Albus Severus Lucius Remus Sirius Rubeus Argus Seamus Marcus Regulus Squorpius Augustus Mundungus Cornelius Xenophilius Bilius Bartemius Ignotus Rodolphus Septumus Ignatius Charlus Cygnus Rufus Amycus Filius Silvanus Pius
Yes, I do apologize. Yet again school and real life got in the way. The semester is winding down with finals next week so hopefully you'll see more of me.
Very exciting news... seeing Stone Sour in January. (Avenged Sevenfold too) so stoked!!!
p.s. the fire place ran out of gas. I don't feel that cold, but my fingers are having trouble
I'm sorry that I have neglected you for so long LJ and f-list. I am going to be more faithful to you in the future. That is all I have to say for now as it is 3:30 in the morning, and I should be asleep. I hope all of you are well. love from, smelly angely