If you're worried you should definitely go see a doctor, it may be just stress like you said, but at least then you'll know and you'll probably worry less about it.
Stupid insurance, over here everyone pays x% tax and everyone gets it. I still think it should be like that everywhere.
Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, in the meantime you could maybe look into some natural herbs?
I'm heavily leaning toward it. That peace of mind would do me more good than anything, I think.
I wish our medical system was like that--but so many people are afraid of being taxed, and also afraid that "if the medical system wasn't private, then the care would be horrible". I don't think so, honestly. I'd love government healthcare--because it means that I could get healthcare, and not fret on if I could afford it or not. I really think our country should look at health systems like the one in your country and take that kind of system into heavy consideration. I think we'd be more than better for it.
I've been looking into some natural remedies--is there anything you would recommend for stress?
Well, from personal experience I can only say that calamus always helped me. When I'm stressed it always affects my stomach and I start eating less and less and continue to loose weight. When I was little my parents slipped a few drops of calamus in my orange juice, and after only a week or so my appetite was back with a vengeance. Now whenever my appetite is gone I mix a few drops in my drinks to get my stomach going again. I looked it up for you on the net just now and it says calamus is especially good for stomach and bowel complaints that originate from the vegetative nervous system or can be explained psychologically.
I suggest googling a bit to find more herbs, I know there are lots out there! Or you could just go to a local 'health shop' (is that what they call it over there?) and ask the person there if he can suggest you something.
What is your work as of now? I hope you feel better since I'm with you on the insurance thing and health issue. My job situation has given me so many stress issues as well as restarted my depression. Hang in there and get well soon.
I'm somewhat of a 'Clerical Jack-of-all-trades' at my job. I've done everything from email to account maintenance to work supervision. My job is temporary, though--and though they interviewed me for full time, I didn't get it (and this is weighing on me a good bit.)
I'm afraid that my stress is also partly due to something at first I believed was depression, but I'm leaning now more toward the belief that it may be something more akin to Bi-Polar disorder.
If I can get to a doctor, and find out if that's the correct diagnosis, then it will explain why no matter what I try I can't get out of these crazy slumps I get into (and also why I can't shake my stress, ill-feelings, rampant paranoia and random sickness. Also, it will pinpoint why even the smallest things like internet competitions stress me out to no end, when they're meant for fun and I have fun competing in them.)
You keep your head up as well--and feel better, ok?
The interview rejections really get me as well. I haven't heard much from any side-job things as well and the stress is causing me to have wierd sleeping hours.
What you said sounds very familiar to me, especially lately. Use this time being single to work on getting your situation in order and work on some self-improvment. I am working on that now since I want to get some gainful employment before I really do much else in my life.
Try to cheer up and smile since you are really cute that way as well as have your friends cheer you up. I'll just try to stay dry here.
Are you just feeling run-down and tired or are you physically ill? If it's the former, I think the best idea is just an extended break - no more scrambling to finish costumes or crank out fics, just take a couple weeks to decompress. Play some one-player games, go to bed early, exercise a little, catch up on your TV, go out on the town.
If it's the latter, do the same and replace the physically active parts with naps, orange juice, and hugs.
Comments 8
Stupid insurance, over here everyone pays x% tax and everyone gets it. I still think it should be like that everywhere.
Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, in the meantime you could maybe look into some natural herbs?
I wish our medical system was like that--but so many people are afraid of being taxed, and also afraid that "if the medical system wasn't private, then the care would be horrible". I don't think so, honestly. I'd love government healthcare--because it means that I could get healthcare, and not fret on if I could afford it or not. I really think our country should look at health systems like the one in your country and take that kind of system into heavy consideration. I think we'd be more than better for it.
I've been looking into some natural remedies--is there anything you would recommend for stress?
I suggest googling a bit to find more herbs, I know there are lots out there! Or you could just go to a local 'health shop' (is that what they call it over there?) and ask the person there if he can suggest you something.
I'm afraid that my stress is also partly due to something at first I believed was depression, but I'm leaning now more toward the belief that it may be something more akin to Bi-Polar disorder.
If I can get to a doctor, and find out if that's the correct diagnosis, then it will explain why no matter what I try I can't get out of these crazy slumps I get into (and also why I can't shake my stress, ill-feelings, rampant paranoia and random sickness. Also, it will pinpoint why even the smallest things like internet competitions stress me out to no end, when they're meant for fun and I have fun competing in them.)
You keep your head up as well--and feel better, ok?
What you said sounds very familiar to me, especially lately. Use this time being single to work on getting your situation in order and work on some self-improvment. I am working on that now since I want to get some gainful employment before I really do much else in my life.
Try to cheer up and smile since you are really cute that way as well as have your friends cheer you up. I'll just try to stay dry here.
Hm, stress. What are you doing now to relieve yourself from stress? I usually distract myself... or go walking or something.
If it's the latter, do the same and replace the physically active parts with naps, orange juice, and hugs.
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