Well, for those who saw it, what did you think? I have several thoughts on the topic, but all in all I was very entertained by the movie. One thing I think is that it was very "pulpy." Which I don't really think is a bad thing, and I believe it is what they were going for, but it's certainly closer to the Last Crusade as opposed to Raiders in terms of pacing and mood.
It needed to be about 30-40 minutes longer too. Not for plot purposes, but for Character growth. John Hurt and the Australian guy were a couple of nobodies that they discussed through a few lines of dialog, but that was it. I would have liked to seen more of that. Marion just smiled a lot, and though we got a quick rundown of her life post Raiders, we don't really know what she went through.
The ending was a lot like the end of Raiders. It's just kind of big and elaborate, and I didn't get much out of it. Indy just stood around and watched (I know he didn't watch anything at the end of raiders).
Soundtrack was a bit of a snooze, but I also thought the theater I was in was very quiet, and needed to be much louder. Maybe when I see it again, I will get a better sound system, and be more pleased with it.
However, I liked a lot of the banter and the action was good and fun. All in all, I think "pulpy" wraps it up pretty well.
I think it was a good revisiting of the saga, and I went in with what I would consider reasonable expectations, and I suppose I feel that it hit the mark with the 78% I saw on rottentomatoes.com (which is up to an 80% today). It was pretty good, but not amazing, but it was worth seeing, and I will see it again. I think it was pretty much exactly what they wanted to produce, but after waiting almost 20 years for this to come around, the expectations could never be met. I went in not thinking it would be the end all be all, but expected it to be on the same playing field. I think it came very close, but needed some more development for the continuous action to pay off.
Your thoughts?