Last time on The Botts! A Random Legacy Challenge:
Norma gave birth to three out of the four children she is required to have for this challenge (first Atticus, then Lydia, then Juna). She also had two of her weekly fights, one of which with her old nemesis Benjamin. She lost to him, but totally kicked a police officer’s ass, and by some miracle avoided arrest. Both Atticus and Lydia became toddlers. Harvey had his Adult birthday, which amused Norma to no end. Go!
Now, I’m not sure if I broke any rules by doing this, but the Botts really needed the money, so I got Norma the Inheritance Lifetime Reward. They only had a little over 600 simoleons and could barely afford the three children they already had, let alone a fourth. So yes, thank you Norma’s long lost relative! Sorry to hear you’re dead and all that, but... at least we appreciate it?
Also, I noticed that something was really messed up with the Botts’ save file in Appaloosa Plains when I took Norma into CAS one day. Her whole body was all grey and scary and just really really strange-looking. And it was only in CAS, not actually in-game. But it freaked me out enough to move the Botts to Twinbrook, and that seemed to resolve the problem. So here we are! I’ll give you the grand tour of Chateau le Bott~
The living room, complete with four out of the six places to sit that the Living Green rule allows. Also a plant for decoration, because it’s the only kind of decor I’m allowed to use.
Archer’s little corner.
The kitchen, complete with the other two places to sit. And a recycling bin, of course.
The nursery, because even after the Botts inherited all that money from Norma’s relative, they still can only afford two bedrooms: one for them and one for the kids. Ah well, at least they have walls this time.
Norma and Harvey’s room. Naturally Harvey had no say whatsoever in the color scheme for the room, so it’s totally Norma-fied.
The bathroom.
And then we have the backyard, complete with a clothesline and the garden they couldn’t afford before.
So I have no idea when this happened, but apparently Atticus has an imaginary friend. I have no idea what its name is, either. At least it makes sense for him to have one though, him being a loner and all.
And here’s an adorable shot of Lydia for no real reason. <3
Oh yes, and Juna had her birthday! She looks an awful lot like Harvey, I’m quite pleased with her. <3
Also, Atticus becomes a child today.
ksjdhfkljsdh <3 Atticus received Loser as his third trait, making him a perceptive loser who also happens to be a loner. You poor kid.
He sat down to play with his imaginary friend right away. This picture breaks my heart a little, not gonna lie. ;_;
Norma’s an adult now, even though I can hardly see a difference. Gurlfran ages well. Bless you Harvey, you’re so stoked. <3
Atticus comes home from his first day of elementary school with homework, because his teachers hate him. Isn’t that right, Atti?
Atticus: “Yeah, I knew offering to take out the garbage for Mrs. Calloway was a bad idea.”
Atticus: “Ugh. Go ahead, show ‘em the pop-up...”
The.. pop-up?
Oh. Oh my goodness Atticus. ;_; I feel like this is where I should mention that Atticus has a tendency of randomly bursting into tears at least once a day, although I never catch him because he does it so quickly. Poor kid. I have a feeling I’ll be saying that a lot about him.
Well, the fourth and final child of Generation 2 is on its way!
Also, Harvey’s made a friend! Archer caught her actually, and Harvey decided he’d like to keep her. Her name’s Burra, she’s a goldfinch.
Harvey’s become rather attached to Burra, sort of like how Norma is to Archer.
Harvey: “Who’s my pretty girl? That’s right, Burra is!”
Norma: “Well damn Harvey, if you love the bird so much, why don’t you marry her?”
Harvey: “Don’t mind Norma, she’s just jealous. And a little crazy sometimes. She’ll grow to like you.”
Speaking of crazy, Norma is currently going through her mid-life crisis.
Norma: “I used to be so young! So vibrant! I had it, as the kids say these days, going on!”
Norma: “Now look at me, I’ve got wrinkles the size of the grand canyon! Has my hair always been this faded?! HAS IT?!?!”
Norma: “..Everything sux.”
To cheer herself up, Norma decided to pay Burra a visit.
Norma: “Well hello there Burra, the ‘other woman’ so to speak. My husband’s quite infatuated with you. Go on, show me why he thinks you’re so great.”
Burra: “...Chirp?”
Norma: “I suppose you’re not so bad. Look Burra, I’m a fish! Birds like fish, right? You like to eat ‘em, and.. such?”
Norma: “Uhhh... what about this, Burra? The CLAWWWW, ah no it’s gonna get you!”
