WARNINGS: Language, adult themes, and more cliché teen drama then you could ever ask for.
Saria gave birth to the fourth and final child of the seventh generation and named him Spock. He then grew from baby, to toddler, to child. Uhura and Nyota became children and then (later) became teens. Puck and Navi both passed away. J.T. became a teen and fell in love with Dakota Zinnia (
mielekat). That's about it. Onward!
We begin this chapter with Rogue jammin' out on her guitar, because.. well. Just because. She still loves her music, even if she probably won't complete her LTW. It's the same as Cornflower's from my awesomesauce. It's just so tough to max out four skills while trying to raise your youngsters and eventually your youngsters' youngsters. |:
Link and Penelope had a son, it seems. His name is Donnell, and he came home from school with Spock one day. Pretty sure he's gonna be a cutie.
J.T. and Dakota are still going strong as ever. She comes over to make out a lot. And Spock... likes to watch. There is something deeply wrong with you, boy.
So um. Captain died. ;___; I may or may not have shed an actual tear at this. Why do they have to show his sad little corpse just laying there like that?! Why!? D'; R.I.P. Captain. You shall be missed. <3
After he died, Dalek came over and just meowed sadly at Captain's perch. Bless you Dalek, you're such a good cat. Even if you probably thought about eating Captain several times throughout his lifetime. Ahem.
Rogue was essentially an emotional wreak. She lost her husband, her cat, and her favorite feathered companion within the span of a week. Poor bb.
So, cheer everybody up, I had the La Forces adopt a puppy! His name is Jean-Luc, and he's pretty crazy-looking. sjdkfhfahfh I love him already. <3
Owner/puppy bonding time. I can't believe I've had Pets for this long and I haven't adopted a dog until now. Wtf.
Being the cat person she is, Nyota still prefers Dalek.
Nyota: "Who's my favorite little furball? It's you, my widdle Dalek-y Walek-y!"
Better run, Dalek. I know that look. I use it all the time on my own cats.
I left Saria to her own devices for a while. Turns out she tried petting a raccoon and it bit her. |: Unicorn adoption prepping is hard.
Saria: "B-but he was just so cute! And cuddly-looking! And I may or may not have mistaken him for an overweight cat..."
Uhura: "N, you'll never guess what I did. Go on, guess! I'll give you a hint: it was really really nice and you totally owe me."
Nyota: "I'm a little afraid to ask. Um... you emptied the dishwasher for me?"
Uhura: "Nope, something infinitely better. You know that cute guy you sit behind in English, the one you're always staring at? Yeah, I invited him over."
Nyota: "Saffron? Here? Tonight?! Where our parents live?! Are you crazy? He doesn't even know I exist!"
Uhura: "Not from what I heard. Word is that he likes you. As in, like likes you."
Nyota: "He- I- what? Are you sure? We've known him since Pre-K, you'd think he would have said something by now."
Uhura: "I dunno. I guess he's shy or something. You can ask him yourself tonight. Don't worry, I'll distract Mom and Dad to make sure you both get plenty.. ahem... alone time."
Nyota: "Alone ti- wh-"
Uhura: "That'll be him! I'll get it!"
Nyota: "UHURA! I do not condone this!"
Uhura: "Hey Saffron, thanks for coming! My sister's inside, I'll go grab her. Our dad is a little over-protective of us, so you two'd probably be better off hanging out on the front lawn. Unless you like having a thousand questions thrown at you about what your intentions are with the high school football team's coach's daughter, of course."
Saffron: (
randuhh) "Uh, here's fine. So it's true, then?"
Uhura: "What's true?"
Saffron: "Y'know... about Nyota. She really likes me?"
Uhura: "She's crazy about you, Saff. Trust me. Except you're not supposed to know that, so don't say anything about it."
Saffron: "Sure thing. Hey, uh... I just wanted to say thanks."
Uhura: "Don't mention it, dollface. HEY NYOTA. GETCHER ASS OUT HERE."
Nyota: "Thanks for the, er- lovely introduction, sis. Um. Hi, Saffron."
Saffron: "Hey, Nyota."
Saffron: "Your sister is... different."
Nyota: "Oh god, you don't know the half of it. She used to do this thing with her toes when we were kids, it was the wei-"
Saffron: "I don't mean to interrupt, but uh.. is your little brother alright?"
Nyota: "Who, Spock? Yeah, he's fine. He does this to my brother and his girlfriend all the time."
