funniest day in a while. here's the highlights:
1) Erica and i playing the married couple in English this morning.
"Close that damn window."
"No. you got your way yesterday."
"i'm sticky."
"I'm hot."
-- ten minutes later, my papers blow off my desk and i turn around --
"Don't even fucking think about it."
2) Man's note signed <3 Man, Mannie, Marn
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Comments 8
Fab Five sleepover on Saturday night! Be there or be exempt from the Fab Five! LoL
-"she says tomahto and I say WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"~Dad, about Mom.
-my dad drove into our mailbox and the cover came off.
-i got a parking ticket for $15 at school. I wasnt laughing then, but now its kinda funny.
-saw the words "nice work if you can get it" on a ditto today, thought of tracy and laughed.
- lauren kenny and her stepometer records.
- the BOCES bus ride with chris, our insannnnnnnnne bus driver.
- elliot at BOCES - "oh no! we didn't use sheet protectors!"
funny things, let me think:
- doing crazy "witnessing" in forensics
-def marns note
- ahhh...most of my funny storys i was with you lol, so you know them lol
fab five rocks!
fab five rocks like jimmi hendrix! ( only with out the drug overdose):)
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