it is ALEXYS noy lexus only here friends can call her that and hse thought u were alright till u started saying she could not beat devon up she does not want to bet devon up,some people want her to because she is being mean but she can't because she does not want to get in trouble again
oh yeh right, she never thought i was ok, cuz if she did she would have came and talked to me!!! but whatever i don't really care!! If she does like me, then ok, but devon is my friend too and she doesn't deserve to get beat up!!!!!!
and 1 thing i have to say 2 u!!!!! for one thing the other lexi on merissas name is not me because i spell mine with a y and another thing is i will not beg on my hands and knees to get u to forgive me because u almost got me kicked out of school and if it is not true that u were spreading romars and blaming them on me then i am sry but till i have proof i will never be ur friend again ~aLEXYs~
i will because i would not put it passed jason to say that just to get u into trouble and i don't want to beat devon up somepeople (them not being melissa) want me to!!!! The lexy on Merissa's is not me so next time tell her it not me plz and i it was u at the beging because u hated me but now i believe it was probley jason maybe togeter we can get some proof it was not u I think i can get it out of jason just give me sometime LEXY
oh im sooooo happy right now!!!!! I got my lexus back!!! LOL!! I know we have to get proof together!!! I know it was Jason! Jason was just trying to break our friendship which worked!! but not anymore!! Its payback time now gurl! LOL!
i tried that!! she won't tell me anything!! She iz soo annoying!! hey what are ur plans this weekend??? If we are friends, then why haven't you said a word to me yet???
Comments 24
I got my lexus back!!! LOL!! I know we have to get proof together!!! I know it was Jason! Jason was just trying to break our friendship which worked!! but not anymore!! Its payback time now gurl! LOL!
If we are friends, then why haven't you said a word to me yet???
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