(no subject)

Feb 02, 2007 19:52

1. Name: Allison
2. Age: 17
3. D.O.B: N/A

4. Hospital where you were born: N/A
5. County: N/A
6. City: N/A
7. State: N/A
8. Country: N/A
9. Current Residence: my house
10. County: I'm Canadian, dammit!
11. City: libertyville USA
12. State: Canadian!
13. Country: Given the above questions, this one is just plain stupid. I mean, really, now.

14. Are your parent’s divorced or married? married. And it's PARENTS. No apostrophe.
15. Parent’s Names: Oh boy, this survey is going to drive me nuts...
16. Sibling’s Names: I don't have any "sibling's".
17. Sibling’s Ages: ...
18. Grandparent’s Names: *beats self over the head with a 2x4*
19. Aunt’s Names: arrgh.
20. Uncle’s Names: arrrrrgh
21. Cousin’s Names: arrrrrrrrgh.
22. Cousin’s Ages: Seriously, was this written by an eleven-year-old American? Cause I need to haul ass down South and beat some English into this person.

23. First Pet: A goldfish. Entertaining, eh? (CANADIAN!!!!!)
24. First Pet’s Name: Crystal Light, after Karen Brewer's first goldfish XD (Note the APPROPRIATE use of apostrophe here, though I sincerely doubt the author noticed)
25. Current Pet’s: I am hereby refusing to answer all questions with apostrophe abuse.
26. Current Pet’s Names: I suppose I could simply edit them all out...
27. Future Pet’s: ...but I don't wanna.
28. Future Pet’s Names:

29. Do you have any kids? Now there's inconsistency, too. The answer is no.
30. Names:
31. Ages:
32. Do you plan on having kids? Perhaps.
33. What will their names be? Azalea if a girl, Poopy Toilet if a boy
34. How many do you want to have? 1 or 2
35. How far apart do you want them to be? no more than 4 years
36. Why not? Ooh, I get to answer BOTH. =D Because I don't think my lifestyle will be adaptable to kidlets.

37. What grade are you in now? 12
38. What school do you go to? Miss Manners' School of Prostitution
39. What Elementary School did you go to? Little Miss Manners' School of Prostitution Preparation
40. What Middle School did you/do you go to? I didn't go to one.
41. What High School did you/do you/will you go to? See #39.
42. How old will you be when you graduate High School? 18
43. Do you plan on going to college? yes
44. What is the name of the school you plan/want to go to? That's the million-dollar question, isn't it.
45. What state is it in? GIHJSUIFHSIHFA.
46. Is it coed/girls/boys/military/specialty? No.
47. Why not?

48. Are you in a relationship right now? I suppose so...
49. What is your significant others name? Christobel
50. How old are they? Almost 18. wtfoldman
51. Where did you meet them? At school, apparently.
52. How long have you two been going out? 'Twill be a year at the end of this month.
53. How long have you known them? That depends on your point of view, really.
54. Do you have a crush on someone? hey, you can be going out with someone and still have a crush on someone else... *COUGHDANIELRADCLIFFEANDHISSEXEHARMSCOUGH*
55. What is there name? Definitely not Christian.
56. How old are they? 18? I mean, uh...... nothing.
57. How long have you known them? *innocent whistling*
58. Why not?

59. What is/was your favorite subject in school? Biology, chemistry, and calculus
60. Why? they're funnn. and easy
61. What is/was your least favorite subject in school? English, geometry, FRENCH
62. Why? blech.
63. Who is/was you favorite teacher in school? *shrug*
64. Why? urmom
65. Who is/was your least favorite teacher in school? Shallhorn
66. Why? if you've ever had her as a teacher, you'd know.

