Title: RMS Titanic & Others
Genre: PG
Pairing(s): USUK
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Some fanart of Titanic sequence, Revolution, etc + free request!
USUK x Titanic - that seeing Jack America at the top of the stairs short incomplete sequence. I really want to do the at the bow of the ship sequence too (but that one is longer and ...every time I think of it, all I can think of is England protesting an awful lot and possibly getting into a fight with America when America tries to get him to climb up =A=''' Why? Whyyyy??? Oh UKUS you are so unromantic dorky....) Um also sort of inaccurate because I couldn't quite bring myself to draw so much opulent detail as that dining room was lol
Random shoujo-esque style where I tried to draw that cute & clean style but mine just looks creeper and messy.... that style where everyone looks cute & uke, I fail at it. ;_;
Um older art - UK leaving America post Revolution. Because I haven't drawn a Revolution picture yet and it seems obligatory to all UKUS fans lolol
And I haven't done art requests in awhile so some for-fun Hetalia art requests if anyone wants it! Though I'd usually do it at my own LJ but I don't think I have many Hetalia fans there? Want to be friends, guys? :D :D Anyway! I don't guarantee quality but I want to draw more Hetalia!!
More example of work here! Request up to three characters, anyone, any pairing, but no OCs. Just give me a prompt/scene/etc and please keep it worksafe! :D Um and if you would like to request a style, that is okay too since it's fun to do different ones (you can just link to the reference)!
Three slots for now (since I don't think anyone would want it)... possibly more later! :)
REQUESTS CLOSED! Thanks guys!!