Another non-Facebooked survey

Dec 28, 2007 22:48

Stolen from girlboyfriendpseudocheatedonmewith but I don't want her to think I'm like stalking her or something so it's going here.
(FTR: I'm really not stalking her, I'm just so incredibly bored that I facebook creep... a lot...)

1. would you date someone who smokes?
No, my lungs couldn't handle it.

2. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?

3. when was the last time you kissed someone?
Um... about... 30 minutes ago.

4. whats your biggest turn off?
Bad hygiene.

5. whats your biggest turn on?
Long hair... pretty eyes... tall boys... deep voice... the kind of personality where he's like this major asshole but then with you he's all cute and playful and cuddly and oh dear.

6. would you have sex with someone you weren't dating?
Well... I'd like to say no, but I suppose we weren't TECHNICALLY "dating" by the time we had sex for the first time... we'd just decided to make our relationship official, but we hadn't actually gone on an "official" date yet.....

7. most hurtful relationship?
Being with someone who lies... and doesn't seem to care about you at all anymore.

8. ever regret breaking up with someone?
Definitely not.

9. have you ever dated someone more than once?
Hahaha... yeah. Oh feeney.

10. do you miss any of your exes?
In that my current boyfriend is one of my exes (my only ex?), yes.

11. if you could go on one date with any celebrity, who would it be?
Megan Fox. Is that too gay? Sorry, she's just incredibly hot. Umm... I'm really not into celebrities...

12. what's your relationship status?
Is there any word for it?
Good enough.

13. what's the corniest thing someone you dated did for you?
He's fed me so many of the corny romance movie lines. LMAO. But secretly I totally love all that bullshit.

14. last time you got flowers?
About a year ago..... sigh.

15. are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now?
One's more than enough, thanks.

16. do you like cuddling?
Of course!

17. do you hold grudges?
Nah... I'm far, far nicer than people think I am.

19. hugger or kisser?
I like both... can't choose. D:

20. missing someone?
I miss my boyfriend... whom I saw all of half an hour ago.. haha.
I also miss everyone (well, almost everyone) on McKibben.

21. most important lesson you've learned from dating?
Trust your instincts. Above anything else.

23. are you happier single or in a relationship?
I liked being single enough when I was, but (¡¡cornball alert!!) now that I'm with him, I honestly can't see myself being happy single again.

24. whats the most important things in a relationship?
Trust, communication, and effort.

25. what would make you break up with questions asked?
Full-blown cheating... and if they, like, totally lied to me about everything they said they were.

26. have you ever loved someone who didn't love you back?

28. how important are looks?
They do matter. Not going to lie. They're quite far from being the omgmostimportantthingever, but they do matter.
Besides, I'm rather of the belief that when you're in love with someone, they become physically attractive to you.

29. how do you know when you are in love?
When your heart tells you you are.
It's different for every person, and different for every person a person falls in love with. That's why it's so hard to define, I think...

30. do you consider yourself shy?
Cripplingly so.

31. would you rather date someone who was SUPER-HOT or someone who is REALLY nice?
Nice, hands down. Sure, SUPER-HOT guys are super-hot, but they also tend to be totally full of themselves, huge cheaters, generally impossible...

32. have you ever been turned down or turned someone down?
Yes to the former, somewhat to the latter.

33. have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating?

34. do you currently want to date anyone?
My boyfriend...

35. thing that made you the happiest today?
Being with him.

36. would you ever date anyone your parents disapproved of?

37. do you stay friends with the people you have dated?
I've only actually dated one person... wow, my life really is sad. But we definitely were NOT friends in the time we were apart. ...well, until the end of that apart time...

39. would you fight over someone you wanted to be with?
I'd fight to keep him. I will fight. Shit, I DO fight.
Note to everyone: Lots of chicks want feeney. Yeah, I was shocked to learn that too.

40. do you kiss on the 1st date?
Hell, we had sex before ours...
But then, our relationship was born under a series of extremely strange circumstances.
I would probably kiss someone on the first date if it felt right.

41. would you date someone a lot older or younger than you?
Not at the age I am now. At this stage, I'd probably draw the line at 2 years older and one year younger.

42. does the person you currently like know you like them?
If he doesn't, something is severely wrong.

43. ever cheat on anyone?
Yes. I'm cheating on him... with my 360...

44. do you think the word 'love' is overused?
Definitely. It's sad. And probably a major reason why I didn't know my own boyfriend loved me for nearly 2 years after we got together. (weird circumstances and all.)

45. ever been called a whore?
*giggle* no comment :D

46. favorite memory with an ex?
I have no good memories from Feeney+Allison Part I.

47. if someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved
I did take him back. But then, he didn't actually cheat on me...

49. favorite ex?
Again, feeney.

50. wanna date any of your ex's?
I am.

The "if i had to" section:

1. if you had to get a tattoo, where would you want it and what would you get?
I really want a trillium with some sort of vine/tribal design, curling around my right shoulderblade.
I also want the Majesty symbol on my lower back (you know, the place where if you get a tattoo there, and you have a baby, they won't let you have an epidural? SUCK IT, ESTABLISHMENT.)
AND... I want a *teehee* secret one on my right hip, but that won't happen for another few years.