67. Movie: =\
68. TV Show: blargh.
69. Actor: Daniel Radcliffe is sexy
70. Actress: um....femme!DanielRadcliffe?
71. Band: Dream Theater
72. Singer: .-.
73. Song: Hoshi no Suna
74. Book: =\
75. Magazine: sucksucksucksucksuck
76. Channel: Comedy Network, Life Network (though not so much now that they've gotten rid of my wedding shows D<), Food Network...
77. Website: Nothing I'm willing to admit to the world. (It's not porn.)
78. Video Game: hmm.....
79. Food: mmmmpecan pie
80. Fruit: blueberries and honeycrisp apples
81. Vegetable: broccoli
82. Soft Drink: pineapple Crush
83. Candy: I like jolly ranchers... and red Skittles... and tootsie rolls... and toblerone bars...
84. Day of the week: Saturday
85. Hockey Team: =\
87. College Football Team: I suppose I should start saying the Mustangs, hm?
88. Baseball Team: =\
89. Basketball Team: =\
90. College Basketball Team: =\
91. Race Car Driver: =\
92. Season: fall, spring
93. Vacation Spot: hmm...
94. Beach: don't really care for the beach
95. Mountain: =\
96. Resort: never been to one
97. Roller coaster: Dueling Dragons, Ice Dragon. Hulk's pretty good, too.
98. Amusement Park: =\
99. Board Game: Scrabble winkwinknudgenudge
100. Card Game: =\

**The "Friends" section has been truncated as these really piss me off. More than apostrophe abuse.**

131. What is your native language? English
132. What other languages do you speak? I can speak chat and l33t pretty well. I'm also fluent in imbecile.
133. Do you take any languages? no
134. What language/languages do you take?
135. How long have you been taking them?
136. Why not? I'm bad at languages.
137. Do want to take any languages? Yes.
138. What language/languages do you want to take? German.
139. When do you want to start taking this language? I won't. Because I'm bad at languages.
140. Why not?

141. What is your favorite sport?
142. Why?
143. What is your least favorite sport? ALL OF THEM.
144. Why? they're stupid.
145. Do you play any sports? no.
146. What sport/sports do you play?
147. Where do you play it/them?
148. Who do you play it/them for?
149. What are is/your team/teams names?
150. How long have you been on the team/teams?
151. Why not? Sports suck.
152. Do you want to play any sports? no.
153. What sport/sports do you want to play?
154. Who do you want to play it/them for?
155. Why not? BECAUSE SPORTS SUCK. Crap, this has got to be the only survey I've ever taken when the questions got on my nerves. It's like being harrassed by a four-year-old.

**Who was the last person you**
156. Talked to on the phone? my aunt
157. Watched TV with? boy probably
158. Ate with? parents
159. Took a walk with? I hate going on walks with anyone other than my iPod =\
160. Went to the movies with? boy probably
161. Threw something at? knowing me, feeney
162. Hit? see above
163. Talked to? mother
164. Studied with? me
165. Went shopping with? father. I bought food. mmm, food.
166. Played a board game with? feeney and parents of feeney. We lost badly. D:
167. Played video games with? myself
168. Hugged? feeney
169. Kissed? feeney
170. Said "I love you" too? Alas, the return of the horrid, inconsistent (read: #163) grammar...
171. Wrote a letter too?
172. Sent an IM too?
173. Sent an e-mail too?
174. Smiled at? Lambsauce does not smile.

**Who was the last person who**
175. Throw something at you? =\
176. Kicked you? =\
177. Hit you? oh, such violence...
178. Talk to you? my aunt, I guess
179. Say "I love you" to you? Lambsauce is not loved.
180. Wrote a letter to you? no one ever writes letters to me -_-
181. Sent you an IM? don't know...
182. Sent an e-mail to you? the University of Waterloo, telling me that I've been accepted. Again.
183. Smile at you? Lambsauce does not get smiled at.
184. Compliment you? =\

**What comes to mind when you see the word/words**
185. Pizza? cheeeeese
186. Bush? fart
187. TV? pay-per-view?
188. Boogie? woogie
189. Fire? squirtle
190. Trip? It's a tarp!
191. Chair? leg
192. Foul play? 4play
193. Ding-Dong? teeheeheee
194. Wind? Naruto
195. Snow? Full Moon o Sagashite
196. Computer? lappytop
197. School? splodey
199. Baby? boobies
200. Alien? Predator