Nyota: "I mean... not like I'm comparing our relationship to my brother's and his girlfriend's! We're not even in a relationship! I mean, we're friends, sort of, maybe closer to friendly aquaintences..."
Saffron: "Nyota?"
Nyota: "Yes?"
Saffron: "Stop overthinking. Relax."
Nyota: "Uh.. right."
Nyota: "Um. Is this considered relaxing?"
Saffron: "Works for me!"
Nyota: "Y'know... I was beginning to think you didn't even notice me. I sit behind you in-"
Saffron: "In English, I know. You always wear your hair up, you write with a purple pencil, and your nose wrinkles a little when you smile. I notice a lot of things about you, Nyota."
Nyota: "I-I don't know what to say. If it wasn't already obvious, I... I really like you."
Saffron: "..."
Nyota: "Saffron? Aren't you going to say something? Look, I understand if you don't feel the same way, but you could at least-"
Saffron: "No, no, It's not that at all. I really like you too, it's just that your dad is totally staring me down right now and it's a kinda freaking me out."
Septimus: "You best keep your hands where I can see 'em, boy! I'm watching you."
Nyota: "DAD!"
Saffron: "My hands are in my pockets sir, I wouldn't dream of putting them anywhere near your daughter! Shit, that came out wrong. Sorry Nyota."
Nyota: "Don't worry about it. So... do you wanna go to the bistro this weekend? You know.. like a date?"
Saffron: "That sounds awesome, but.. I have a confession to make. I sort of have a girlfriend. Natalie and I started going out a week ago. I'm sorry, Nyota. I really shouldn't have come here tonight, I don't know what I was thinking."
Nyota: "Know what? You're absolutely right. This was a mistake. I'll see you in class, but other then that I don't think we should hang out anymore."
Saffron: "Nyota, wait! Can't we at least be friends?"
Nyota: "I don't think that's a good idea. I'll see you around, Saff."
Nyota: "Why can't you ever just mind your own business, Uhura? Next time you're thinking about doing me a favor, don't, okay? You'll just make everything a thousand times worse!"
Uhura: "Whoa, calm down! What happened out there?"
Nyota: "Saffron has a girlfriend. Happy?"
Uhura: "Oh my god, N, I'm so sorry! I-I had no idea... I'll make it up to you, I'll find a way to fix this.."
Nyota: "How? How is this even fixable?"
Uhura: "I don't know. Just trust me, okay?"
Nyota: "Whatever, I really don't care. I'm going to bed."
The next day, instead of going home after school, Uhura payed this mystery house a visit.
?: "Uhura? What are you doing here? I thought we said we'd be hanging out on Saturday. It's Tuesday."
Uhura: "I know, I know, I'm not supposed to be here. But we really need to talk, Natalie. This pretend thing with you and Saffron has to stop. My sister is seriously hurting right now, and you know Saffron will be too if you keep this up. You need to tell him."
Natalie: "I know, you're right. I just- I dunno. I'm not ready for everyone to know, Uhura... not yet."
Uhura: "When then, Natalie? When will you be ready? Because I can't pretend forever! I'm sick of all this sneaking around and secrecy. J.T. gets to take his girlfriend out on dates whenever he likes. When will I get to do the same?"
Natalie: "I don't know, okay Uhura?! You think this isn't hard for me too? My parents aren't exactly as accepting as yours are, do you know what they'd do if they found out? I probably wouldn't be allowed to live here anymore, I can guess that much!"
Uhura: "I know, I'm sorry. It's just so frustrating... and I can't stand seeing my sister so miserable."
Natalie: "I'm sorry too. I never meant for your sister to get hurt. And.. I'm sorry for being so secretive about us. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell my parents just yet, but I'll tell Saffron tomorrow. Okay?"
Uhura: "Thank you."
Uhura: "So... do you wanna go to the karaoke bar this weekend? We've been dating for three weeks, but we've yet to go on any actual dates."
Natalie: "Sure, Uhura. That sounds amazing."
Back at home, Spock had his birthday and turned into this fine specimen. His fourth trait is Unflirty, making him a clumsy, unflirty, light-sleeping snob.
I gave in and got the new tablet from the Store. Saria was the first one to try it out, and since she doesn't really need to learn any new skills, all she does is play Sims. Though I'm not really one to talk. It was at this point that I remembered that Saria is a technophobe.