2. if you had to dye your hair which color would you choose?
Dark red, same colour as I always used to dye it.

3. if you had to get a piercing what would you get?
I kind of want to get my upper earbits pierced.

4. if you had to change your name...what new name would you choose?
No idea. I don't overly love my name, but I can't really see myself having any other.

The "if you could" section

5. if you could go bungee jumping, would you?
You'd have to push me. And pry my fingers from whatever support I'd be standing on.

6. would you move somewhere else, if you could?

7. if you were given the chance to go to paris, would you go?
If Chris were going with me. That'd be hilarious.

8. if you found 10 million dollars, and it was yours to spend, what would you spend it on?
My tuition, a Mac Pro for feeney so he'd stop bitching all the time, a house, a car, a big tv with surround sound and a biiiig huge gaming setup... then I'd take him travelling, give a million or so to charity, and save the rest.
Well ok, I'd buy a bunch of Transformers too. And get my tattoos that I want and a whole new wardrobe.

The "lets say" section

10. let's say the President called you. How would the conversation go?
I'd ask him to give me 10 million dollars and he'd hang up on me. The end.

11. lets say you had to eat a tarantula for $1,000...would you?
If it were dead... perhaps.

13. let's say you could star in any movie (made or in the works) what movie?
Uh that would be Transformers. Is that even really a question?

The "favorites" section

14. colors?
I like lots. Red, black, pink, blue, silver...

15. current song?
It's still Hoshi no Suna. <3

16. shirt you own?
That would be my TF hoodie. I will wear that to my wedding if I can get away with it.

17. electronic device?
Tough call. I'll have to go with my 360 since it's all new and shiny and I'm in love with it

18. movie?
Don't... don't even ask.

19. book?
Don't have one.

20. pair of shoes?
My pink and black Converse, probably

21. hair color?
On me or on someone else? On me, either dark red or dark brown, I guess... on someone else, brown or black, I guess?

22. eye color?
Definitely blue.

The "other stuff" section

23. what makes your bedroom unique?
My room here, I guess that'd be my silver stars painted all around the ceiling. My room back home, probably the 3 Transformers posters I have, plus my Spider-Man comforter...

26. what's your favorite season of the year?

27. What is the color of the shirt you're wearing?
Dark grey which my colourblind artist boyfriend seems to think is green.

The "random" section

28. what's the last mistake you made?
Signing up for Xbox Live before I got my 360, so I didn't get my free 30 day Gold trial... sigh.

29. is the sun shining?
No. It's 11:30 pm so I'd be worried if it was.

30. can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?
If I really try.

31. do you like text messaging?
It's a good boredom killer.

32. are you having a good/bad hair day?
My hair is pretty much always a shapeless mound of fluff.

33. what was your last purchase?
A wireless headset for a 360 that is not mine.

34. what are your plans for later?

35. who's your celebrity crush?
Megan Fox, I guess. I have a girlcrush on her. Well, I guess I more have a crush on Mikaela, cause when I was watching the special features on the DVD, I really didn't love her, she seemed kind of...vapid. But she is totally smoking.

36. is there any drama in your life?
Not currently. For once. Woooo.

37. what song do they need to stop playing on the radio?
If they play Soulja Boy I will say that because that "song" is an abomination unto the world.

38. are you content with life right now?
Actually I am currently having a minor crisis.

39. does anyone like you?
I hope so...

40. what is your current obsession?
That would be BioShock.

41. do you have a cell phone?
Yeah. Don't ask me where it is though, for I have no bloody clue where I put it.
Holy fuck, I haven't been outside in three days.
I just fucking realised that.
See, this is what BioShock does to you.

42. ever been kissed under mistletoe?

43. would you ever smile at a stranger?

44. ever done a random act of kindness?

45. last curse word you said was?
See #41.

46. are your lips chapped?
Yep. Winter + makeouts = sad lips.

47. are you currently jealous?
Not particularly.

48. do you own an ipod?

49. do you remember your dream last night?.
Vaguely. It involved my boyfriend and a Big Daddy.

50. are you mad at anyone?
Not right now...

51. what's going on this weekend?
I am going to try to actually do some homework, omg.

52. done any cleaning lately?

53. anything bothering you?

54. do you get mad easily?
Yes. At the same time I am infinitely patient. Tis weird.

55. did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?

56. do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
At school I do.

57. do you wish you were someone else?
I wish I wasn't me, but I don't wish I was anyone else in particular.

58. what jewelry are you wearing at the moment?
A ring and two necklaces, one of which is under my shirt but I was too lazy to take it off so on it remains.

59. ate any exotic food lately?

60. how many contacts do you have on MSN?
21. About half of which are blocked.
I don't like to talk to people, what can I say?

61. are you easily amused?
Yes, probably.

62. can you lick your elbow?

63. do you know this song, "we fly high, no lie, you know this"?
No, and I don't think I want to.

65. how is your summer going?
It's winter.

66. what is on your mind just this second?

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