WARNINGS: Language, adult themes, and alternating instances of cute and sad.
Last time on The Botts! A Random Legacy Challenge:
Atticus was voted heir and the Botts relocated to Lunar Lakes so Norma could take a teaching job there. Atticus met and eventually married Finola, an alien girl native to the planet. The Botts had their first burglar. Atticus caught two perfect fish for his LTW. Onward!
We begin this chapter with Lydia's birthday. She turned out quite well, even if she is a Norma clone. For the first time since I started writing legacies, I forgot to write down her fifth trait and LTW. |: Well, it was bound to happen at some point.
As expected, she moved out right away. See you around, Lyd!
The secondary income this generation is Movies (Film), and as it happens, Finola's LTW is Superstar Actor. So I sent her down to the studio to get a career in movies. As you know, the goal this generation is Idle Careers, so Finola will not be putting any effort in her career whatsoever. Means less for me to do, at least.
She got sick on her way home though, and the taxi driver didn't even have the decency to wait for her. D:
Finola: "I just wanna go hooooome blllrrghghgiurpuiurghghh."
Turns out the first child of Generation 3 is on its way! I forgot to put Finola's traits in the last update, so I'll just list 'em here: Finola is a lucky, handy, outdoors-loving hot-head who has star quality. She likes classical music, the color spiceberry, and mac & cheese.
Finola: "Atticus, sweetheart, I have the most wonderful news!"
Atticus: "You do? What, has Juna finally stopped booby-trapping all the showers in the house?"
Finola: "Unfortunately not, but my news is even better! Atticus, we're going to be parents!"
Atticus: "Aw yeah, go us! Experts at procreation right here."
Finola: "Uh... sure, Atticus."
Atticus really is excited to become a dad, though.
It seems Norma was made for the education career. She's already been promoted to teacher's aid.
Eeep, my first laundry gnome! Her name is Mimi, and I let the game name her because I'm lazy I was feeling uncreative.
Well, that went by fast. I gotta remind myself to take more screenshots during pregnancies so it doesn't look like she went into labor early. :/
Finola: "Okay, one, you're not the one pushing this kid out of your ladyparts, and two, I'm fine, so you should be too. Calm down, Atticus."
And so Dorian Bott was eventually brought into the world. He's both neurotic and brave like his Aunt Juna, and he prefers R&B, fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and the color lilac.
In other news, Fynn is the first teenager in my game to do this and it made me ridiculously happy.
Fynn: "Slidin' down the banister like a pro, aw yeah."
Atticus seems to be adjusting to fatherood wonderfully.
Atticus: "Hey there little guy, how's it going? Mommy and I love you very much, did you know that? Ah, I'll let you go back to sleep now. Night night, Dorian."
Now that Norma works at the high school, she and her teenage kids end up spending a lot of time together. Juna isn't exactly thrilled about this.
Juna: "Look Mom, it's fine that you're a teacher's aid or whatever, but did you really have to sit with me and my friends at lunch? They're still laughing at me from when you shot milk out of your nose!"
Norma: "Hey, it's not my fault that your friend Jeremy is so funny. Tell him to ease up on the jokes next time."
Juna: "Mom... no."
Juna's birthday was that evening. I forgot to get an actual headshot, but here, have a picture of Juna in the process of moving.
Juna: "Yes, I'd like a house as far away from my mother's as possible, thank you!"
Norma may annoy her children, but her grandchild certainly isn't bothered by her. Excuse the unfortunate outfit, Norma's been promoted to substitute teacher.
Norma: "Hey there Dori, how's Grandma's favorite little guy, huh?"
negomimogen was kind enough to let me adopt one of her kitties from The Sordeau Legacy, so meet Grimalkin Sordeau! He's quiet, friendly, and pretty much the cutest little thing. ♥
Archer seems to approve.
Archer: Sordeau, eh? So you are French like me, yes?
Grimalkin: Uh, no. I'm British, actually.
Archer: Ah. How disappointing. Well, I will try to refrain from calling you an English pig-dog, but I am not making any promises.
Grimalkin: Fair enough, I suppose.