Burra: “Holy fucking shit this thing’s gonna eat me oh god oh god oh god.”
Oh hey here’s another picture of Lydia being cute and whatnot.
Have one of Juna too. It’s hard including toddlers in chapters, they don’t do a whole lot. :/ They are cute though, so there’s that.
Norma: “Welp. This is uncomfortable.”
Oh Norma, such an old pro.
Harvey: *is conveniently nowhere to be found*
Yeah. Something tells me Archer won't be a lot of help in this situation.
Archer: You silly little seed. Everyone knows not to bother Archer while he’s at his highest level of relaxation. Ahhh...
Meet Fynn Bott, the fourth and final child of Generation 2. He’s a Good Couch Potato who enjoys Egyptian music, Key Lime Pie, and the color Red.
I swear I didn’t age him up right away, that’s against the rules. I guess nothing interesting happened for the one or two days he was a Metapod?
And hey, it’s Lyd’s birthday as well! Awesome, now I can actually include her in chapters.
Adorable as ever. Lydia’s third trait is Inappropriate, following in her mother’s footsteps. She is now a clumsy, inappropriate genius. This’ll be interesting.
Atticus: “And then, one night, while he was cutting the patties, it happened.”
Atticus’sIF: “He forgot the secret sauce?”
Atticus: “No.”
Atticus’sIF: “He didn’t wash his hands?”
Atticus: “No!”
Atticus’sIF: “Irregular portions?”
Atticus: “NO. He cut off his own hand by mistake!”
Atticus’sIF: “You mean like this? Or like this? Or this? But what about thi-”
Atticus: “Except he wasn’t imaginary!”
Atticus’sIF: “So?”
Atticus’sIF: “OH NO!”
Norma: “Well, hello there Marc.”
Marc: “Uh.. hi, Norma?”
Oh boy, it’s that time of the week again.
Norma: “Don’t you ‘hi Norma’ me! I see the way you look at me in the mess hall, like I’m some piece of meat! Well, I’ll have you know I’m happily married with four children, mister! And even if I wasn’t, I still wouldn’t appreciate being objectified like that!”
Marc: “Norma, I don’t even know what you’re talking abou-”
Marc: “I still don’t know what I should be ashamed of, but okay.”
You poor schmuck. Once Norma’s marked you for a fight, ho boy you’re in for it.
Norma: “Don’t play dumb with me, Brandt! You totally tried to grab my ass the other week!”
Marc: “Okay, one, I was reaching for the mashed potatoes you were serving, and two, unless your ass was in those mashed potatoes somehow, my hand wasn’t anywhere near it. I really don’t want to have to report you to the sergeant Norma, but I may have to-”
Norma: “HOW DARE YOU THREATEN ME.” *bitch slaps*
Maybe next time don’t pick a fight with somebody in the military, yeah?
Norma: “...Affirmative.”
Alright, so even before the Generation 2 kids were born, I rolled for the next heir or heiress’s challenge. I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say that the next generation involves fishing, and lots of it. So I decided to get the kids started on their fishing skill early.
Atticus isn’t too sold on the idea of sharing his room with two younger sisters and his baby brother.
Atticus: “Isn’t being a total loser punishment enough? How long must I suffer through this?”
Lydia: “Until Dad starts writing novels that actually make money or until Mom realizes that she’s terrible at her job and finds a new one, which ever happens first.”
Atticus: “So for an eternity, then. Dear god help me.”
So Atticus and Lydia brought home this girl from school. I want to say her name’s Pansy, but it’s been so long since I last played in Twinbrook so I’m not sure.
She really likes Atticus’s IF. Like, she really likes it.
Derp face plus sparkles? It’s Juna’s birthday, obviously.
lkjd;lfkjakdsf I love her. <3 Juna received Neurotic for her third trait, making her brave, hydrophobic, and now neurotic.
Harvey’s started on his third book, this time it’s a children’s book called “Where’s My Sock?”
A valid title, EA.
Norma’s been promoted to Grunt! Just two more promotions and then she can be done with the military.
Norma: “Thank god for that. That Marc Brandt’s been giving me the strangest looks again, I think I may have to report him for sexual harassment. The slimeball.”
I’m thinking those are more like looks of contempt than anything else. Anyway, this is where I leave you because I’m fresh out of Bott screenshots. I’m sorry if this update wasn’t up to par. The next chapter should make a little more sense. Thanks for reading, until next time! <3