Saria: "Don't let my smile fool you. This is actually the most terrifying moment of my entire life."
Yeah, technophobia probably wouldn't stop me from playing Sims either tbh.
I felt bad about subjecting Saria to all that technological horror, so I sent her out to do something more up her alley.
Saria: "Please like me please like me please like me for the love of god I just want a unicorn please please please?"
Seriously. Wild horses are some of the ficklest sons of bitches. |:
Hey Agnes?
Agnes Crumplebottom: "Yeah?"
Any reason why you're just jammin' out on the front lawn?
Agnes: "None whatsoever."
Alrighty then. Carry on.
Saria gets on just fine with house pets, though. She and Jean-Luc are BFFs. Literally.
It's actually almost too adorable to handle. ♥
Did you know kids can do their homework on these things? Okay okay I'm sorry, officially done with the tablet spam now. It's just so cooool agh and if I can't have one irl at least my sims can have one omg that sounds so sad though.
So J.T. went over to Dakota's house after school one day. Except Dakota wasn't there, so he ended up hanging out with Dakota's "dad" (because I forgot to download Caleb D:). They had a very interesting chat about precious gems.
Dakota's "Dad": "And so I said, why not just invest it all in emeralds? Everyone's all obsessed with gold these days, but I say why do what everyone else is doing? Get ahead of the curve, you know what I mean?"
J.T.: "Cool story bro, tell it again."
J.T.: "Seriously. Tell it again."
J.T.: "Tell it, bro."
J.T.: "Again."
I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but Rogue mastered both drums and guitar, so now she's on to bass. She always looks so happy when she plays, gah. <3
Uhura: "Guess what!"
Nyota: "If it's about Saffron, I don't want to hear it."
Uhura: "It's not! Well, kind of. Sort of. Okay, it totally is. Let's just say you won't have to worry about the Natalie situation anymore."
Nyota: "Uhura, you didn't- please tell me you didn't break them up."
Uhura: "Not really, no... I have a feeling it was a mutual thing."
Uhura: "Oh yeah! Saff told me in Biology today that he wanted to talk to you, so he'll be here in like fifteen minutes."
Nyota: "Does it ever cross your mind that I might want to know these things a little bit further in advance?"
Uhura: "Sometimes. But my way's so much more fun."
We interrupt your regularly scheduled teen dramaz for a very special birthday bulletin.
Jean-Luc: ...Da fuq is goin' on back there?
Oh man, he's so cute and goofy-looking and oh my gosh I just love him. <3
Saffron: "Hey."
Nyota: "Hey, Saff. Look, whatever my sister said or did to break you and Natalie up, I am so sorry. I don't know what she was thinking. I'm fine with just being friends, honest, I-"
Saffron: "No, Nyota, it's fine. If anybody here needs to apologize, it's me."
Nyota: "You? What for?"
Saffron: "I really don't feel like getting into it now, but Natalie... just wasn't that into me. Never was. She prefers your sister, actually."
Nyota: "Oh. So that's what she meant. I'm sorry it didn't work out, Saff."
Saffron: "Don't be, Natalie explained everything to me and we're still friends. She wanted me to tell you she's sorry, though. She never meant to come between us- er, uh.. whatever 'us' is, hah."
Saffron: "So... any chance you're still interested in that bistro date?"
Nyota: "I dunno, Saff... I'll have to think about it. I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
Saffron: "I understand completely. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Nyota."
Nyota: "See ya, Saff."
A bunch of sims standing awkwardly around the porch naturally signifies a birthday. Zelda, getcho elbow out of poor Saffron's chest. xD
This is Donnell from earlier in the chapter, and he did grow up pretty cute. He looks an awful lot like Penelope, aside from those lips.
Chadd, Zelda and Devin's (
randuhh) son, showed up as well. Damn, those pouty lips are a dominent gene! He's really cute too though, agh.
But yes, it's J.T.'s eighteenth birthday!
J.T.'s fifth and final trait is Bookworm, making him a neurotic athlete who also happens to be a mean-spirited and eccentric bookworm. He strives to become a Paranormal Profiteer.
A newly-aged up Dakota was invited to the party, of course.
J.T.: "So, beautiful. I have a question for you."
Dakota: "And what's that, sweetheart?"
J.T.: "Will you marry me?"
Dun dun DUUUN. Ending the chapter here because I felt like trying out a cheesy cliff-hanger. :P But there is hope! It's heir poll time,
click here to vote. (: