Buwahahaha I love being an Anthropology Major with only two semester left before me! So I'm taking Forensic Anthropology, Human Growth and Development, Cultural Anthr, and Spanish. It's a toss up between the Forensic A. and Human G&D for favorite teacher of the semester... they are both hilarious. They may even compete with Barb to ursurp her
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Comments 3
I am exceedingly jealous of your cultural anthropologiness. Is human growth and development more a psych class or a history/anthropology class? Like, are we talking the growth and development of the human race, or of individual humans? Cause the first could be cool. I am disenchanted with psychology, though.
Ah--you have a gift certificate. But do you have a Barnes and Noble? That is the ultimate question. I'm sure if you went you could find something. Or, like 50 somethings. That all desperately need to be read.
I had a weird semester (the semester before I met you, actually) in which most of my friends were psych majors and they all sat around analyzing each other, and they were all pretty messed up. They kind of messed me up for a while, too, so psych has bad connotations for me.
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