**What’s better**
201. Coke/Pepsi? pepsi
202. Orange Soda/Grape Soda? mmmmorange
203. Navy/Army? =\
204. Navy/Marines? =\
205. Bush/Kerry? =\
206. Lunch/Dinner? dinner
207. Math/English? math
208. Science/History? sssssssssssscience
209. GYM/Health? health
210. Band/Chorus? chorus
211. Desktop/Laptop? hm... tough choice
212. Home Phone/Cell Phone? cell
213. apples/oranges? apples
214. digital photos/35mm photos? digital
215. Mommy/daddy? =\
216. brother/sister? =\
217. cat/dog? cats
218. grandma/grandpa? =\
219. aunt/uncle? =\
220. English/spanish? What, Spanish doesn't deserve a capital? Kinda racist, dont'cha think?

**What do you do on**
221. Sunday? sleep, homework
222. Monday? school, go online
223. Tuesday? school, go online
224. Wednesday? school, go online
225. Thursday? school, go online
226. Friday? school, go online
227. Saturday? "fuck and lie around". Not a specific day but it had to go somewhere. Yes, I'm bitter.
228. The same everyday? =\

**Are you**
229. Nice? no
230. Funny? no
231. Athletic? no
232. Smart? no
233. A Good Friend? no
234. Helpful? no
235. Annoying? very
236. Busy? no
237. Energetic? no
238. A Hard Worker? no
239. A Good Writer? no
240. Weird? no

**Where you call home**
241. How many stories are in your house? two
242. How many rooms? I don't know
243. Bedrooms? 4
244. Bathrooms? 3 1/2
245. Do you have a garage? yes
246. How many cars can fit in it? 2
247. Do you have a dinning room? yes
248. Do you have a den? er...
249. A living room? yes
250. A media room? no
251. A pool? no
252. A pool table? no
253. A air hockey table? no
254. A ping-pong table? no
255. A dart board? yes, but my mother would never let me set it up D:
256. A trampoline? I think we still have my old one...
257. A basketball hoop? no
258. A horseshoe pit? no
259. A volleyball net? no
260. A croquet set? somewhere

**It’s Over Now**
261. What are you going to do now? meh
262. What were you doing before this? lots of stuff
263. Did you like this survey? no. Learn some grammar, please.
264. Have you ever made your own survey? once
265. Are glad mine is over? YES.

1.Do you give the peace sign a lot? no

2. How many Abercrombie polos do you own? zero

3. Do you always wash your hands after using the bathroom? yes

4. Can you do a cartwheel? no

5. Do you skate goofy or regular? huh?

6. How many times have you been to the mall this week? hm... once?

7. Do you regret something you did yesterday? yesterday.... no, don't think so. OH WAIT yeah I do. Poor tummy.

8. Are you allergic to anything? hell yes

9. Have you ever been tubing? no

11. Do you own a guitar? no

12. Have you ever rode in an ambulance? no

13. Do you like shrimp? yes!!! <333333 shrimp

14. Do you have a piggy bank shaped like a pig? yep... and it's the kind you have to smash to get the money out D:

15. Markers or crayons? markers

16. What age do you wish you were? 7

17. Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to it? I move around...

18. Do you have anything in your pockets right now? mmmmmmnope

20. What is the closest object to your left foot? a bowl that once held some yummy chocolate gelato, my cell, my room phone, two hair bands, and my big book(actually a folder) o' Western info. They're all about equidistant (ohhhh big word).

21. Do you like school? no =\

22. How many windows are up on your computer? um... one? I have a total of four (and about a million tabs) open, though.

23. Do you share your computer with anyone? no. MINE. D<

24. What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung

25. Who's the most awesomest person(s) alive? Lucy. Cause she's awesome. <3 And feeney. Cause he... um... he... ...umm... let me get back to you on that.

