LJ-hate interrupt // survey times

Sep 22, 2007 22:44

1. Does anyone know your password? no. to? //
2. Last thing you ordered at McDonald's? geeze, I don't even remember. Um... fries?
3. Are you an emotional person? I'm an emokid. Nonconforming as can be.
4. Do you like your middle name? Meh.
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
6. Does the person you like know you like them? I'd be a little worried if he didn't.
7. What was the last thing you did? Transferred a pile of wet laundry from the washing machine into the dryer. Exciting!!
8. What time is it? 10:46 pm.
9. Who was the last person you ate with? Hmm.. oh, Father.
10. What song are you listening to right now? Nothing, roommate's on the phone.
11. Whats the weather like? cold.
12. Last person who called you? My aunt.
13. Last person you gave a hug? Father
14. Last song you sang? Passion's Killing Floor, I sang it yesterday.
15. Do you love anyone? I love everyone.<33
16. Lost a friendship over something? Of course.
17. Last thing you drank? Water, knowing me.
18. Last thing you ate? Chocolate cookies. D: been eating so very much...
19. Where do you wish you were? Partying, but that requires moving and going all the way over to Saugeen. blah.
20. Faked being sick to miss school? haha, yeah.
21. What time did you wake up today? 10
22. Last person you talked to in person? I don't know. I talk to a lot of people. Kind of unavoidable here.
23. Last person to make you laugh? I don't know.
24. What are you wearing right now? Shorts, various undergarments, and one of my new t-shirts.
25. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? I hate this question.
26. Who did you last message? Dunno... the boy, probably...
27. Who did you last call? I don't call people.
28. What day and date is it? Saturday, September 22, 2007
29. Did you go anywhere today? Yeah, shopping and junk.
30. What did you do there? shopped and junk.
31. How many more years until you're a legal adult? Um... like... -0.42 years.
32. Are you watching TV? no
33. Are you mature or immature? Fairly immature.
34. Are you closer to your mom or dad? Yes.
36. What school do you go to? Western FUCK YEAH. Sorry, conditioned response.
37. What's the most annoying thing people say to you? "Oh, aren't you _____'s roommate?"
38. Do you like music? sure.
39. Do you want to get married? Someday, perhaps...
40. How do you feel? Like I want more candy. Fuck.
41. What are you supposed to be doing? Prelabs for the three freaking labs I have coming up this week.
42. Would you bungee jump? No.
43. Do you like roller coasters? Oh yeah.
44. Is there anything you wish for every summer? A job.
45. Do you use chopsticks? When the food being consumed calls for their usage.
46. What's your favorite meal of the day? Mm... dinner.
47. Thinking of someone right now? Yeah.
48. Concerned about life right now? Rather.
49. Ever tripped going up the stairs? Hehe... yeah.
50. What are you looking forward to? Thanksgiving...

30 Unusual Lasts

1. To whom did you last give the finger? I don't even remember.
2. If you had 1,000 dollars what would you buy? Hm... at this point, you know, I'm not really sure. A TV and a 360.
3. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?: Water, probably.
4. Are you different now than you were 6 months ago?: ...yeah.
5. Have you kissed a girl/boy in the last three days? No. Sigh.
6. What was the last photograph you took?: Eastwood and Ju Joobs.
7. Where were you last night around 9:30?: Watching anime. Yep.
8. What do you think of guys that wear eyeliner?: =\ meh.
9. How many hours did you last sleep last night?: 6?ish?
10. Who was the last person to whom you spoke on the phone for over an hour? I haven't done that in a long, long time...
11. 50 Cent shows up at your door, what do you do? I wouldn't recognise him. Lots of other people around here would, though. Go ask them.
12. How was the last egg you ate prepared?: omelette-y.
13. Where did you last wear sunglasses? outside?
14. Ever worn your underwear backwards?: who hasn't?
15. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?: I don't know.
16. Does it bother you when people put && before every sentence and ;; after?: I've never borne witness to either, but when people put "&&" when they mean "and", THAT pisses me off excessively.
17. What animal did you last pet or hold?: Pet a husky at Petsmart last weekend.
18. What was the last law you broke?: Underage drinking, I guess.
19. What are you wearing? Meh, answered that before.
21. What was the last newspaper you read or skimmed?: The Gazette.
22. What was the last word written on your hand?: Who knows.
23. What was the last hair product you used?: gel. It's part of my regime.
24. What was the last text message you received??? "Ok."
25. What was the last medication (Rx or OTC) you took? Advil?
26. Who was the last person to make you really laugh?: I don't know. Aren, probably, he does that a lot.
27. To what song did you last sing along? Passion's Killing Floor
28. What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?: Dunno. Guitar, probably. Like half the guys on the floor play guitar.
29. What was the last superstitious thing you did? dunno.
30. What's the last good book you read? I read books...


