Православные капелланы в армии США почитают солдата-мученика Евгения Родионова

May 30, 2011 00:02

Текст отпуста панихиды, опубликованной в "военном разделе" сайта Северо-американской конференции канонических православных епископов, рекомендованной капелланам армии США:

May He who rose from the dead, Christ our true God, through the prayers of His most pure Mother; of our holy and God-bearing Fathers; of our patrons and intercessors among the Saints the Great-martyr Demetrius, John the Forerunner, George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonder-worker, and Michael the Archangel; Andrew the First-called, Nectarios of Aegina; Theodore the Recruit and Theodore Stratelates; Theodore the Tribune; the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste; the 20 Soldier-martyrs at Antinoe; the 200 Soldier-martyrs at Sinope; the 7 Soldier-martyrs in Phoenicia; the 70 Soldier-martyrs at Apamea; Menas of Alexandria; Titus the Soldier of the Kiev Caves; Amphilochius the Captain; Anatolius and Protoleon; Soldier-martyrs; Sabbas the General and 70 Soldier-martyrs; Barbarus the Soldier; Acacius the Centurion; Prince Dmitri Donskoy; Constantine, Equal-to-the-Apostles; Marcellus the Tribune; Meletius the General; the 1,218 Soldier-martyrs in Galatia; Faustus, Festus, Marcellus, Theodore, Meletius, Sergius, Marcellinus, Felix, Photinus, Theodoriscus, Mercurius, and Didymus, Tribunes; Didymus the Soldier at Alexandria; Zosimas the Soldier-martyr at Antioch; Procopius the Great-martyr; Alexander the Soldier-martyr in Egypt; Theodore the Righteous Admiral; Marinus the Soldier-martyr at Caesarea in Palestine; Andrew Stratelates and the 2,593 Soldier-martyrs in Cilicia; the 37 Soldier-martyrs in Thrace; Juventius and Maximus, Soldier-martyrs at Antioch; the Hieromartyr Juvenaly; Menas of Egypt; Gurias, the Soldier; Michael the Soldier of Bulgaria; the 133 Soldier-martyrs in Georgia; the 150 Soldier-martyrs at Isauria; Porphyrius the General; the 200 Soldiers martyred with St. Catherine; John the Warrior; Nestor of Thessalonika; the Great-martyr Barbara; the Martyr Sebastian; of Longinus and Cornelius, Centurions; Eustratius, Mercurius, Prince Alexander Nevsky; the Passion-bearers Boris and Gleb; Moses the Hungarian; Martin of Tours; Innocent of Irkutsk; John of Kronstadt; Gorazhd, Hieromartyr of Prague; the New Martyr Bazyli the Chaplain; and the New Marytr Evgenii the Soldier; establish the souls of our Orthodox warriors and veterans of wars who have been taken from us, in the mansions of the righteous; grant them rest in Abraham’s bosom, and number them among the just; and have mercy on us, forasmuch as He is good and loveth mankind.

Сам по себе текст отпуста серьезный. И новомученик Евгений Воин.

Церковь и государство, агиология: почитание святых, Церковь в других странах, агиология: новомученики

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