I'm still installing sims3packs, but hey, at least I've got a Bifrost chapter for you guys. Hopefully I'll get a chance to test run my game this week and I'll let you all know how that goes. Also aw yeah generation orange~
Previously in The Bifrost Family Awesomesauce Challenge:
Pumpkin enjoyed swearing and homework. September and Jelly Bean had a serious conversation about their relationship. Autumn was... Autumn, barking mad (literally). The Bifrost household was overrun with adolescence. Speaking of which, Autumn became a teen. November and Pumpkin finally got together. An heir poll took place. Go~
Surprise, the Bifrosts have moved to Hidden Springs! Mostly because I changed my default skins to aikea_guinea’s V2 skintones, and for whatever reason when I change skin defaults and play save files that had a different skin tone, the new skin looks all pixelated and weird, even if I delete my caches. Moving them to a new town fixes that though, so here we are. I had to use a house already occupied by a premade family (most of you probably know by now that I’m a shit house builder) because it was one of the only houses there that was big enough to house the Bifrosts. I just moved that family to a different house, so they’re still there.
Here we have the first floor. As you can see, I’ve already redecorated for Generation Orange. We even have an obnoxiously orange Prius.
And here’s the second floor. You can probably guess the only blue room belongs to Cornflower and Billy. The room below that is the heir/heiress bedroom, and the one below that is for future bb’s so I didn’t bother to redecorate just yet. As this is the first chapter of Gen. Orange, I figured I’d list the challenges I’ve got to complete:
“Orange is a bright and happy color. It is full of energy and can even convince the laziest person to get off their butt. It is even known to incite creativeness in even the most ‘uncreative people’. Thus for the orange generation it is all about creativity and physical activity.”
• Money may only be made by novels/painting/music
• Must know all music compositions for 1 instrument (all learnable guitar/bass/keyboard songs)
• Full Athletic Skill
• Must be a Sim Fu Master
• If a sim is given an imaginary friend at birth, they must keep it and keep best friend status with it until adulthood
Cornflower’s first act in her new house? Whip out her guitar and write a song, of course!
Cornflower: ♪♫ “Oh we moooved away, away from Riiiiiverview, so now we’re heeeere to stay, at least for a few generations I think? Awwww shit, that didn’t rhyyyyme.” ♪♫
Anyway, on to the results of the heir poll! September did not win, he came in second with 7 votes. He really didn’t seem to mind.
September: “Hey, I’m happy for November. She deserves to win.”
Awww Sep, always the good brother.
Jelly Bean wasn’t disappointed either.
Jelly Bean: “As long as I’m with Sep, I’ll be just fine.”
Autumn came in third with 6 votes, right after her brother. None of these kids are bitter at all about not winning, it seems.
Autumn: “Yeah, well, joke’s on them because they’re stuck with me for another sixteen sim days so HA.”
As September said, November is our Generation 2 heiress! She won with a whopping 18 votes, gaining over half of your votes. She’s rather happy about that fact.
November: “I actually had no idea I was so popular! I though Sep was going to win for sure.”
I actually thought so too, but I’m quite happy with November as heiress. She’s a little more unique-looking then September, while still being pretty at the same time. Should make for cute kids, me thinks!
Pumpkin remains clueless about the fact that his girlfriend won, and that he’ll participate in producing Generation 3 children.
Pumpkin: “Goddamn, another sack? Get your head in the game, Brady! Wait, did somebody say something about children? I’m sorry, you must be mistaken. There aren’t any children in this house.”
...Not yet. (;
Time for September and Jelly Bean to become young adults. Sep looks waaay to excited.
September: “Two cakes for moi? Aw hell yes, EAT ALL THE CAKES.”
Someone is going to be sorely disappointed when someone’s girlfriend walks up to her cake.
Okay, can we just take a moment to appreciate what my game decided was appropriate athletic wear for September? Gmh.
Anyway, September rolled Slob as his fifth and final trait, making him Athletic, a Light Sleeper, Brave, a Hopeless Romantic, and a Slob. Jelly Bean’s going to be ecstatic now that her boyfriend is a fellow slob just like her. Those two are going to live in a pigsty, I swear. Anyway, his LTW is Become a Superstar Athlete.
