The Professor's Army - Art

May 30, 2013 12:35

As part of the RoguesBang, I acted as an artist for LiaBrown and her story, The Professor's Army.

Link to fic:
Link to masterpost:

To give a rough premise of the story: Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne) has gone back in time to kidnap the Rogues when they were children. He then plans to train these children up to help him commit crimes and take down the Flash.

The Alphas:

On the relevance to the plot: Thawne splits the children into two groups. The 'better' ones become the Alphas (from left to right we have: Pied Piper aka Hartley Rathaway, Dr Alchemy aka Al Desmond, Mirror Master aka Sam Scudder, Captain Cold aka Len Snart, Weather Wizard aka Mark Mardon, Mr Wykeham their mentor, and The Top aka Roscoe Dillon). Being the 'superior' group, the Alphas are dressed in Zoom's own colours.
On drawing: With this picture and the next, I drew out the individuals by hand then took a photo and traced over it in Inkscape. Except for Sam, who I decided to do fully in Inkscape, but it took me a lot longer to get a sensible skeleton down than pencil sketches, so I didn't do it again.

The Betas:

On the relevance to the plot: The other children were relegated to being the 'inferior' Betas (left to right we have: Mr Gausbert their mentor, Rainbow Raider aka Roy Bivolo, Trickster aka James Jesse, Heat Wave aka Mick Rory, Captain Boomerang aka George Harkness, Golden Glider aka Lisa Snart, and Mirror Master aka Evan McCullouch).
On drawing: While the last picture managed to focus quite well on the emotions of the children (I think so anyway), this one is looking at their use of equipment. I'll admit it was meant to be closer to the last one, but once I'd drawn James in the air I realised Lisa should be too, then she wasn't looking at the camera and well... it just carried on from there. The Betas aren't really meant to be any happier than the Alphas, but they've got less pressure on them and a laxer mentor, so they can probably get away with a little more fun from time to time.

Cribi Infiltration:

On the relevance to the plot: This is a moment from the Alphas' first mission, Zoom sends them to steal a Cribi. Mark takes out the security system, Sam takes out the robots, and Roscoe grabs the prize. Sam's arm is darkened because they're in 'stealth mode'.
On drawing: You can probably tell that this was the last thing I ended up drawing and cut a few corners because the deadline was fast approaching (hence why you can't see any of the kids and the robot's fairly simplistic). I started sketching this in MyPaint with a tablet, but I'm still not very used to tablets, so the basic skeleton ended up needing a lot of work when I switched back to Inkscape.

So, all in all, I quite enjoyed the RoguesBang and wouldn't mind doing another one (once I've had some downtime from this anyway).

sam scudder, roscoe dillon, top, golden glider, heat wave, trickster, mark mardon, mirror master, lisa snart, weather wizard, captain cold, evan mcculloch, piper, james jesse, fanart, len snart, captain boomerang, flash, mick rory

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