Jan 11, 2007 08:45

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people.
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

How are you feeling today?
‘Nightingale’ -Saves the Day

…I think I’m a bird?

Will you get far in life?
‘3 AM’ - Matchbox Twenty

…that’s not very far at all

How do your friends see you?
’Wester’ - AFI

No! My name’s Jen! Bitches!

Will you get married?
'Strength Through Wounding' - AFI

…wow, that’s depressing.

What is your best friend's theme song?
'Existensialism on Prom Night' - Straylight Run

Actually, no. I’m pretty sure it’s not. Hmph.

What is the story of your life?
‘Take me Back’ - Story of the Year

…to what?

What was high school like?
'Destroy the Robots' - The Red Paintings

yes! Lets! (wow, this one’s strangely relevant?)

How can you get ahead in life?
'Congradulations Smack and Katy' - Reggie and the Full Effect

congradulate them eh? But first…find them!

What is the best thing about your friends?
'Champagne for my Real Friends' - Fallout Boy

They give me booze? Gosh, I love those people.

What is in store for this weekend?
'Four Words to Choke Upon' - Bullet for my Valentine

no choking for me, I’m not making it passed 3AM

To describe your grandparents?
'Mysterious Ways' - U2


How is your life going?
'Smells like Teen Spirit' - Nirvana

wow. It fits. I wanna make a deaoderant joke now.

What song will they play at your funeral?
‘Rabbits are Road Kill’ -AFI

and so is Jen, apparently.

How does the world see you?
'Martini Kiss' - Senses Fail

…I can’t think of anything to say to that.

Will you have a happy life?
‘Living Rooms’ - Down to Earth Approach

Um, as long as I stay in my living room? Does that mean I can survive 3AM and choking over the weekend if I stay in my living room?

What do your friends really think of you?
'Morning in the Moonlight' - Saves the Day

I’m, uh, bright? And slightly contradictory?

Do people secretly lust after you?
'Pretty in Punk' - Fallout Boy

maybe only if I dress in punk?

How can I make myself happy?
'Drop It' - Inkwell


What should you do with your life?
'The Night they Blew up the Moon' - Hot Rod Circuid

Oh Gosh yes.

Will you ever have children?
'Bleed Black' - AFI

I'll take that as a no?

Gosh that was fun. Totally random and fun. Much love to May because I thiefed it off her. XDDDD

So anyway. How am I doing right now? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m having a go at being a pendulum. Watch me moodswing.
Actually, I’m not really moodswinging. I think the atmosphere of our house is though (coz like, mum’s fighting with EVERYONE. Including you, whoreface). I’m trying not to get involved coz like, I like my head connected to my neck just fine thanks. It’s…kinda scary actually. Much screaming and violence. Which is why I’m hiding in my bedroom? Yes. Avoiding the problem. I win.

Anyway, what have I done over the last few days that can be considered interesting?

Oh, I had a decaf soy cappacino, coz I’m not suppsoed to drink coffee (thanks gastritis) or consume dairy (heads up to lactose intolerance, yo!). It was the most disgusting thing I have ever had. Seriously, I was physically sick. I was wretching and like, the ENTIRE CAFÉ was looking at me. I almost cried. It was foul. My mother laughed at me. Long and hard and then yelled because I…aw man, I don’t even know. I mean, I drank all of the stupid drink but she still said I had wasted the money. FYI: It was a free coffee which we got for free coz we had this stupid little sticker thing that we like *always* get. So fuck that shit.

And I went and saw Eragon with Maili. So many gay inuendos. The fun. We had a ball when Brom(?) died coz he’s like, being all noble and we’re twisting everything he says. Our favourite method was adding ‘and your/his sexy lil’ ass’ to anything he said about or to Eragon. Much fun. And then that other random dude came in, y’know the son of that *other* traitor? Yeah. Mr tall-dark-and-would-be-handsome. Him and Eragon are secretly doing it. But I mean, seirously. Eragon’s knocked out and he wakes up in Mr tall-dark-and-would-be-handsome’s fucking CAVE all clothed and washed. Ahah. Who do you think did that, eh? Yeah. Exactly.

After that I had dinner at Maili’s. Gosh, her family is so wonderfully weird. Like seriously. So much love. And dinner was good too. XP

Aside from that, I’ve been doing not much. Trying to finish my themes project (three more to go!), reading on occaision, writing and mooching around the house. I haven’t taken off my pirate hat for the last five days. Oh yes. My sister was saying how my gran was crazy coz she’s like UBER RELIGIOUS TO THE MAX and my dad just looked at her before saying, really slowly, ‘sweetie, your sister walks around wearing a pirate hat and naming everything in her bedroom. She talks to her cacti and won’t eat chicken because she thinks it’s part of their plot to take over the world. And she thinks the entire planet’s in a conspiracy to confuse her. Who’s crazy?’

So that shut her up. And me too, actually. XP
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