So while Archer and Grimalkin were getting aquainted downstairs, Atticus and Finola were getting (re)aquainted in a very different way. Pffft Atticus look at them chicken legs.
I sent Atticus and Finola down to a local hangout for a little date, mostly because I've been wanting to try out the pool tables.
Atticus: "Alright Fi, you know how to play, right? You wanna hit the balls into the sockets, except not the black one, you save that one-"
Finola: "Don't belittle me, of course I know how to play!"
Atticus: "Okay, okay! Just checking, sweetheart."
Atticus: "Just don't be too disappointed when I totally kick your ass, okay?"
Finola: "Oh boy, just for that, I'm going to have to kick your ass. Good luck, Bott. You're gonna need it."
Atticus: "You realize that Bott is your last name now too, right?"
Finola: "Well, yes... but calling you by your last name is just so much fun for me."
Atticus: "Aw yeah, beat that Fi! Man, I'm on a roll, I don't see how I could possibly lose!"
Atticus: "...Goddamnit."
Finola: "Well would ya look at that, one ball left! Just gotta aim, aaaand... *clink* *thud* I win! I think we both knew this would happen, Atticus. Everyone knows humans blow at pool."
Atticus: "Alright, I admit it: you're better than me at pool. Now, would you do me the honor of joining me outside, O Queen of Pool?"
Finola: "So long as you promise not to cry or anything."
Atticus: "Finola!"
Finola: "Kidding! Let's go."
Atticus: "Y'know, I wasn't thrilled about this place at first, but I'm so glad my mom made us move here."
Finola: "Me too, Atticus." ♥
Welp, somebody's pregnant again. c: Finola really likes to pop in that spot, apparently.
Almost forgot, Atticus and Finola took pictures in the photobooth! I love them, even if they did use the same pose three times. Remember the Past: (√)
Norma: "What the- SERIOUSLY JUNA?!"
Looks like Juna got even before she moved out. I actually kinda like that color on Norma though.
Norma: "That little... doesn't she know that teal is not my color?! She could have at least dyed it back to pink!"
Birthday time for Dorian! Plus a bonus picture of Harvey since he hasn't been in the update at all yet. Sorry Harv. <3
Gah, I love him! I'm so glad somebody got Finola's eyes right off the bat. <3 It's a little early to tell, but I definitely see a lot of his mother in him.
Both parents simply adore him.
Even Uncle Fynn can't resist little Dorian.
Fynn: "Yup, just like that little dude! Move those cute little feet!"
I sent Norma and Harvey out for a much needed (and much deserved) date. They hadn't been on one since Atticus was born, after all.
Norma: "C'mon Harv, let's take a few pictures."
Harvey: "Pictures? Why, that sounds delightful, dear. I had no idea you could be so sentimental!"
Harvey: "Wait a second, Norma, what on earth are you- Oh. OH."
ThisGuy: "If the photobooth's a-rockin' don't come a-knockin'." (;
This guy gets it.
Norma: "Oh. OH SWEET JESUS. What the- how? How did we even accomplish that, Harvey?"
Norma: "I'm not a prude or anything, but this... this can never see the light of day."
Don't worry, they took some cutesy pictures too. :3
Back at home, Archer was TEARING MY HEART TO SHREDS because he's dying. ;_______________;
Goddamnit grim, I'm legitamately pissed at you right now. |:<
Grim: "What's the popular phrase you mortals use these days? Ah yes. Haters will proceed to hate."
Archer: Please say goodbye to the silly humans for me. They are very stupid, but I do love them so.
;______________________; okay bb. <3
R.I.P. Archer Bott, age 57.
Archer is my favorite TS3 cat to date, and I have a feeling he'll be my favorite for a long time. I know some people think it's silly to get attached to pixel people, and even sillier to get attached to pixel pets, but it happens to me sometimes. Bye Archer, you'll be missed. <3
Grimalkin didn't know Archer for very long, but he still stood there and mourned his death for hours.
Norma bawled her eyes out. Harvey did too, but I don't have any pictures for some reason. Stop it you guys, you're just making me even sadder. ;-;
I know it's a cliche, but the house seemed so empty after Archer died, so... the Botts adopted another cat. Meet Olive, she's proud. And she doesn't know it yet, but she and Grimalkin are going to make adorable kittens together. :3
Alright, it's official: you two were obviously made for each other.