What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?: I doubt anyone has a fear that NO ONE else has.
Is Jon Stewart great?: who?
What song are you listening to?: nothing.
Best face wash/acne fighting product?: haven't tried enough.
How loud do you sneeze?: Really loud.
Do you like your handwriting?: Yes. My printing, not so much.
Ugliest color you've ever seen?: uh.. no clue.
Does having matching socks matter to you?: I prefer it over the alternatives.
If you were in band, what would you call it?: Centripetal Turbulence.
Last time you were on a plane?: Early last month.
Have a digital camera?: yes.
How big is your TV?: I don't even remember.
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?: yeah
How many pillows do you sleep with?: one
sex.. good or bad?: How would I know something like that?
Most annoying commercial ever?: There have been far, far too many to name just one.
Lamest pick-up line ever?: "Hey baby, wanna get out of character and into bed?"
Dumbest song ever?: Again, far, far too many.
Worst way to die?: hm...
Who's the funniest comedian?: I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing.
Ever been in a car accident?: Minor.
Ever had braces?: nope, as the GIANT GAPING GAP between my front teeth can tell you.
Do you know HTML?: Used to, a little.
What's the most useless class in school?: None of my classes are useless. That's the nice thing about university, see, is that you get to choose classes that are, y'know, useful for what you need.
Best Jones Soda flavor?: Never had any of it.
Something you collect?: Dust.
Something you're allergic to?: Cats.
Someone you wish would die?: No one.
What color do you like your pens to write?: Black.
What radio station do you listen to?: I don't really listen to the radio, especially not here.
Do you eat a lot of chocolate?: Sadly.
Are babies cute?: of course.
What is on your sheets on your bed right now?: Nothing. They're being washed.
What's your favorite food that is in your house at the moment?: I don't live in a house. I live in a weenie little room.
When was the last time you drank hot chocolate?: hm, I should make some...
Do you subscribe to a magazine? If so, what?: Nope.
Is your computer slow?: Nah, it's pretty good with the whole speed thing.
Is pink ugly and too girly?: I like it.
What's your favorite shape?: Uh... never really thought about it.
Do you like your showers hot or cold?: Hot. Sometimes so hot I can't stand it and get dizzy.
Is your belly button an innie or an outie?: innie.
What was the last thing you used the microwave for?: I don't know... it's been a while. Heating up something or other, I presume.
What book are you reading?: My psych textbook? Just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns.
How much sleep do you get?: Never enough.
What time do you go to bed?: Usually around 2, 1 on good nights.
And wake up on weekends?: As late as I can.
Do you like photo albums or photo frames better?: frames.
Do you have a pool?: no.
Have you ever been on a plane?: Uh... yeah.
Do you like roller coasters?: Yes.
Is Avril punk?: no?
Do you like to drink water?: Yes.
What kind of milk (skim, regular, etc): That... that's not even a question.
Pancakes or waffles?: Mmmm, waffles.
Do you wear gloves when its not winter?: No.
What would you rather talk on- AOL or .. um... or what? Am I missing something here?
What came first - the chicken or the egg?: The egg.
Did you like this survey?: It was ok.
Body: First 9 months of 2007