Jelly Bean’s turn! Excuse her clothes, I must have deleted some of it by mistake, ah well. Billy is so excited.
Jelly Bean: “Um.. yay?”
Jelly Bean got Lucky as her fifth trait, making her a Slob, Family-Oriented, Good, a Kleptomaniac, and Lucky. Her LTW is Surrounded By Family.
September: “You’re even more beautiful than you were before, and I had no idea that was possible.”
Jelly Bean: “Oh Sep, you’re so sweet..”
Autumn: “Um, hello! Virgin eyes over here here! Don’t make me bark at you sickos. I’ll do it. Don’t think I won’t, because I will. Oh, I will.”
September: “I’ve gotta piss like nobody’s business, but let me ask you a question real quick.”
Way to showcase that Hopeless Romantic trait, Sep.
September: “But you have to answer fast otherwise I’ll probably pee my pants. Will you marry me, Bea?”
Oh good, at least we’ve got one picture where Sep doesn’t look like he’s going to wet himself. That’s nice.
And another. Aww. <3
After a quick potty break, September and Jelly Bean headed upstairs to November’s room to have a private wedding. A little private wedding spam:
She’s not exactly elderly yet, but I think Corny’s loosing it a little. Exhibit A:
Cornflower: “Oh hi sweety, how are you doing? How’d you sleep? It’s your first day back at school since moving, I bet you’ll make a whole mess of new friends! Be sure to let me know how your day goes, okay? I’m always interested in hearing what my kids have been up to, you know that, right? Why, I remember when you were just-”
November: “Yeah mom, that’s nice, I slept well, I’ll let you know how my day went when I get back home. But right now I’m starving my ass off, so could you please stop blocking the refrigerat-”
Cornflower: “-And you were so cute! Sep used to call you Novvy, do you remember that? And-”
November: “Mom.”
Cornflower: “-And then you spilled grape juice all over yourself! And your father-”
November: “Mom.”
Cornflower: “-And that was the day you learned to walk! Oh, you were adorable, I could gush about you all day. And then there was that time-”
Cornflower: “November Bifrost, that was incredibly rude! Your father and I raised you better than that. All you have to say is please.”
Cornflower: “Much better, now you may use the refrigerator. Have a good day, sweetheart!”
November: “Crazy old woman.. trying to kill me.. going to be the death of me someday...” *mumble grumble*
It’s graduation day for Bea and Sep! You can see the excitement just radiating off their faces.
Jelly Bean: “Is this really required? Do we really have to go?”
Autumn: “I can’t believe I have to waste my Sunday on you idiots. A Sunday that could have been better spent barking.”
September: “I’m just going because Mom threatened to disown me if I didn’t. Oh look my hair matches my little sash thingy, that’s fun I guess.”
September: “Hey. Hey November.
Did you get your tickets?”
November: “To what?”
September: “The gun show.”
November: “Can I just not be related to you or..?”
September’s classmates voted him Most Likely to Save the World. I see it.
Jelly Bean was voted Most Likely to Have a Big Family. I’m guessing she just told all her classmates her LTW and they went from there.
Back at home, November was getting started on that athletic skill early.
November: “I’m going to be buff even if it kills me.”
Well lookie here, someone’s eggo is preggo!
Jelly Bean: “Listen Sep, I’ve got some news. I’m pregnant.”
September: “Oh my god, really? That can happen? I didn’t know imaginary friends could get pregnant.”
Jelly Bean: “Well yeah, but I’m not imaginary anymore Sep. I’m real, in case you haven’t noticed.”
September was stoked to become a daddy. He read both pregnancy books in no time flat.
He also made sure to give Jelly Bean back rubs whenever she needed them. lol @ the mini-orgasm face sims make when they get massages~
In other news, Billy and Cornflower have formed a band! Billy finally got good enough at guitar to jam with his wife. They call themselves Corny and the Awesomesauce Band and they jam frequently. Need live music at your next wedding/bat mitzvah/funeral/family get-together? Call Corny and the Awesomesauce Band!
Jelly Bean: “Aw man, I didn’t even get to finish my waffles!”
Billy: “OH GOD OH GOD SOMEBODY HELP THIS WOMAN SHE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO FINISH HER WAFFLES OH GOD THIS IS JUST LIKE- Wait a second. This is nothing like Twilight. I’m outta here. Later.”
