Stark on their minds? xD
Yup, Meg showed up to Rogue and Puck’s wedding. Although she left immediately upon hearing about Nolan’s death.
Meg: “Master Nolan’s sweet ass was my sole purpose of attending your puny human get-together. In other words, this party blows and I’m outta here.”
Moving right along with some adorable Puck/Rogue wedding spam. <3
Rogue was a little emotional after saying “I do”.
Rogue: “Guys... *sniff* I think Puck’s prettier than me. I can’t be married to a guy who’s prettier than me! I mean look at him- he’s so pretty! Look at him! LOOK AT HIM.”
Puck: “Now Rogue, let’s face it, I am pretty, but certainly not as pretty as you. You’re gorgeous.”
Rogue: “Oh Puck..”
I thought this was really sweet- Thor and his aunt Peach throwing rice in unison. Aw. (:
The next day, the girls each brought a friend home from school. I think the kid in the back is named Hugo and the girl up front is Sasha. /yay for maybe remembering some names for once?
While the girls were playing with their new friends, Link took notice of this pedomobile ice cream truck.
Link: “Um... I’ll have that one!”
Welp. Resisting the urge to make a dirty joke so hard rn.
Back at home, Zelda and Saria were having a five-way conversation with their grandparents and Hugo for some reason.
Bowser: “Saria, why don’t you be a good girl and do your homework like little Sasha here?”
Saria: “Because I’m not a little kiss-ass, grandpa. Now why don’t you be a good boy and go eat your prunes, preferably someplace far away from me. kthanks.”
Oooouuu, Navi’s having her birthday!
Still cute as ever! Also, I think somewhere along the way Navi was able to turn her Destructive trait into Nondestructive. So that’s nice.
Here she is, being nondestructive. Thanks for no longer tearing up the furniture Navi, I appreciate it. <3
Navi: “Mrow.”
Speaking of Navi, Link has really started to take a liking to her. WHICH IS AWESOME FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. Here, have some Link/Navi (teehee~) spam:
But then she thought about sunsets and freaked herself out.
Also, this just in: ghost!Padmé made herself a cup of coffee which was apparently very disgusting in Bowser’s eyes.
Bowser: “For god’s sake, grandma! Do that outside or something, will you?”
ghost!Padmé: “I changed your diapers, you know. Be grateful. Be grateful...”
And with that, she disappeared in a giant green cloud of stank. The La Force ghosts are oh so cryptic~
And here we have Navi drinking from the toilet. How lovely.
Apparently it was a very good night for ghosts in the La Force household. ghost!Anakin decided to occupy* Link’s sleeping bag for the evening. Navi made it her mission to investigate.
*OCCUPY LINK’S SLEEPING BAG. WE ARE THE 99% and we all fit in this sleeping bag. I realize I am not funny in the slightest lol don’t mind me~
Navi: “I am 99.9% sure that this is a ghost.”
Good work, Navi.
ghost!Nolan then thought it might be a good idea to attack his great-granddaughter while she slept.
Saria: “Let me go, Great-Grandpa Nolan! I’m starving!”
ghost!Nolan: “Whoops, this isn’t a chair. My eyesight really must be getting terrible.”
He then made his way into Link’s bedroom...
...and slept in Link’s sleeping bag. What is it with you ghosts and sleeping bags?!
Navi: “What the fuck is this thing now?”
Oh hey, it’s Puck’s birthday. I didn’t even bother taking an “after” shot because he looks exactly the same. So. Yeah. Cool story.
In the meantime, Navi decided to go psycho on the old newspaper sitting outside and ripped it to shreds. Well that’s one way of getting rid of them. Kudos, Navi. Kudos.
I sent Adrienne down to the pet shop because I thought the La Forces could use a few more furry (or maybe not so furry) friends.
Here we have a male parakeet named Mido. He stays in Zelda and Saria’s room, so I guess he’s primarily theirs. He’s so super cute. x3
And here we have Rauru, a male iguana. I always thought most iguanas were green..? Anyway. He’s basically Link’s because he lives in his room. He is also adorable. x3
This is Zelda’s reaction to Adrienne attempting to pinch her cheeks. LOL OH GOD THE ACCURACY OF THS.
Zelda: “Listen Adrienne, you’re a nice old lady and all, but if you so much as get one finger NEAR my adorable cheeks, I will punch you out. Are we clear?”
Adrienne: “But Zel-”
Zelda: “I said, ARE WE CLEAR?”
Adrienne: “Y-yes, Zelda.” *runs and hides and will probably be forever afraid of Zelda*
Bowser, blissfully unaware of the terrifying scene that just took place between his wife and his granddaughter, decided to try to do the same, this time on poor, unsuspecting Saria.
Bowser: “You have the sweetest little cheeks, my dear, I just want to pinch them-”
Saria: “Whoa, hold up grandpa! Did you even see what happened to Adrienne? Now, I don’t wanna have to punch you out or anything, so I suggest you stop right there.”
Bowser: “But.. this is a worldwide tradition. As your grandfather, it is my duty to pinch your adorable little cheeky-weekies...”
Where was Link while his sisters were being harassed by their grandparents? Upstairs playing with Rauru, of course.
Link: “Oh Rauru, you’re so awesome. Who’s the coolest little iguana this side of Barnacle Bay?! You are! Yes, you are.”
Zelda went upstairs to spend some time with Mido, too.
Zelda: “Aw yeah, look at me with my parakeet on my shoulder, like a freaking boss PIRATE. I’m awesome.”
Saria is a pro at skipping school without me noticing, yet by some miracle she still manages to maintain a B average. Huh. On the other hand, Zelda and Link have perfect attendance and are both on the honor roll. I’ve never had such good kids. I mean, even the “bad kid” is still getting good grades. I’ve got to be doing something right, though I have no idea what that is.
I’ll bring the chapter to a close here, sorry if it was kind of a shitty ending. I like keeping my chapters around 60 pictures long ‘cause I’m weird and OCD in that way. Also because the kids become teenagers pretty soon and I’m trying to spread the chapters out so we don’t have an heir poll two chapters in. Next time:
• More birthdays because those things are brand new information
• More ghosts
• Midlife crises
• I swear the next chapter is more fun then it sounds
• Really
• I swear
Thanks so much for reading, until next time! <3