WARNINGS: Language, adult themes, and... stuff.
Last time on The Botts! A Random Legacy Challenge:
Every child in the household became a teen and took up fishing. Archer got old. Harvey got old. Norma got old. Prom happened. Norma reached level five in the military career and promptly quit her job to become a busker. There was an heir poll. Also... genies. And unicorns. Go!
We begin this chapter with Norma receiving a phone call.
Norma: "Hello? Yes, this is she... a teaching job? In Lunar Lakes? Absolutely I would! Thank you!" *beep*
Norma: "Pack your bags, everybody! The Bott clan is moving to Lunar Lakes! Oh and Atticus dear, you're the heir so I'm counting on you to find a nice alien girl to settle down with once we get there so no pressure BUT ANYWAY time to move on out!"
Atticus: "Heh heh heh, this is gonna be so clas- wait. What?"
Your heir, ladies and gents.
So off to Lunar Lakes they went! Here is Chateau le Bott the third, made by the very talented
Arisuka at MTS.
Prime spots to do your homework, Fynn and Lyd.
Norma is thrilled to have shelves.
Norma: "See these, boy? We weren't allowed to have these during my generation, no siree bob! If we wanted shelves, your dad and I, we had to salvage them from the junkyards! You remember that when you're raising your priveleged kids in this mansion, alright?"
Atticus: "...Yes m'am."
I don't think Atticus has fully come to grips with the fact that he's the heir.
Atticus: "Couldn't they pick somebody else? Like Juna, or Lyd, or- or even Fynn! Any of them would be loads better at this than I am.."
Poor bb. <3 You'll grow into it, I'm sure.
Harvey likes the new sketching table. Then again, he likes all his creative outlets. Quite the artiste, that one.
Lydia, on the other hand, appreciates the fact that they're finally allowed to have technology in the house.
Most of the time, anyway.
Lydia: "People on the internet are stupid and it makes me sad."
Norma does not share Lydia's sentiments on technology.
Norma: "Ugh, the hell is this? We're putting these in the kitchen now? Somebody's gonna get distracted while making waffles one day and this whole place is gonna burn down, I swear."
Norma: "Although, I do like that show about community college with that Joel McHale. That young man's damn fine."
Juna's just happy to finally have a room of her own.
Juna: "Ahh. Smell that?"
Um. No?
Juna: "Exactly. Sharing a room with Lyd wasn't bad, but have you ever lived with two teenage boys? They don't always shower regularly, if you catch my drift."
Archer's still adorable, in case you were wondering, and I'm sure you weren't.
Norma: "Atticus, hon, I don't mean to pester you about this, but we've been living here for over a day and you have yet to even set foot outside. Why don't you go to the park? You know, get some fresh air, maybe do a little fishing, find a nice girl to continue this legacy with since your birthday's tomorrow I mean, have some fun?"
Atticus: "If you say so, Mom."
Norma: "And I do."
Atticus: "Alright, alright! You've made your point, I'm going."
Atticus does end up visiting the park, and, lo and behold, he meets this beauty.
Atticus: "Er- hello there. I'm Atticus. My mom told me to go outside and make some friends and oh my GOD I swear I'm not five. Christ, I'm such a loser."
Finola: *chuckles* "It's okay. I'm Finola, it's nice to meet you. You're new here, aren't you?"
Atticus: "Is it really that obvious? I thought for sure I'd blend in pretty well on an alien planet, pink being my natural hair color and all."
Finola: "Nah, you just give off that 'new kid' vibe. I don't mean it as an insult. Just making an observation."
Atticus: "Mind if I make an observation?"
Finola: "No, go ahead."
Atticus: "You're very pretty."
So I know it looks like she's a foot taller then him, but I swear it's just the terrain.
Filed under 'Hugging: You're Doing It Wrong'.
Unless your goal is to get a face full of boob (and hey, maybe in this case it is), then never mind, you're doing it exactly right.
Lydia likes to sneak into Juna's room at all hours of the night to play video games. This displeases Juna.
Juna: "Look, Lyd, I know you love your video games, and I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but do you have ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS?"
Lydia: "Yeah, it's 4:37 AM. Complete ALL the Dark Brotherhood quests!"
Juna: "If you don't leave in less than three seconds, I'm gonna lose it."