Jelly Bean: “Dear god, where’s September when you need him?!”
Asleep in his bed, apparently. At least he’s dreaming about her?
Jelly Bean got along just fine without him, though. Meet Amos Bifrost, who is Artistic and Easily Impressed.
Amos will stay right here for now, as the new little family will be moving out very soon.
November is still plugging away at that athletic skill, but took a quick break to work on her martial arts skill. Thank goodness for Billy and Cornflower’s trip to Shang Simla, otherwise November wouldn’t have this practice dummy.
Like father, like daughter. ![](http://i811.photobucket.com/albums/zz34/uselaforce/TBFAC0201/Screenshot-11678.png)
Birthday time for Billy. Man, this dude has a knack for
staring creepily at cakes. ![](http://i811.photobucket.com/albums/zz34/uselaforce/TBFAC0201/Screenshot-11680.png)
Billy is probably the cutest old sim man I have ever seen lskhdfh;kshdf omg aw. <3
Birthday time for Amos as well!
This kid is adorable, just as I predicted.
Jelly Bean: “Oh no Amos, the claw is going to get mommy!”
Amos: “Uh, I don’t think you understand mom, if that thing gets you, it will definitely get me.”
ljsdhfkjhaklsjdhkfad AW. ♥
Sep looks like he’ll make a good dad.
I mean really. Look at him, n’awww. (‘:
Unfortunately though, it is time for September, Jelly Bean, and Amos to move out and start their lives together. I will miss you all! Story Progression, please be kind to this little family. <3
Just another adorable shot of Corny and the Awesomesauce Band.
November’s fifth and final trait is Childish, making her a Loner, Easily Impressed, Over-Emotional, Clumsy, and Childish. Her LTW is Professional Author, which seemed appropriate for the theme of this generation.
Cornflower: *death glare*
Pumpkin: “I am so very confused.”
Pumpkin’s fifth and final trait is also Childish, I shit you not. That makes him Adventurous, a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, a Heavy Sleeper, and Childish. His LTW is Jack of All Trades. There are going to be toys everywhere this gen, I can see it already.
November: “Pumpkin? I’ve ah, I’ve got an important question to ask you.”
Pumpkin: “Okay, go for it.”
November: Shit shit shit November this is not the time to be clumsy!
Clumsy sims are so cute. (‘:
November: “Um... Marry me?”
As you can tell, he said no. loljk obvious face is obvious~
D’awwww. ♥ Keep imaginary friend at best friend status until adulthood? Check.
The next morning was graduation day for Pumpkin and November! Not sure why November’s wearing the kitty hat in place of her graduation cap, and Pumpkin is just being stereotyped here. Also, cake?
November’s classmates voted her Most Likely to Burn Down Her Own Home. Nice.
Pumpkin was voted Most Likely to Complete His Lifetime Wish. Maybe, if getting to level 5 of self-employed careers count.
When they got back home, November went back to working on her athletic skill straight away. She’s already at level 5, if you can believe it.
Because sometimes I can’t.
I decided to get Pumpkin started on that painting skill. One day he’ll be as good as Billy, painting masterpieces worth thousands of dollars...
Clearly today is not that day. He’ll get there.
The next morning was November and Pumpkin’s wedding day, and this lady was invited for some reason.
At least September and Jelly Bean were able to make it. I was hoping they’d bring little Amos, but they didn’t. ): Ah well.
I forgot to change Cornflower’s formalwear from her wedding dress, so she’s just gonna look a little silly here for a while. Get ready for some wedding spam!
One last shot of the little crowd. Cornflower looks like she’s doing a “yesss” with her fist, and oh look Billy showed up, that’s nice. I just realized Autumn’s standing there in her athletic wear. You go girl, fight the power~
Cake cutting time! So have a little mini-spam:
/end spam
Pumpkin: “We should’ve got a dragon for the ceremony, I’m tellin’ ya.”
November: “I think you’ve been playing a little too much Skyrim, darling.”
The two then went upstairs...
...To do what newlyweds do.
And the next morning this happened. :D
The chapter comes to a close here. Next time:
• Intense pregnant lady workouts
• Gen. 3 kidlets
• Birthdays
• More Corny and the Awesomesauce Band
Thanks for reading, until next time! <3