I hope this prof. doesn't lose his job over this:
BYU Newsnet story Professor claims scientific evidence of homosexuality
By Brittney McLaws NewsNet Staff Writer - 26 Mar 2004
In a lecture Thursday, March 25, 2004, William Bradshaw, a professor
of micro and molecular biology, discussed evidence that homosexuality
is a result of biological orientation.
"Biology absolutely has a role in causing homosexuality," Bradshaw
To prove his statements, Bradshaw offered various scientific data
ranging from clinical evidence, brain anatomy, birth order and
genetic studies.
Bradshaw presented results of these studies that link biological and
environmental conditions to homosexuality.
According to a study on handedness in the Psychological Bulletin,
homosexuals are more likely to be left-handed than heterosexuals.
"There is a clear correlation between homosexuality and non-right-
handedness," Bradshaw said.
The statistics show that homosexual individuals have a 39 percent
greater probability of being left-handed than right-handed.
Other studies show homosexual men go through puberty significantly
earlier than heterosexual men, homosexuality in men is linked with
having at least two or three older brothers and lastly, finger length
in homosexual women is increasingly masculineized.
After stating the causal effect of biology and homosexuality,
Bradshaw spoke candidly about his personal convictions concerning
his "Latter-day Saint brothers and sisters" who struggle with
"My gay brothers and sisters would say at this point in the
lecture, 'Brother Bradshaw, we could have told you that before you
did all of those experiments because our life experiences show us
this relationship. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle we chose,'"
Bradshaw said.
He expressed his deep concern about the harmful opinions and actions
of the LDS community.
"In our LDS community there is not much discourse on this issue,"
Bradshaw said. When there is, it is "not usually civil and it's not
always informed."
Bradshaw said the LDS community must reach out and include those who
suffer with homosexuality because no encouraging evidence suggests
the possibility of behavioral and biological changes.
The traditional means to overcome homosexuality include therapy,
psychoanalysis, hypnosis, group therapy and religious group therapy.
Bradshaw said many of those people who have experienced success with
these methods for a period eventually revert to homosexual
tendencies. He said it is virtually impossible for these people to
change their orientation, despite their righteous lifestyle.
Bradshaw referred to an article in the "Ensign" that says the
atonement is a sufficient means to resolve the problems of this
Bradshaw said though he is absolutely committed to the atonement of
Jesus Christ, he feels this attitude is detrimental to those who will
suffer with homosexuality for the remainder of their lives.
Bradshaw said there are 132,200 gay members of the LDS church, or six
members in every ward. Consequently, homosexuality affects 500,000
Latter-day Saints who have gay family members.
Bradshaw said he hopes the LDS community will change its attitudes
towards homosexuality and spend some time worrying about those
130,000 members of the church.
Bradshaw's lecture and statements left an impression on many
"He made a lot of good points," said Tim Fife, a neuroscience major
from Merced, Calif. "I definitely think the LDS community needs to
look at this more closely instead of rejecting homosexuals. But we
need to give heed to the counsel of the prophets and hopefully we can
receive some understanding."