Lydia: #judgingyou
Just a little Archer/Harvey appreciation spam. They're still best friends, even after all these years. <3
Atticus had his birthday, so Norma threw a little party for him. His fifth and final trait is Dog Person, making him a rebellious, perceptive loner who also happens to be a dog-loving loser. His LTW is Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium. Now that the second generation has officially began (or is about to begin), I might as well list off my rolls for this generation:
Marital Structure: Couple
Number of Children: 4
Primary Income: Fishersim
Secondary Income: Movies (Film)
Generation Goal: Idle Career
Miscellaneous Fun: Multi-Cultural
10 Generation Goal: Remember the Past (as always)
Just like last generation, I'll go more in-depth with what these challenges mean as they come into play.
A newly-aged up Finola was invited to Atticus's birthday party, and the two of them shared a nice 'gasm!hug. This is where the "Miscellaneous Fun" comes into play: basically, the Multi-Cultural challenge requires your sim to mate with a sim from a differant culture than them. Aliens count, and I've been really wanting to finally play in Lunar Lakes, so... aliens it was!
Lydia: "I'm happy you've got a nice lady friend and all, Atticus, but do you really need to make googly eyes in front of me? It's both gross and distracting."
Atticus: "Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are the most stunning shade of turquoise?"
Finola: "Oh, Atticus..."
Lydia: *hrrrmph*
Atticus: "I'm so terrible at this, but.. do you- I dunno, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
Finola: "You're the sweetest thing, Atticus. Yes, I'd love to."
I'll be the first to admit I abuse the hell outta the stargazing interaction. It's too friggin' cute. ♥
Welp. Sux 2 b u, sugar.
Lydia must have been up all night gaming again, because she was the only one awake when the burglar broke into the house.
Lydia: "What is that NOISE? Stupid thing broke my concentration so I died. Ugh."
If you heard anyone but a gamer say that, you'd be seriously concerned.
Police Officer: "Alright, so, good news/bad news situation about your burglar. The bad news is he got away. But! The good news is he didn't steal anything in the first place! So that's essentially a win/win, right?"
Atticus: "Uh.. I suppose so. So um. Thanks."
The next day was graduation day for Atticus. So while Juna was freaking out outside of portal!City Hall, Atticus was voted Most Likely to Motive Fail. Sadly accurate. :/
There, Atticus ran into Finola, who was graduating too.
Finola: *le gasp* "Atticus... is this what I think it is?"
Atticus: "Uh. Probably?"
Atticus: "Finola Gorzax, will you be my wife?"
Finola: "Oh my goodness, of course I will! I love you!"
Atticus: "I love you too, Fi."
I appreciate that raccon in the background. Look at his sassy little swooshy tail.
Burra passed away. ): Surprisingly, Norma rather than Harvey was most upset about this.
Norma: "Just when we were finally starting to get along! Oh Burra, I miss you already..."
Archer caught another bird soon after, though. This is Loon, she's a nuthatch.
Norma's new favorite thing is the dart board. When she's not at her teaching job, she's throwing darts.
Not bad for a beginner. Better than Atticus, at least. He always misses.
Speaking of, my poor loser decided now that he's the heir, he'd better learn to cook.
Atticus: "Huh. This isn't so hard."
Atticus: "Fuck. Never mind."
He went for PB&J instead, since you can't possibly burn that.
Atticus: "Oh, I'd find a way. Trust me."
Atticus caught his first perfect fish ages ago, I just kept forgetting to put it in a bowl. Anyway, here's Kelsey the minnow, the first out of thirteen perfect fish to be displayed in Atticus's aquarium.
And here is where the generation goal "Idle Careers" comes into play: Your sim won't make any effort in his/her career. Don't learn any skills, don't read any books, or don't do any travelling required for the career. If you reach the top of your career's level, it won't be because of your efforts, but only because it's just YOU. If you've rolled a C2-career (and Atticus has), you are allowed to learn only 2 levels per week for the required skill.
TL;DR, Atticus is only alllowed to up his fishing skill twice a week. But he's already like level five, so that won't be a problem.
He goes over and says hello, because it's a pretty glowy unicorn and I can't resist, even if he doesn't have a chance in hell adopting him.
Atticus soon goes home and brings Tameka the goldfish with him.
Atticus's wedding day rolls around, and I can't tell if he's crying because he's so happy, or just because he's... Atticus.
Atticus: *sniff* "If I'm being honest, it's a little of both." *sob*
You guys are so cute. ♥
The two take it to the bedroom. Atticus is ever-so eager to get nekkid. xD
Some time later...
Atticus: *looks down* "Y'know babe, pretty sure I could go again."
Aaaand I think we'll leave it at that. Next time:
• Birthdays (as per usual)
• Babies
• Kitties
• And moar kitties
Thanks for reading! <3