Grimalkin: Hey. Hey Olive. I'm gonna getcha.
Olive: Do you.. hear something?
Grimalkin: RAAARRRRAR! *glomp*
Grimalkin: You're fun. I like you.
Olive: I like you too, Grim.
Caaaaaan you feeeel the loooove toniiiight, toooonight
Finola: "Alright Dorian, cooking. Can you say cooking? As in, Daddy sucks at cooking and Mommy is always working, so once you're old enough, you'll do all the cooking!"
Dorian: "Butbutbut I dun wanna." ;-;
Harvey: "N-Norma?"
;______; Sorry that this is turning into an update filled with my creys, guys.
Grim: "You there, it is time for you to leave this world."
Harvey: ...
Grim: ...
Harvey: "..Who, me?"
Grim: "YES, YOU. I don't see any other transparent glowy apparitions floating around, do you? Come on, then!"
Harvey: "Please, Grim, take pity on me. My second grandchild is on the way, and I'd like to live a little longer to see my first one grow!"
Sadly, we all know that begging never works (unless you're a Loser or you have a deathflower) so Harvey went with Grim.
Norma could hardly bear the thought of living without her husband, her best friend. She still had her family though, and stayed strong only for their sake.
R.I.P. Harvey Bott, age 95.
Harvey was one half of one of my favorite sim couples ever. He was the peanut butter to Norma's jelly, somehow, even though they were exact opposites. He was bookish and quiet and just so sweet. I miss him already. <3
Ooooof course. Finola my dear, you have remarkable timing.
Another boy! Meet Elias Bott, a friendly genius who likes french music, tri-tip tofu steak, and the color lilac.
Aaaand a girl! Here's Matilda Bott, a friendly loner who favors french music, pancakes, and the color red.
Mimi appreciates the mood lighting in Atticus and Finola's room.
Hey. Hey Grimalkin.
Stop being so cute. :3
So. Loon died too. ;-; No more birds for a while, I think. I can't stand seeing their sad little bodies after they die.
Atticus: "Three kids already, can you believe it, Fi?"
Finola: "Hardly. I wouldn't trade them for the world, though."
Atticus: "Me neither."
Atticus: "So... whaddya say we try for one more?"
Finola: "Atticus! You really think we can handle four children?"
Atticus: "Eh, my parents did it, so why can't we?"
Finola: "Know what? You're absolutely right. Let's do it."
Atticus: "Don't have to tell me twice."
Olive gave birth to her kittens! This is my first time breeding so forgive me if I seem a little over-excited. x3
I let the game name them since it came up with some pretty sweet names. This little guy here is Elwood, he's quiet and friendly just like his dad.
And this little girl here is Majora, she's quiet like her dad but proud like her momma.
Also, Fynn had his birthday! He reminds me a lot of Atticus but with a rounder face. His fifth and final trait is natural cook, making him a good but daring couch potato who can't stand art and is a natural cook. He dreams of becoming a celebrated 5-star chef.
Alright, so here's the thing: I had originally planned to keep both Elwood and Majora because I love 'em both so much, but when I tried moving Fynn out, it said I had too many people in one household, even though I didn't. So I had to move Elwood out with Fynn. D: But it's okay, I know Elwood's in good hands.
Grimalkin: You smell like me. You must be my daughter!
Majora: Yes daddy, gosh, you're so silly sometimes.
Father/daughter bonding, n'aww. :3
Grimalkin and Olive are still adorable mates for life, by the by.
Okay, done with the kitty spam! They're all just so cute. :3 /cat lady in the making over here
The twins had their birthdays too. Here's Elias, who reminds me of a teal-haired Atticus at that age.
And here's Matilda, who looks to be a pretty good mix of both parents.
Aaaand lastly, the fourth and final child of Gen. 3 is officially on its way!
So yeah, this is where I'll leave you. Next time:
• Adorable toddlers being all adorable and toddler-y
• Fishing, and as a result, fish
• Adorable cats being all adorable and catlike
• Plus other stuff I don't really remember right now
Thanks for reading! <3