I was slightly... disappointed with tonight's episode. In a way. I'm not sure I can explain it, to be honest.
It had it's funny moments. It had a sad moment or two. I don't know.
The stuff between Mitchell and that police guy, though - that was good (in a horrible way).
Ah, Mitchell... once a killer, always a killer. Of course, I am generalizing it all.
But the parallels between '69 and present time were set up pretty heavily. Well-done nonetheless.
LOVED the Annie bits, as usual. Really enjoyed her insistence on calling the baby 'Tim' [lol].
And next week looks jammed packed, so yay! :D
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This is really just for
morningafter2. I looked for a looooooooong time and I still could not find the one I was looking for. Bleh. These will have to do.
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Not sure why, but I am really fucking tired. I'm going to have to crash.
Birthday party tomorrow for one of my aunts.
And then... the work/school week shall return...