Apr 13, 2007 21:19

OKAY THEN, BABIES. now that erudire has finished her game (WHICH I FAILED MISERABLY AT, BUT WE WILL DEFINITELY NOT GO INTO THAT - I WILL SPARE YOU THE HORRORS, BELOVED FLIST), it is time for me to start my own like i said i would a couple nights ago.


Okay, I'm going to stop typing like I'm retarded now (I KNOW, THIS NEVER HAPPENS; DON'T GET USED TO IT, GUYS), mostly because I really don't want to end up confusing anyone with my spastic bullshit. The game we're going to play, if you're interested, is actually known by a couple different names. I know Jess (erudire) recognized it as the "wolf game," but I've also seen it called "assassin" or "elimination." IF YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE ANY OF THOSE TITLES, THEN DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT~ Whether you're actually familiar with the game or not makes little difference in the long run.

I'm really not good at thoroughly explaining the rules of any game, so I'm just going to show you how Jess explained it:

Essentially, there were X number of players, and a portion of those players were "wolves" while the rest were human. The wolves chose one player to kill off every night. The wolves knew who each other were. The humans did not. Among those humans, there was a Seer, who could pick one player each night to get information on (i.e. whether s/he was a wolf or a human), and a Guardian, who could pick one player a night to save from possible death.

Everyday, the players voted on who they thought was a wolf. The unlucky target of their suspicions would be killed. If the humans managed to kill both the wolves, the humans won. If, however, the wolves matched or outnumbered the humans, the wolves won.

It was a lot of fun and pretty much the biggest mindfuck ever, because if you're a human, you can trust nobody. Still, alliances were formed, ideas and suspicions were traded, people were killed. ;) I've been toying with the idea of having that game here on my journal with you guys, my f-list. Obviously, all of you couldn't play at once; the forum usually set the cap at fifteen players, so that's what I'd do here. Fifteen players: two wolves, one guardian, one seer, eleven humans. One human killed per night. One player voted off per day. - erudire's description

There's also a really long description of it at Wikipedia, though keep in mind that we're not exactly following the way it's described there. I'm just going to stick with how Jess played it, since everything seemed to work out pretty well that way.



So how do you choose who plays what?

Randomly. :] I'll e-mail you should you have a special role to play (wolf, guardian, seer). If you don't get anything, you're a regular human.

How will the wolves communicate with each other?

As the game master (*grins*), I'd like to keep all game communication where I can see it, so I'll create a filtered post especially for the wolves.

How will the other special roles (guardian and seer) communicate with you?

E-mail, since it's the most private. I'll need your e-mails when I'm assigning the roles, in any case. However, if you're really adverse to communicating via e-mail, I can create a filtered post for you.

I play the Seer/Guardian. Can I reveal my role?

Well, you can if you want to. No guarantees that you'll be believed, however. ;) And the wolves will probably kill you off if they find out. Probably. They might keep you around for kicks.

How long will an in-game "day" and "night" last?

We're all in different time zones, so this might be a bit tricky. I'm going to say that the "day" (voting/discussion time) lasts from 12 AM to 9 PM EST. I will then make a story-form post summarizing the day, ending with the voted-off person's untimely death. :) The comments on this post will be disabled, because you humans are going to be sleeping. Then the wolves (or wolf, as the case may be) tell me who is going to get eaten next, on the filtered post. This is the "night," and you have from 9 PM to 12 AM EST to decide on who kicks the can. At that point I will make a post on who gets killed, and the comments on this post will be open for you lot to discuss and vote and whatnot.

The guardian and seer have the night to ask me what they need to ask me. Communication between the wolves is ongoing; you can comment in the filtered post at any point in time.

FAQ's courtesy of Jess, again~ I am much too lazy to write out my own :| They'd be exactly the same as hers, anyway. AND I'M NOT CHANGING THE TIME. Mostly because I don't know my own timezone. I just know that Jess is an hour ahead of me, and I'm pretty well adjusted to her timezone since Kelly is also apart of it. AND EVERYONE KNOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE KELLY.

OH, BEFORE I FORGET. Since most of you probably have no idea what this game is about, I'll provide you with the game I just got finished playing as an example:

erudire'S GAME: http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=erudire&keyword=wolf+game&filter=all

ALSO NOTE THAT THERE'S SOME RESERVED SPOTS BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW A BUNCH OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE EXPRESSED INTEREST IN THIS PARTICULAR GAME~ I have a rather large flist, so I figured I should point that out. All fifteen spaces aren't free, even though it may seem that way, so you should comment quickly so that you get a chance to play. AND IF NONE OF YOU SIGN UP, I WILL BE VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU CHILDREN >:

Have at it, kids!

1. perfectexcuses
2. erudire
3. bumped
4. bluntedge
5. sutoberii
6. fitzthemighty
7. ohfetus
9. so_the_shank
10. zasshou
11. hokage
12. xiahleyu
13. zeli17
14. shizukaneko

I'm giving people until 6 PM EST to sign up if they want to, as after that we're going to start the game (roles will be assigned and wolves will get to pick their first victim, stuff like that~). If you sign up and are not on my flist, you will be added to it by me. My reasons for that are pretty simple; if you end up being a wolf, you'll need to be apart of a wolf filter. And, plus, it just protects the identity of the other wolves.


Signing up time has ended. Game has begun, and roles are now being assigned.
Next post