1. Have you had your birthday yet? yes.
2. Are you with the same person as you were at the beginning of 2007? Very much no.
3. Are you still in the same job? In that I have (had) no job at all, yes.
4. Is your favorite color the same color? Yes.
5. Have you got the same style/colour hair? Yeah, although it's gotten shorter since January (and longer since June. Zany. AND! it's changed colour briefly somewhere in there, too! Omg!)
6. Have you bought a new car this year? Still can't drive.
7. Anything exciting happen this year? You could say that.
8. Have you been involved with the police this year? In a manner of speaking.
9. Favorite all time drinking place for 2007? Right here.
10. Is your best friend still your best friend? Do I have a best friend? I thought I did...
11. Got any tattoos or piercings this year? No, although I really want a tattoo and will get one once I research good places around here.
12. Got a haircut this year? Yeah, got about half a foot taken off. I'd been growing it out for prom.
13. Been in a hospital this year? More than once, even.
14. Lost someone you cared about this year? In a manner of speaking.
15. Been on a vacation this year? yep.
16. Been in love this year? yes.
17. Fallen out of love this year? no.
18. Been kicked out of a pub this year? no.
19. Completed any studies this year? Um... muh?
20. Read any books this year? yes.
21. Worst thing to happen this year? The Saturday Incident.
22. Best thing to happen this year? Stuff...
23. How many times have you gotten drunk? One too many.
24. Has this year been a good one so far? ...no. No, it has not.

First of all, do you dream often when you sleep? Sometimes. I go through phases.

Are your dreams usually good, or bad? Those phase too. I'll have clusters of nightmares.

Are they complicated? Not really.

When you dream of someone, do they look normal in the dream? yes.

What about your house or neighborhood, does it look warped in dreams? No.

Have you ever died in a dream? If so, how? Chris killed me.

Have you ever committed suicide in one? If so, how? Once, I think. I shot myself, or jumped off a building? I don't remember.

Have you ever had a dream when you were falling? yeah.

Did you hit the ground? yeah.

Have you ever killed someone else in a dream? If so, how? No.

Have you ever dreamt that you were the only person in the world? No.

Have you ever had a good sexual dream? heeheehee

Have you ever had a disturbing one? Disturbing sexual dream, or disturbing dream in general? In both cases, yes.

If so, what was so disturbing about it? You don't want to know. Trust me.

Have you ever dreamt that someone close to you that has died visiting you? um... no.

Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so, what about? I used to have one when I was younger. In it, I was standing in a room that looked like a giant swimming pool, except with a ceiling. As I stood there, water began to fill the room and rise around me. The water was filled with letters and numbers.

Have you ever had a lucid dream? Not fully, but I've had dreams in which I was briefly lucid.

Do you have bad dreams after watching scary movies? I don't watch scary movies, but for the few I have seen, only Saw gave me bad dreams.

Do you ever have dreams of celebrities? No.

Have you ever had a dream that seemed to come to true? Yeah. Keep in mind that I've had dreams in which all I did was homework.

Have you ever had a dream that haunted you all day? I've had dreams that still haunt me.

Have you ever had a dream that you didn't want to stop? heeheeheeheehee

Are you ever able to control what you dream about? Um, yeah. That's the nice thing about lucidity.

Do you ever find meaning in your dreams? Sometimes.

Have you ever sleep walked? What happened? Once. I don't remember what happened.

Have you ever been chased by something terrifying in a dream? Yeah.

Have you had the classic 'naked in the classroom dream'? No.

Have you ever looked in the mirror in a dream and saw something disturbing? Just myself, take that as you will.

Are you ever afraid of what you may dream of next? Yeah.

What was your last dream about? I haven't remembered my dreams lately.

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