Icon meme - tagged by rockchick_101

Apr 01, 2008 02:22

01. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
02. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
03. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
04. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

by utrose_graphics - this one I made for my first time participating at celeb20in20, my celeb was Amy Lee, and this was one of five icons I made from the My Immortal video. I pretty much just love the way it came out, the cropping, light textures and the text itself was fitting for the picture. Plus, you know, black and white icons are gorgeous.

by utrose_graphics - this was made for the ev_indulgence 'make it better' challenge, a more updated version of an animated icon I made waaaaay back that I actually kind of hated. I'm using it because I love the text (which is actually lyrics from the only Paris Hilton song I actually like), the effects, and the boldness of the icon.

by utrose_graphics - Jared Leto! Probably one of my favourite actor/musicians ever, I actually made this icon a WHILE ago, and I only just dug it out again recently. Lately I'm a sucker for black/white/one other colour icons, and this is one of my favourite icons of him currently. (He's so pretty... :D Heh.)

by sunflower_pixie - HAHA. This is an inside joke for the Harry Potter sorting community I belong to, hogwartsishome. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, and this was a caption the icon maker came up with for our 'house motto'; I also use it when there's drama/wank happening anywhere else on el-jay, because it makes me laugh.

by chaosity - spazzy!Amy! The reason I'm using this icon is because I don't have ANY other icons that show extreme happiness/flailing/spazzing for when something makes me really happy, plus... it's just a really adorable icon. Although that black line at the bottom bugs the hell out of me. I either want it to be a complete border on the icon all the time, or not there at all. :/



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