26. What color are the walls of your room? dark blue, with silver stars around the top

27. Are you wearing socks? nope. My toes live freeeeee!

28. How many hours did you sleep last night? don't know. Probably not as many hours as I slept during schooltimes today.

29. Did you ever get the chicken pox? no

30. Do you own an MP3 player? yes

31. How many songs are on it? not as many as there should be... I r teh lazy

32. Have you been outside your house yet today? yes, believe it or not, sick and everything

33. What is the last movie you saw in theatres? um... think it was Night at the Museum. I dropped popcorn everywhere.

34. Did you like it? yeah, it was cute

35. What do you want to do tomorrow? go to the mall to buy various things for my loser boyfriend... and maybe a video game. And see puppyyy

1.) Do you talk in your sleep? no
2.) Red Jello or Blue Jello? red. I have negative memories associated with blue. =\
3.) Whats the song that's getting on your nerves right now? whatever gets stuck in my head next. Lately they've been showtunes.
4.) What's your favorite color? black, blue, pink
5.) Window seat or aisle seat? mmm... window for shorthaul, aisle for longhaul cause I have to get up and walk around every couple hours
6.) Ever met anyone famous? no D:
7.) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? um... no.
8.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
9.) Dr. Phil or Oprah Winfrey? Oprah. Dr Phil is an arrogant hotheaded sack of bullshit.
11.) How long do your showers last? about 20 minutes
12.) Do you know how to drive a stick? *snerk*
13.) Do you want any piercings? not particularly
14.) Are you self-conscious? very
15.) Have you ever given money to a bum? no.
16.) Can you jog 5k without stopping? HA! I can barely jog 5m without stopping.
17.) Where do you wish you were? here, but with some adjustments.
18.) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? ...no.
19.) Can you tango? I've flown Tango...
20? No, 42.
21.) Last gift you received? I don't know. D:
22.) Last sport you played? =\
23.) Things you spend a lot of money on? food
24.) Last gift you gave? *shrug*
26.) Favorite FAST food restaurant? *shrug*
28.) Can you sing? I am physically capable of it, yes
29.) Last person you called? I don't call people.
30.) What's your least favorite chore? loading the dishwasher. touching all those old nasty greasy dishes... blech.
31.) Favorite Drink? I'm partial to orange juice
32.) Do you eat fish? not often
34.) Do you miss someone? yes
35.) Have you ever come close to dying? apparently right after I was born
36.) Are you drinking? no, should I be?
37.) Are you eating? no
38.) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? people don't do that?
39.) Do you wear makeup? rarely
40.) Whats your worst fear? there are several
41.) Would you ever have plastic surgery? no, it's more trouble than it's worth.
42.) What do you wear to bed? depends on my mood and the weather
43.) Have you ever done anything illegal? probably
44.) Are you a good kisser? no =\
45.) What kind of sneakers do you usually wear? white ones... well actually they're kind of blue now. stupid jeans.
47.) Current annoyance? sick tummy and not typing right
48.) Do you watch pokemon or dragon ball z? not anymore. Oh, childhood...
49.) Do you snore? no
50.) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? everywhere!
52.) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? one
53.) If you won the lottery what would you do first? buy a PS3, a Wii, and an HDTV
54.) Gold or silver? white gold
55.) Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger
56.) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? sammiches
57.) You prefer City, beach, country? country
58.) What was the last thing you touched? the...keyboard...
59.) Where did you eat last? on my bed. mmmm, gelato...
60.) When was the last time you cried? anywhere between Monday and Thursday. I don't care to remember when exactly.
1) How long have you known this person? a while...
2) Where does this person live? a few km away from here
3) Is this person older than 15? er... yes.
4) Why is this person in spot 1? cause he's Dane<33
5) Does he/she have any siblings? yes
6) Do you have any classes with this person? no D'=

1) What is this person's nick name to you? I don't really have nicknames
2) Have you done anything illegal with this person? hmm... don't think so
3) What is this person's stereotype? Boy-obsessed asian freakshow <3
4) What song(s) remind you of this person? um... Trogdor?
5) Do you trust him/her? no, she frightens me o_o
6) How did you meet? French class, I think

1) What noise reminds you of this person? piano
2) Does he/she have any siblings? yes
3) What school does this person go to? same as me
4) Is this person athletic? no
5) What do you like most about this person? she is Laura
6) Has this person walked to your house? yes

[PERSON FOUR] feeney
1) Who is this person's boyfriend/girlfriend? the Sexbox, and me
2) How long have you known this person? either 4 or 1.5 years, pick one
3) Wheres the last time you saw this person? yesterday..
4) Does this person have a crush on anyone? he CLAIMS not to, but...
5) If you were to go to Six flags would you take this person? no, he'd spend the whole day bitching about everything
6) How did you meet? I do not remember.
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Herbal Essences
4. What are you listening to right now: Ytse Jam - Dream Theater
5. Who was the last person that called: *shrug*
6. Where do you want to get married: don't know, don't care
7. How many buddies are online right now: don't know
8. What would you change about yourself: pretty much everything
9. What are essentials in your life: Air, water, food, ssssssssscience, feengrowth, and video games
12. Do you send out holiday cards each year: mmmno

1. Hair: a big ol puffball of HATE and RAGE
2. make-up: none
3. music: still Ytse Jam. It's been, what, a minute?
4. mood: still kinda icky... bed soon =\

L- A - S - T:
01. Last Cigarette: never
02. Last kiss: sometime yesterday, I guess
03. Last Cry: see wherever I answered that above
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: lord, I don't even remember
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: see wherever I answered that above
06. Last Book Read: the Western residence book-thingy
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: "fffffffffffffffffffuck."
08. Last Beverage Drank: water
09. Last Food Consumed: gelato, of the chocolate variety. mmmmm yummy
10. Last time drunk: I've never been drunk, what are you talking about? << >> << >>
11. Last TV Show Watched: Simpsons (now)
12. Last Time Showered: this morning, when I discovered I was sick ><
13. Last Shoes Worn: shoooooooooes
14. Last CD played: Sonata Arctica - Reckoning Night
15. Last Soda Drank: don't remember =\
16. Last Thing Written: don't know
17. Last Words Spoken: "YES mom."
18. Last Annoyance: =\
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: =\
20. Last Web Site Visited: MDC
21. Last Movie you watched: *shrug*
22. Last movie you bought: *shrug*
23. Last song you listened to: ...Ytse Jam.
24. Last bought CD: don't know
25. Last person that called you: =\
26. Last person you were thinking of: feengrowth
27. Last friend you made: hmmm....

B - O - D - Y:
01. Piercings: ears
02. Tattoos: none
03. Height: 5'5"
04. Shoe size: 9-11
05. Hair color: brown
06. Tan or white: that's RACIST.

T - R - U - E * O - R * F - A - L - S - E :
01. You have a crush on someone: fffffffffffffalse.
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: trueish
03. You thought about suicide: ffffffffalse
04. You believe in online dating: false
05. You want more Piercings: false
06. You drink: false
07. You do drugs: false
08. You smoke: false
09. You like cleaning: false
10. You like roller costers: true!!
11. You write in cursive: sometimes

F - O - R * O - R * A - G - A - I - N - S - T:
01. Long distance relationships?: if it works for you
02. Teenage smoking: against
03. Doing drugs: against
04. Driving drunk: against
05. Soap operas: apathetic
06. Someone uses someone for his or her goodies: ...goodies? goodies??? I can't.. I can't even.... GEH.
07. Gay rights: for
08. Current War: against

H - A - V - E * Y - O - U :
01. Ever cried over a female/male: yes
02. Ever lied to someone: yes
03. Ever been in a fistfight: yes
04. Ever been arrested: no

W - H - A - T :
01. Shoes do you wear: oh, ffs.
02. What are you scared of: =\
03. Whats your favorite flower: trilliums

N - U - M - B - E - R :
01. Of times you have been deeply in love: Lambsauce does not love.
02. Of times you have had your heart broken? once
03. Of hearts you have broken: none
04. Of drugs taken? none
05. Of people you consider your enemies? none
06. Of scars on your body? a few
07. Of things in your past that you regret? a few


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